beautiful stories from shakespeare-第30章
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〃I'd sooner buy a son…in…law at a fair than take Bertram now;〃 said Lafeu。
〃Admit the petitioner;〃 said the King。
Bertram found himself confronted by Diana and her mother。 He denied that Diana had any claim on him; and spoke of her as though her life was spent in the gutter。 But she asked him what sort of gentlewoman it was to whom he gave; as to her he gave; the ring of his ancestors now missing from his finger?
Bertram was ready to sink into the earth; but fate had one crowning generosity reserved for him。 Helena entered。
〃Do I see reality?〃 asked the King。
〃O pardon! pardon!〃 cried Bertram。
She held up his ancestral ring。 〃Now that I have this;〃 said she; 〃will you love me; Bertram?〃
〃To the end of my life;〃 cried he。
〃My eyes smell onions;〃 said Lafeu。 Tears for Helena were twinkling in them。
The King praised Diana when he was fully informed by that not very shy young lady of the meaning of her conduct。 For Helena's sake she had wished to expose Bertram's meanness; not only to the King; but to himself。 His pride was now in shreds; and it is believed that he made a husband of some sort after all。
a;e;i;o;u as in hat; bet; it; hot; hut; â;;ê;;î;;ô;;û; as in ate; mote; mite; mote; mute; å; as in America; freeman; coward; ë; as in her; fern; ü; as in burn; furl。 '
Adriana (ad…ri…â;'…nå;) AEgeon (ê;'…ge…on) AEmilia (ê;…mil'…i…å;) Alcibiades (al…si…bî;'…å;…dê;z) Aliena (â;…li…ê;'…nå;) Angelo (an'…je…lô;) Antioch (an'…ti…ok) Antiochus (an…tî;'…o…kus) Antipholus (an…tif'…o…lus) Antonio (an…tô;'…ni…ô;) Apemantus (ap…e…man'…tus) Apollo (å;…pol'…ô;) Ariel (â;'ri…el) Arragon (ar'…å;…gon)
Banquo (ban'…kwô;) Baptista (bap…tis'…tå;) Bassanio (bas…sa'…ni…ô;) Beatrice (bê;'å;…tris) Bellario (bel…lâ;'…ri…ô;) Bellarius (bel…lâ;'…ri…us) Benedick (ben'…e…dik) Benvolio (ben…vô;'…li…ô;) Bertram (bë;r'…tram) Bianca (bê;…an'…kå;) Borachio (bô;…rach'…i…ô;) Brabantio (brå;…ban'chô;) Burgundy (bü;r'…gun…di)
Caliban (kal'…i…ban) Camillo (kå;…mil'…ô;) Capulet (kap'…û;…let) Cassio (kas'…i…ô;) Celia (sê;'…li…å;) Centaur (sen'…tawr) Cerimon (sê;'…ri…mon) Cesario (se…sâ;'…ri…ô;) Claudio (klaw'…di…ô;) Claudius (klaw'…di…us) Cordelia (kawr…dê;'…li…å;) Cornwall (kawrn'…wawl) Cymbeline (sim'…be…lê;n)
Demetrius (de…mê;'…tri…us) Desdemona (des…de…mô;…nå;) Diana (dî;…an'…å;) Dionyza (dî;…ô;…nî;'…zå;) Donalbain (don'…al…ban) Doricles (dor'…i…klê;z) Dromio (drô;'…mi…ô;) Duncan (dung'…kå;n)
Emilia (ê;…mil'…i…å;) Ephesus (ef'e…sus) Escalus (es'…kå;…lus)
Ferdinand (fë;r'…di…nand) Flaminius (flå;…min'…i…us) Flavius (flâ;'…vi…us) Fleance (flê;'…ans) Florizel (flor'…i…zel)
Ganymede (gan'…i…mê;d) Giulio (jû;'…li…ô;) Goneril (gon'…e…ril) Gonzalo (gon…zah'…lô;)
Helena (hel'…e…nå;) Helicanus (hel…i…kâ;'nus) Hercules (hë;r'kû;…lê;z) Hermia (hë;r'mi…å;) Hermione (hë;r…mî;'…o…nê;) Horatio (hô;…râ;'…shi…ô;) Hortensio (hor…ten'…si…ô;)
Iachimo (yak'…i…mô;) Iago (ê;…ah…gô;) Illyria ((il…lir'…i…å;) Imogen (im'…o…jen)
Jessica (jes'…i…kå;) Juliet (ju'li…et)
Laertes (lâ;…ë;r'…tê;z) Lafeu (lah…fu') Lear (lê;r) Leodovico (lê;…ô;…dô;'…vi…kô;) Leonato (lê;…ô;…nâ;'…tô;) Leontes (lê;…on…tê;z) Luciana (lû;…shi…â;'nå;) Lucio (lû;'…shi…ô;) Lucius (lû;'…shi…us) Lucullus (lû;…kul'…us) Lysander (lî;…san'…dë;r) Lysimachus (lî;…sim'…å;…kus)
