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the black robe-第81章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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strong enough to write this letter。 But I can head a subscription

to pay expenses; and I can give instructions to any person who is

willing to attempt the deliverance of the priests。〃

So the letter ended。

Before I had read it; I was at a loss to know where to go; or

what to do; when I leave St。 Germain。 I am now at no loss。 I have

found an object in life; and a means of making atonement to

Stella for my own ungracious and unworthy words。 Already I have

communicated by telegraph with Mr。 Murthwaite and with my

sailing…master。 The first is informed that I hope to be with him;

in London; to…morrow morning。 The second is instructed to have

the yacht fitted out immediately for a long voyage。 If I can save

these menespecially PenroseI shall not have lived in vain。

London; September 15。No。 I have resolution enough to go to

Arizona; but I have no courage to record the parting scene when

it was time to say good…by。

I had intended to keep the coming enterprise a secret; and only

to make the disclosure in writing when the vessel was ready to

sail。 But; after reading the letter to the _Times;_ Stella saw

something in my face (as I suppose) that betrayed me。 Well; it's

over now。 I do my best to keep myself from thinking of itand;

for this reason; I abstain from dwelling on the subject here。

Mr。 Murthwaite has not only given me valuable instructionshe

has provided me with letters of introduction to persons in

office; and to the _padres_ (or priests) in Mexico; which will be

of incalculable use in such an expedition as mine。 In the present

disturbed condition of the United States; he recommends me to

sail for a port on the eastern coast of Mexico; and then to

travel northward overland; and make my first inquiries in Arizona

at the town of Tubac。 Time is of such importance; in his opinion;

that he suggests making inquiries in London and Liverpool for a

merchant vessel under immediate sailing orders for Vera Cruz or

Tampico。 The fitting out of the yacht cannot be accomplished; I

find; in less than a fortnight or three weeks。 I have therefore

taken Mr。 Murthwaite's advice。

September 16。No favorable answer; so far as the port of London

is concerned。 Very little commerce with Mexico; and bad harbors

in that country when you do trade。 Such is the report。

September 17。A Mexican brig has been discovered at Liverpool;

under orders for Vera Cruz。 But the vessel is in debt; and the

date of departure depends on expected remittances! In this state

of things I may wait; with my conscience at ease; to sail in

comfort on board my own schooner。

September 18…30。I have settled my affairs; I have taken leave

of my friends (good。 Mr。 Murthwaite included); I have written

cheerfully to Stella; and I sail from Portsmouth to…morrow; well

provided with the jars of whisky and the kegs of gunpowder which

will effect the release of the captives。

It is strange; considering the serious matters I have to think

of; but it is also true; that I feel out of spirits at the

prospect of leaving England without my traveling companion; the

dog。 I am afraid to take the dear old fellow with me; on such a

perilous expedition as mine may be。 Stella takes care of

himand; if I don't live to return; she will never part with

him; for his master's sake。 It implies a childish sort of mind; I

supposebut it is a comfort to me to remember that I have never

said a hard word to Traveler; and never lifted my hand on him in


All this about a dog! And not a word about Stella? Not a word。

_Those_ thoughts are not to be written。

I have reached the last page of my diary。 I shall lock it; and

leave it in charge of my bankers; on my way to the Portsmouth

train。 Shall I ever w ant a new diary? Superstitious people might

associate this coming to the end of the book with coming to an

end of another kind。 I have no imagination; and I take my leap in

the dark hopefullywith Byron's glorious lines in my mind:

          〃Here's a sigh to those who love me;

             And a smile to those that bate;

           And whatever sky's above met

             Here's heart for every fated


(An inclosure is inserted here; marking a lapse of seven months;

before the entries in the diary are resumed。 It consists of two

telegrams; dispatched respectively on the 1st and 2d of May;


1。 〃From Bernard Winterfield; Portsmouth; England。 To Mrs。

Romayne care of M。 Villeray; St。 Germain; near Paris。 Penrose

is safe on board my yacht。 His unfortunate companion has died of

exhaustion; and he is himself in a feeble state of health。 I at

once take him with me to London for medical advice。 We are eager

for news of you。 Telegraph to Derwent's Hotel。〃

2。 〃From Mrs。 Eyrecourt; St。 Germain。 To Bernard Winterfield;

Derwent's Hotel; London。 Your telegram received with joy; and

sent on to Stella in Paris。 All well。 But strange events have

happened。 If you cannot come here at once; go to Lord Loring。 He

will tell you everything。〃

Tenth Extract。

London; 2d May; 1864。Mrs。 Eyrecourt's telegram reached me just

after Doctor Wybrow had paid his first professional visit to

Penrose; at the hotel。 I had hardly time to feel relieved by the

opinion of the case which he expressed; before my mind was upset

by Mrs。 Eyrecourt。 Leaving Penrose under the charge of our

excellent landlady; I hurried away to Lord Loring。

It was still early in the day: his lordship was at home。 He

maddened me with impatience by apologizing at full length for

〃the inexcusable manner in which he had misinterpreted my conduct

on the deplorable occasion of the marriage ceremony at Brussels。〃

I stopped his flow of words (very earnestly spoken; it is only

right to add); and entreated him to tell me; in the first place;

what Stella was doing in Paris。

〃Stella is with her husband;〃 Lord Loring replied。

My head turned giddy; my heart beat furiously。 Lord Loring looked

at meran to the luncheon table in the next roomand returned

with a glass of wine。 I really don't know whether I drank the

wine or not。 I know I stammered out another inquiry in one word。

〃Reconciled?〃 I said。

〃Yes; Mr。 Winterfieldreconciled; before he dies。〃

We were both silent for a while。

What was he thinking of? I don't know。 What was I thinking of? I

daren't write it down。

Lord Loring resumed by expressing some anxiety on the subject of

my health。 I made the best excuse for myself that I could; and

told him of the rescue of Penrose。 He had heard of my object in

leaving England; and heartily congratulated me。 〃This will be

welcome news indeed;〃 he said; 〃to Father Benwell。〃

Even the name of Father Benwell now excites my distrust。 〃Is _he_

in Paris too?〃 I inquired。

〃He left Paris last night;〃 Lord Loring answered; 〃and he is now

in London; on important business (as I understand) connected with

Romayne's affairs。〃

I instantly thought of the boy。

〃Is Romayne in possession of his faculties?〃 I asked。

〃In complete possession。〃

〃While justice is in his power; has he done justice to his son?〃

Lord Loring looked a little confused。 〃I have not heard;〃 was all

he said in reply。

I was far from satisfied。 〃You are one of Romayne's old

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