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the collection of antiquities-第38章

小说: the collection of antiquities 字数: 每页4000字

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The old Marquise de Casteran could not keep back a tear that stole down over her rouge; and turned her head away to hide it。

Next day at noon; in the sunny weather; a whole excited population was dispersed in groups along the high street; which ran through the heart of the town; and nothing was talked of but the great affair。 Was the Count in prison or was he not?All at once the Comte d'Esgrignon's well…known tilbury was seen driving down the Rue Saint…Blaise; it had evidently come from the Prefecture; the Count himself was on the box seat; and by his side sat a charming young man; whom nobody recognized。 The pair were laughing and talking and in great spirits。 They wore Bengal roses in their button…holes。 Altogether; it was a theatrical surprise which words fail to describe。

At ten o'clock the court had decided to dismiss the charge; stating their very sufficient reasons for setting the Count at liberty; in a document which contained a thunderbolt for du Croisier; in the shape of an INASMUCH that gave the Count the right to institute proceedings for libel。 Old Chesnel was walking up the Grand Rue; as if by accident; telling all who cared to hear him that du Croisier had set the most shameful of snares for the d'Esgrignons' honor; and that it was entirely owing to the forbearance and magnanimity of the family that he was not prosecuted for slander。

On the evening of that famous day; after the Marquis d'Esgrignon had gone to bed; the Count; Mlle。 Armande; and the Chevalier were left with the handsome young page; now about to return to Paris。 The charming cavalier's sex could not be hidden from the Chevalier; and he alone; besides the three officials and Mme。 Camusot; knew that the Duchess had been among them。

〃The house is saved;〃 began Chesnel; 〃but after this shock it will take a hundred years to rise again。 The debts must be paid now; you must marry an heiress; M。 le Comte; there is nothing left for you to do。〃

〃And take her where you may find her;〃 said the Duchess。

〃A second mesalliance!〃 exclaimed Mlle。 Armande。

The Duchess began to laugh。

〃It is better to marry than to die;〃 she said。 As she spoke she drew from her waistcoat pocket a tiny crystal phial that came from the court apothecary。

Mlle。 Armande shrank away in horror。 Old Chesnel took the fair Maufrigneuse's hand; and kissed it without permission。

〃Are you all out of your minds here?〃 continued the Duchess。 〃Do you really expect to live in the fifteenth century when the rest of the world has reached the nineteenth? My dear children; there is no noblesse nowadays; there is no aristocracy left! Napoleon's Code Civil made an end of the parchments; exactly as cannon made an end of feudal castles。 When you have some money; you will be very much more of nobles than you are now。 Marry anybody you please; Victurnien; you will raise your wife to your rank; that is the most substantial privilege left to the French noblesse。 Did not M。 de Talleyrand marry Mme。 Grandt without compromising his position? Remember that Louis XIV。 took the Widow Scarron for his wife。〃

〃He did not marry her for her money;〃 interposed Mlle。 Armande。

〃If the Comtesse d'Esgrignon were one du Croisier's niece; for instance; would you receive her?〃 asked Chesnel。

〃Perhaps;〃 replied the Duchess; 〃but the King; beyond all doubt; would be very glad to see her。So you do not know what is going on in the world?〃 continued she; seeing the amazement in their faces。 〃Victurnien has been in Paris; he knows how things go there。 We had more influence under Napoleon。 Marry Mlle。 Duval; Victurnien; she will be just as much Marquise d'Esgrignon as I am Duchesse de Maufrigneuse。〃

〃All is losteven honor!〃 said the Chevalier; with a wave of the hand。

〃Good…bye; Victurnien;〃 said the Duchess; kissing her lover on the forehead; 〃we shall not see each other again。 Live on your lands; that is the best thing for you to do; the air of Paris is not at all good for you。〃

〃Diane!〃 the young Count cried despairingly。

〃Monsieur; you forget yourself strangely;〃 the Duchess retorted coolly; as she laid aside her role of man and mistress; and became not merely an angel again; but a duchess; and not only a duchess; but Moliere's Celimene。

The Duchesse de Maufrigneuse made a stately bow to these four personages; and drew from the Chevalier his last tear of admiration at the service of le beau sexe。

〃How like she is to the Princess Goritza!〃 he exclaimed in a low voice。

Diane had disappeared。 The crack of the postilion's whip told Victurnien that the fair romance of his first love was over。 While peril lasted; Diane could still see her lover in the young Count; but out of danger; she despised him for the weakling that he was。

Six months afterwards; Camusot received the appointment of assistant judge at Paris; and later he became an examining magistrate。 Goodman Blondet was made a councillor to the Royal…Court; he held the post just long enough to secure a retiring pension; and then went back to live in his pretty little house。 Joseph Blondet sat in his father's seat at the court till the end of his days; there was not the faintest chance of promotion for him; but he became Mlle。 Blandereau's husband; and she; no doubt; is leading to…day; in the little flower…covered brick house; as dull a life as any carp in a marble basin。 Michu and Camusot also received the Cross of the Legion of Honor; while Blondet became an Officer。 As for M。 Sauvager; deputy public prosecutor; he was sent to Corsica; to du Croisier's great relief; he had decidedly no mind to bestow his niece upon that functionary。

Du Croisier himself; urged by President du Ronceret; appealed from the finding of the Tribunal to the Court…Royal; and lost his cause。 The Liberals throughout the department held that little d'Esgrignon was guilty; while the Royalists; on the other hand; told frightful stories of plots woven by 〃that abominable du Croisier〃 to compass his revenge。 A duel was fought indeed; the hazard of arms favored du Croisier; the young Count was dangerously wounded; and his antagonist maintained his words。 This affair embittered the strife between the two parties; the Liberals brought it forward on all occasions。 Meanwhile du Croisier never could carry his election; and saw no hope of marrying his niece to the Count; especially after the duel。

A month after the decision of the Tribunal was confirmed in the Court… Royal; Chesnel died; exhausted by the dreadful strain; which had weakened and shaken him mentally and physically。 He died in the hour of victory; like some old faithful hound that has brought the boar to bay; and gets his death on the tusks。 He died as happily as might be; seeing that he left the great House all but ruined; and the heir in penury; bored to death by an idle life; and without a hope of establishing himself。 That bitter thought and his own exhaustion; no doubt; hastened the old man's end。 One great comfort came to him as he lay amid the wreck of so many hopes; sinking under the burden of so many caresthe old Marquis; at his sister's entreaty; gave him back all the old friendship。 The great lord came to the little house in the Rue du Bercail; and sat by his old servant's bedside; all unaware how much that servant had done and sacrificed for him。 Chesnel sat upright; and repeated Simeon's cry。The Marquis allowed them to bury Chesnel in the castle chapel; they laid him crosswise at the foot of the tomb which was waiting for the Marquis himself; the last; in a sense; of the d'Esgrignons。

And so died one of the last representatives of that great and beautiful thing; Service; giving to that often discredited word its original meaning; the relation between feudal lord and servitor。 That relation; only to be found in some out…of…the…way province; or among a few old servants of the King; did honor alike to a noblesse that could call forth such affection; and to a bourgeoisie that could conceive it。 Such noble and magnificent devotion is no longer possible among us。 Noble houses have no servitors left; even as France has no longer a King; nor an hereditary peerage; nor lands that are bound irrevocably to an historic house; that the glorious names of the nation may be perpetuated。 Chesnel 

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