Macbeth (mak…beth') Magdalen (mag'…då;…len) Malcolm (mal'…kum) Malvolio (mal…vô;'li…ô;) Mantua (man…'tû;…å;) Mariana (mah…ri…â;'…na) Menaphon (men'…å;…fon) Mercutio (mer…kû;'…shi…ô;) Messina (mes…sê;'…nah) Milan (mil'…å;n) Miranda (mî;…ran'…då;) Mitylene (mit…ê;…lê;'…nê;) Montagu (mon'…tå;…gû;) Montano (mon…tah'…nô;)
Oberon (ob'…ë;r…on) Olivia (ô;…liv'…i…å;) Ophelia (ô;…fê;l'…i…å; or o…fê;l'…yå;) Orlando (awr…lan'…dô;) Orsino (awr…sê;'…nô;) Othello (ô;…thel'…ô;)
Parolles (pa…rol'…ê;z) Paulina (paw…lî;'…nå;) Pentapolis (pen…tap'…o…lis) Perdita (pë;r'…di…tå;) Pericles (per'…i…klê;z) Petruchio (pe…trû;'…chi…ô;) Phoenix (fê;'…niks) Pisanio (pê;…sah'…ni…ô;) Polixines (pô;…liks'…e…nê;z) Polonius (pô;…lô;'…ni…us) Portia (pô;r'…shi…å;) Proteus (prô;'…te…us or prô;'…tû;s)
Regan (rê;'…gå;n) Roderigo (rô;…der'…i…gô;) Romano (rô;…mah'…nô;) Romeo (rô;'…me…ô;) Rosalind (roz'…å;…lind) Rosaline (roz'…å;…lin) Rousillon (ru…sê;…lyawng')
Sebastian (se…bas'…ti…å;n) Sempronius (sem…prô;'…ni…us) Simonides (si…mon'…i…dê;z) Solinus (sô;…lî;'…nus) Sycorax (sî;'…ko…raks) Syracuse (sir…å;…kus)
Thaisa (tha…is'…å;) Thaliard (thâ;'…li…å;rd) Thurio (thû;'…ri…ô;) Timon (tî;'…mon) Titania (tî;…tan'…i…å;) Tybalt (tib'…å;lt)
Ursula (ur'…sû;…lå;)
Venetian (ve…nê;'…shå;n) Venice (ven'…is) Ventidius (ven…tid'…i…us) Verona (vâ;…rô;'…nå;) Vicentio (vê;…sen'…shi…ô;)
Action is eloquence; and the eyes of the ignorant More learned than their ears。
Coriolanus III。 2。
Sweet are the uses of adversity; Which; like the toad; ugly and venomous; Wears yet a precious jewel in his head。
As You Like It II。 1。
That; Sir; which serves and seeks for gain; And follows but for form; Will pack; when it begins to rain; And leave thee in the storm。
King Lear II。 4。
Ah! when the means are gone; that buy this praise; The breath is gone whereof this praise is made: Feast wonfast lost; one cloud of winter showers; These flies are couched。
Timon of Athens II。 2。
Give thy thoughts no tongue; Nor any unproportioned thought his act Be thou familiar; but by no means vulgar。 The friends thou hast; and their adoption tried Grapple them to thy soul with hooks of steel; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new…hatched; unfledged comrade。 Beware Of entrance to a quarrel: but; being in; Bear it; that the opposer may beware of thee。 Give every man thine ear; but few thy voice: Take each man's censure; but reserve thy judgment; Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy; But not expressed in fancy: rich; not gaudy: For the apparel oft proclaims the man; And they in France; of the best rank and station; Are most select and generous; chief in that。 Neither a borrower; nor a lender be: For loan oft loses both itself and friend; And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry。 This above all。To thine ownself be true; And it must follow; as the night the day; Thou canst not then be false to any man。
Hamlet I。 3。
My May of life Is fallen into the sear; the yellow leaf: And that which should accompany old age; As honor; love; obedience; troops of friends; I must not look to have; but; in