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reaches his subjectively; leaving disorder in the world at large;

but making a smaller world in which he dwells himself and from

which he eliminates it altogether。  Thus; alongside of the church

militant with its prisons; dragonnades; and inquisition methods;

we have the church fugient; as one might call it; with its

hermitages; monasteries; and sectarian organizations; both

churches pursuing the same objectto unify the life;'208' and

simplify the spectacle presented to the soul。  A mind extremely

sensitive to inner discords will drop one external relation after

another; as interfering with the absorption of consciousness in

spiritual things。  Amusements must go first; then conventional

〃society;〃 then business; then family duties; until at last

seclusion; with a subdivision of the day into hours for stated

religious acts; is the only thing that can be borne。  The lives

of saints are a history of successive renunciations of

complication; one form of contact with the outer life being

dropped after another; to save the purity of inner tone。'209' 

〃Is it not better;〃 a young sister asks her Superior; 〃that I

should not speak at all during the hour of recreation; so as not

to run the risk; by speaking; of falling into some sin of which I

might not be conscious?〃'210'  If the life remains a social one

at all; those who take part in it must follow one identical rule。

Embosomed in this monotony; the zealot for purity feels clean and

free once more。  The minuteness of uniformity maintained in

certain sectarian communities; whether monastic or not; is

something almost inconceivable to a man of the world。  Costume;

phraseology; hours; and habits are absolutely stereotyped; and

there is no doubt that some persons are so made as to find in

this stability an incomparable kind of mental rest。

'208' On this subject I refer to the work of M。 Murisier (Les

Maladies du sentiment Religieux; Paris; 1901); who makes inner

unification the mainspring of the whole religious life。  But ALL

strongly ideal interests; religious or irreligious; unify the

mind and tend to subordinate everything to themselves。  One would

infer from M。 Murisier's pages that this formal condition was

peculiarly characteristic of religion; and that one might in

comparison almost neglect material content; in studying the

latter。  I trust that the present work will convince the reader

that religion has plenty of material content which is

characteristic and which is more important by far than any

general psychological form。  In spite of this criticism; I find

M。 Murisier's book highly instructive。

'209' Example:  〃At the first beginning of the Servitor's

'Suso's' interior life; after he had purified his soul properly

by confession; he marked out for himself; in thought; three

circles; within which he shut himself up; as in a spiritual

intrenchment。  The first circle was his cell; his chapel; and the

choir。  When he was within this circle; he seemed to himself in

complete security。  The second circle was the whole monastery as

far as the outer gate。  The third and outermost circle was the

gate itself; and here it was necessary for him to stand well upon

his guard。  When he went outside these circles; it seemed to him

that he was in the plight of some wild animal which is outside

its hole; and surrounded by the hunt; and therefore in need of

all its cunning and watchfulness。〃  The Life of the Blessed Henry

Suso; by Himself; translated by Knox; London; 1865; p。 168。

'210' Vie des premieres Religieuses Dominicaines de la

Congregation de St。 Dominique; a Nancy; Nancy; 1896; p。 129。

We have no time to multiply examples; so I will let the case of

Saint Louis of Gonzaga serve as a type of excess in purification。

I think you will agree that this youth carried the elimination of

the external and discordant to a point which we cannot

unreservedly admire。  At the age of ten; his biographer says:

〃The inspiration came to him to consecrate to the Mother of God

his own virginitythat being to her the most agreeable of

possible presents。  Without delay; then; and with all the fervor

there was in him; joyous of heart; and burning with love; he made

his vow of perpetual chastity。  Mary accepted the offering of his

innocent heart; and obtained for him from God; as a recompense;

the extraordinary grace of never feeling during his entire life

the slightest touch of temptation against the virtue of purity。 

This was an altogether exceptional favor; rarely accorded even to

Saints themselves; and all the more marvelous in that Louis dwelt

always in courts and among great folks; where danger and

opportunity are so unusually frequent。  It is true that Louis

from his earliest childhood had shown a natural repugnance for

whatever might be impure or unvirginal; and even for relations of

any sort whatever between persons of opposite sex。  But this made

it all the more surprising that he should; especially since this

vow; feel it necessary to have recourse to such a number of

expedients for protecting against even the shadow of danger the

virginity which he had thus consecrated。  One might suppose that

if any one could have contented himself with the ordinary

precautions; prescribed for all Christians; it would assuredly

have been he。  But no! In the use of preservatives and means of

defense; in flight from the most insignificant occasions; from

every possibility of peril; just as in the mortification of his

flesh; he went farther than the majority of saints。  He; who by

an extraordinary protection of God's grace was never tempted;

measured all his steps as if he were threatened on every side by

particular dangers。  Thenceforward he never raised his eyes;

either when walking in the streets; or when in society。  Not only

did he avoid all business with females even more scrupulously

than before; but he renounced all conversation and every kind of

social recreation with them; although his father tried to make

him take part; and he commenced only too early to deliver his

innocent body to austerities of every kind。〃'211'

'211' Meschler's Life of Saint Louis of Gonzaga; French

translation by Lebrequier; 1891; p。 40。

At the age of twelve; we read of this young man that 〃if by

chance his mother sent one of her maids of honor to him with a

message; he never allowed her to come in; but listened to her

through the barely opened door; and dismissed her immediately。 

He did not like to be alone with his own mother; whether at table

or in conversation; and when the rest of the company withdrew; he

sought also a pretext for retiring。 。 。 。  Several great ladies;

relatives of his; he avoided learning to know even by sight; and

he made a sort of treaty with his father; engaging promptly and

readily to accede to all his wishes; if he might only be excused

from all visits to ladies。〃 '212'

'212' Ibid。; p。 71。

When he was seventeen years old Louis joined the Jesuit

order;'213' against his father's passionate entreaties; for he

was heir of a princely house; and when a year later the father

died; he took the loss as a 〃particular attention〃 to himself on

God's part; and wrote letters of stilted good advice; as from a

spiritual superior; to his grieving mother。  He soon became so

good a monk that if any one asked him the number of his brothers

and sisters; he had to reflect and count them ove

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