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villa rubein and other stories-第12章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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Someone was playing Schumann's Kinderscenen。  Harz stood still to

listen。  The notes came twining; weaving round his thoughts; the

whole night seemed full of girlish voices; of hopes and fancies;

soaring away to mountain heightsinvisible; yet present。  Between

the stems of the acacia…trees he could see the flicker of white

dresses; where Christian and Greta were walking arm in arm。  He went

towards them; the blood flushed up in his face; he felt almost

surfeited by some sweet emotion。  Then; in sudden horror; he stood

still。  He was in love!  With nothing done with everything before

him!  He was going to bow down to a face!  The flicker of the dresses

was no longer visible。  He would not be fettered; he would stamp it

out!  He turned away; but with each step; something seemed to jab at

his heart。

Round the corner of the house; in the shadow of the wall; Dominique;

the Luganese; in embroidered slippers; was smoking a long cherry…wood

pipe; leaning against a treeMephistopheles in evening clothes。

Harz went up to him。

〃Lend me a pencil; Dominique。〃

〃Bien; M'sieu。〃

Resting a card against the tree Harz wrote to Mrs。 Decie: 〃Forgive

me; I am obliged to go away。  In a few days I shall hope to return;

and finish the picture of your nieces。〃

He sent Dominique for his hat。  During the man's absence he was on

the point of tearing up the card and going back into the house。

When the Luganese returned he thrust the card into his hand; and

walked out between the tall poplars; waiting; like ragged ghosts;

silver with moonlight。


Harz walked away along the road。  A dog was howling。  The sound

seemed too appropriate。  He put his fingers to his ears; but the

lugubrious noise passed those barriers; and made its way into his

heart。  Was there nothing that would put an end to this emotion?  It

was no better in the old house on the wall; he spent the night

tramping up and down。

Just before daybreak he slipped out with a knapsack; taking the road

towards Meran。

He had not quite passed through Gries when he overtook a man walking

in the middle of the road and leaving a trail of cigar smoke behind


〃Ah! my friend;〃 the smoker said; 〃you walk early; are you going my


It was Count Sarelli。  The raw light had imparted a grey tinge to his

pale face; the growth of his beard showed black already beneath the

skin; his thumbs were hooked in the pockets of a closely buttoned

coat; he gesticulated with his fingers。

〃You are making a journey?〃 he said; nodding at the knapsack。  〃You

are earlyI am late; our friend has admirable kummelI have drunk

too much。  You have not been to bed; I think?  If there is no sleep

in one's bed it is no good going to look for it。  You find that?  It

is better to drink kummel。。。!  Pardon!  You are doing the right

thing: get away!  Get away as fast as possible!  Don't wait; and let

it catch you!〃

Harz stared at him amazed。

〃Pardon!〃 Sarelli said again; raising his hat; 〃that girlthe white

girlI saw。  You do well to get away!〃 he swayed a little as he

walked。  〃That old fellowwhat is his name…Trrreffr…ry!  What ideas

of honour!〃  He mumbled: 〃Honour is an abstraction!  If a man is not

true to an abstraction; he is a low type; but wait a minute!〃

He put his hand to his side as though in pain。

The hedges were brightening with a faint pinky glow; there was no

sound on the long; deserted road; but that of their footsteps;

suddenly a bird commenced to chirp; another answeredthe world

seemed full of these little voices。

Sarelli stopped。

〃That white girl;〃 he said; speaking with rapidity。  〃Yes! You do

well! get away!  Don't let it catch you!  I waited; it caught me

what happened?  Everything horribleand nowkummel!〃  Laughing a

thick laugh; he gave a twirl to his moustache; and swaggered on。

〃I was a fine fellownothing too big for Mario Sarelli; the regiment

looked to me。  Then she camewith her eyes and her white dress;

always white; like this one; the little mole on her chin; her hands

for ever movingtheir touch as warm as sunbeams。  Then; no longer

Sarelli this; and that!  The little house close to the ramparts!  Two

arms; two eyes; and nothing here;〃 he tapped his breast; 〃but flames

that made ashes quicklyin her; like this ash!〃 he flicked the

white flake off his cigar。  〃It's droll!  You agree; hein?  Some day

I shall go back and kill her。  In the meantimekummel!〃

He stopped at a house close to the road; and stood still; his teeth

bared in a grin。

〃But I bore you;〃 he said。  His cigar; flung down; sputtered forth

its sparks on the road in front of Harz。  〃I live heregood…morning!

You are a man for workyour honour is your Art!  I know; and you are

young!  The man who loves flesh better than his honour is a low type…

…I am a low type。  I! Mario Sarelli; a low type! I love flesh better

than my honour!〃

He remained swaying at the gate with the grin fixed on his face; then

staggered up the steps; and banged the door。  But before Harz had

walked on; he again appeared; beckoning; in the doorway。  Obeying an

impulse; Harz went in。

〃We will make a night of it;〃 said SareIIi; 〃wine; brandy; kummel?  I

am virtuouskummel it must be for me!〃

He sat down at a piano; and began to touch the keys。  Harz poured out

some wine。  Sarelli nodded。

〃You begin with that?  Allegropiupresto!

Winebrandykummel!〃 he quickened the time of the tune: 〃it is not

too long a passage; and this〃he took his hands off the keys〃comes


Harz smiled。

〃Some men do not kill themselves;〃 he said。

Sarelli; who was bending and swaying to the music of a tarantella;

broke off; and letting his eyes rest on the painter; began playing

Schumann's Kinderscenen。  Harz leaped to his feet。

〃Stop that!〃 he cried。

〃It pricks you?〃 said Sarelli suavely; 〃what do you think of this?〃

he played again; crouching over the piano; and making the notes sound

like the crying of a wounded animal。

〃For me!〃 he said; swinging round; and rising。

〃Your health!  And so you don't believe in suicide; but in murder?

The custom is the other way; but you don't believe in customs?

Customs are only for Society?〃  He drank a glass of kummel。  〃You do

not love Society?〃

Harz looked at him intently; he did not want to quarrel。

〃I am not too fond of other people's thoughts;〃 he said at last; 〃I

prefer to think my own。

〃And is Society never right?  That poor Society!〃

〃Society!  What is Societya few men in good coats?  What has it

done for me?〃

Sarelli bit the end off a cigar。

〃Ah!〃 he said; 〃now we are coming to it。  It is good to be an artist;

a fine bantam of an artist; where other men have their dis…ci…pline;

he has his; what shall we sayhis mound of roses?〃

The painter started to his feet。

〃Yes;〃 said Sarelli; with a hiccough; 〃you are a fine fellow!〃

〃And you are drunk!〃 cried Harz。

〃A little drunknot much; not enough to matter!〃

Harz broke into laughter。  It was crazy to stay there listening to

this mad fellow。  What had brought him in?  He moved towards the


〃Ah!〃 said Sarelli; 〃but it is no good going to bedlet us talk。  I

have a lot to sayit is pleasant to talk to anarchists at times。〃

Full daylight was already coming through the chinks of the shutters。

〃You are all anarchists; you painters; you writing fellows。  You live

by playing ball with facts。  Imagesnothing solid… hein?  You're all

for new things too; to tickle your nerves。  No discipline!  True

anarchists; every one of you!〃

Harz poured out another glass of wine and drank it off。  The man's

feverish excitement was catching。

〃Only fools;〃 he replied; 〃take things for granted。  As for

discipline; what do you aristocrats; or bourgeois know of discipline?

Have you ever been hungry?  Have you ever had your soul down on its

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