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the cost-第6章

小说: the cost 字数: 每页4000字

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The old man drew a big; rusty pocketbook from the inside pocket of the old…fashioned; flowered…velvet waistcoat he wore even when he fed the pigs。  He counted out upon his knee ten one…hundred…dollar bills。  He held them toward his son。  〃That'll have to do you;〃 he said。  〃That's all you'll get。〃

〃No; thank you;〃 replied Hampden。  〃I wish no favors from anybody。〃

〃You've earned it over and above your keep;〃 retorted his father。  〃It belongs to you。〃

〃If I need it I'll send for it;〃 said Hampden; that being the easiest way quickly to end the matter。

But he did tell Pauline that he purposed to pay his own way through college。

〃My father has a notion;〃 said he; 〃that the things one works for and earns are the only things worth having。  And I think one can't begin to act on that notion too early。  If one is trying to get an education; why not an all…round education; instead of only lessons out of books?〃

From that moment Pauline ceased to regard dress or any other external feature as a factor in her estimate of Hampden Scarborough。

〃But your plan might make a man too late in getting a startsome men; at least;〃 she suggested。

〃A startfor what?〃 he asked。

〃For fame or fortune or success of any kind。〃

Scarborough's eyes; fixed on the distance; had a curious look in themhe was again exactly like that first view she had had of him。

〃But suppose one isn't after any of those things;〃 he said。  〃Suppose he thinks of life as simply an opportunity for self…development。  He starts at it when he's born; and the more of it he does the more he has to do。  Andhe can't possibly fail; and every moment is a triumphand〃  He came back from his excursion and smiled apologetically at her。

But she was evidently interested。

〃Don't you think a man ought to have ambition?〃 she asked。  She was thinking of her lover  and his audacious schemes for making himself powerful。

〃Oha man is what he is。  Ambition means so many different things。〃

〃But shouldn't you like to be rich and famous andall that?〃

〃It depends〃  Scarborough felt that if he said what was in his mind it might sound like cant。  So he changed the subject。  〃Just now my ambition is to get off that zoology condition。〃



But in the first week of her second month Pauline's interest in her surroundings vanished。  She was corresponding with Jennie Atwater and Jennie began to write of Dumonthe had returned to Saint X; Caroline Sylvester; of Cleveland; was visiting his mother; it was all but certain that Jack and Caroline would marry。  〃Her people want it;〃 Jennie went onshe pretended to believe that Jack and Pauline had given each the other up〃and Jack's father is determined on it。  They're together morning; noon and evening。  She's really very swell; though _I_ don't think she's such a raving beauty。〃  Following this came the Saint X News…Bulletin with a broad hint that the engagement was about to be announced。

〃It's ridiculously false;〃 said Pauline to herself; but she tossed for hours each night; trying to soothe the sick pain in her heart。  And while she scouted the possibility of losing him; she was for the first time entertaining ita cloud in the great horizon of her faith in the future; a small cloud; but black and bold against the blue。  And she had no suspicion that he had returned from Chicago deliberately to raise that cloud。

A few days later another letter from Jennie; full of gossip about Jack and Caroline; a News…Bulletin with a long article about Caroline; ending with an even broader hint of her approaching marriageand Dumont sent Pauline a note from the hotel in Villeneuve; five miles from Battle Field:  〃I must see you。  Do not deny me。  It means everything to both of uswhat I want to say to you。〃  And he asked her to meet him in the little park in Battle Field on the bank of the river where no one but the factory hands and their families ever went; and they only in the evenings。  The hour he fixed was ten the next morning; and she 〃cut〃 ancient history and was there。  As he advanced to meet her she thought she had never before appreciated how handsome he was; how distinguished…lookingperfectly her ideal of what a man should be; especially in that important; and at Battle Field neglected; matter; dress。

She was without practice in indirection; but she successfully hid her jealousy and her fears; though his manner was making their taunts and threats desperately real。  He seemed depressed and gloomy; he would not look at her; he shook hands with her almost coldly; though they had not seen each other for weeks; had not talked together for months。  She felt faint; and her thoughts were like flocks of circling; croaking crows。

〃Polly;〃 he began; when they were in the secluded corner of the park; 〃father wants me to get married。  He's in a rage at your father for treating me so harshly。  He wants me to marry a girl who's visiting us。  He's always at me about it; making all sorts of promises and threats。  Her father's in the same business that we are; and〃

He glanced at her to note the effect of his words。  She had drawn her tall figure to its full height; and her cheeks were flushed and her eyes curiously bright。  He had stabbed straight and deep into the heart of her weakness; but also into the heart of her pride。

The only effect of his thrust that was visible to him put him in a panic。  〃Don'tPLEASE don't look that way; Polly;〃 he went on hastily。  〃You don't see what I'm driving at yet。  I didn't mean that I'd marry her; or think of it。  There isn't anybody but you。  There couldn't be; you know that。〃

〃Why did you tell me; then?〃 she asked haughtily。

〃BecauseI had to begin somewhere。  Polly; I'm going away; going abroad。  And I'm not to see you forfor I don't know how longandwe must be married!〃

She looked at him in a daze。

〃We can cross on the ferry at half…past ten;〃 he went on。  〃You see that housethe white one?〃  He pointed to the other bank of the river where a white cottage shrank among the trees not far from a little church。  〃Mr。 Barker lives thereyou must have heard of him。  He's married scores and hundreds of couples from this side。  And we can be back here at half…past eleventwelve at the latest。〃

She shook her head expressed; not determination; only doubt。

〃I can't; Jack;〃 she said。  〃They〃

〃Then you aren't certain you're ever going to marry me;〃 he interrupted bitterly。  〃You don't mean what you promised me。  You care more for them than you do for me。  You don't really care for me at all。〃

〃You don't believe that;〃 she protested; her eyes and her mind on the little white cottage。 〃You couldn'tyou know me too well。〃

〃Then there's no reason why we shouldn't get married。  Don't we belong to each other now?  Why should we refuse to stand up and say so?〃

That seemed unanswerablea perfect excuse for doing what she wished to do。  For the little white cottage fascinated herhow she did long to be sure of him!  And she felt so free; so absolutely her own mistress in these new surroundings; where no one attempted to exercise authority over another。

〃I must feel sure of you; Pauline。  Sometimes everything seems to be against me; and I even doubt you。  Andthat's when the temptations pull hardest。  If we were married it'd all be different。〃

Yes; it would be different。  And he would be securely hers; with her mind at rest instead of harassed as it would be if she let him go so far away; free。  And where was the harm in merely repeating before a preacher the promise that now bound them both?  She looked at him and he at her。

〃You don't put any others before me; do you; dear?〃 he asked。

〃No; Jackno one。  I belong to you。〃

〃Come!〃 he pleaded; and they went down to the boat。  She seemed to herself to be in a dreamin a trance。

As she walked beside him along the country road on the other shore a voice was ringing in her ears:  〃Don't!  Don't!  Ask Olivia's advice first!〃  But she walked on; her will suspended; substituted for it his will and her jealousy and her fears of his yielding to the urgings of his father and the blandishments of 〃that Cleveland girl。〃  He said little but kept close to her; watching her narrowly; touching her tenderly now and then。

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