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the black robe-第51章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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bone of the skull。

I need hardly add that all the information I can give you is

willingly at your service。

She mentions; poor soul; something which she had to ask of you。 I

prefer the request which; in her exhausted state; she was unable

to address to you in her own words。

While the performances of the circus were taking place in the

next county to ours; a wandering lad; evidently of deficient

intelligence; was discovered; trying to creep under the tent to

see what was going on。 He could give no intelligible account of

himself。 The late Mrs。 Winterfield (who was born and brought up;

as I understand; in France) discovered that the boy was French;

and felt interested in the unfortunate creature; from former

happy association with kind friends of his nation。 She took care

of him from that time to the day of her deathand he appeared to

be gratefully attached to her。

I say 〃appeared;〃 because an inveterate reserve marks one of the

peculiarities of the mental affliction from which he suffers。

Even his benefactress never could persuade him to take her into

his confidence。 In other respects; her influence (so far as I can

learn) had been successfully exerted in restraining certain

mischievous propensities in him; which occasionally showed

themselves。 The effect of her death has been to intensify that

reserve to which I have already alluded。 He is sullen and

irritableand the good landlady at the lodgings does not

disguise that she shrinks from taking care of him; even for a few

days。 Until I hear from you; he will remain under the charge of

my housekeeper at the rectory。

You have; no doubt; anticipated the request which the poor

sufferer wished to address to you but a few hours before her

death。 She hoped that you might be willing to place this

friendless and helpless creature under competent protection。

Failing your assistance; I shall have no alternative; however I

may regret it; but to send him to the workhouse of this town; on

his way; probably; to the public asylum。

Believe me; sir; your faithful servant;

                                            CHARLES FENNICK。

P。S。I fear my letter and its inclosures may be delayed in

reaching you。

Yesterday evening; I had returned to my house; before it occurred

to me that Mrs。 Winterfield had not mentioned your address。 My

only excuse for this forgetfulness is; that I was very much

distressed while I was writing by her bedside。 I at once went

back to the lodgings; but she had fallen asleep; and I dared not

disturb her。 This morning; when I returned to the house; she was

dead。 There is an allusion to Devonshire in her letter; which

suggests that your residence may be in that county; and I think

she once spoke of you as a person of rank and fortune。 Having

failed to find your name in a London Directory; I am now about to

search our free library here for a county history of Devon; on

the chance that it may assist me。 Let me add; for your own

satisfaction; that no eyes but mine will see these papers。 For

security's sake; I shall seal them at once; and write your name

on the envelope。

_Added by Father Benwell。_

How the boy contrived to possess himself of the sealed packet we

shall probably never discover。 Anyhow; we know that he must have

escaped from the rectory; with the papers in his possession; and

that he did certainly get back to his mother and sister in


With such complete information as I now have at my disposal; the

prospect is as clear again as we can desire。 The separation of

Romayne from his wife; and the alteration of his will in favor of

the Church; seem to be now merely questions of time。




A FORTNIGHT after Father Benwell's discovery; Stella followed her

husband one morning into his study。 〃Have you heard from Mr。

Penrose?〃 she inquired。

〃Yes。 He will be here to…morrow。〃

〃To make a long visit?〃

〃I hope so。 The longer the better。〃

She looked at him with a mingled expression of surprise and

reproach。 〃Why do you say that?〃 she asked。 〃Why do you want him

so muchwhen you have got Me?〃

Thus far; he had been sitting at his desk; resting his head on

his hand; with his downcast eyes fixed on an open book。 When she

put her last question to him he suddenly looked up。 Through the

large window at his side the morning light fell  on his face。 The

haggard look of suffering; which Stella remembered on the day

when they met on the deck of the steamboat; was again

visiblenot softened and chastened now by the touching

resignation of the bygone time; but intensified by the dogged and

despairing endurance of a man weary of himself and his life。 Her

heart ached for him。 She said; softly: 〃I don't mean to reproach


〃Are you jealous of Penrose?〃 he asked; with a bitter smile。

She desperately told him the truth。 〃I am afraid of Penrose;〃 she


He eyed her with a strange expression of suspicious surprise。

〃Why are you afraid of Penrose?〃

It was no time to run the risk of irritating him。 The torment of

the Voice had returned in the past night。 The old gnawing remorse

of the fatal day of the duel had betrayed itself in the wild

words that had escaped him; when he sank into a broken slumber as

the morning dawned。 Feeling the truest pity for him; she was

still resolute to assert herself against the coming interference

of Penrose。 She tried her ground by a dangerous meansthe means

of an indirect reply。

〃I think you might have told me;〃 she said; 〃that Mr。 Penrose was

a Catholic priest。〃

He looked down again at his book。 〃How did you know Penrose was a

Catholic priest?〃

〃I had only to look at the direction on your letters to him。〃

〃Well; and what is there to frighten you in his being a priest?

You told me at the Loring's ball that you took an interest in

Penrose because I liked him。〃

〃I didn't know then; Lewis; that he had concealed his profession

from us。 I can't help distrusting a man who does that。〃

He laughednot very kindly。 〃You might as well say you distrust

a man who conceals that he is an author; by writing an anonymous

book。 What Penrose did; he did under orders from his

superiorand; moreover; he frankly owned to me that he was a

priest。 If you blame anybody; you had better blame me for

respecting his confidence。〃

She drew back from him; hurt by the tone in which he spoke to

her。 〃I remember the time; Lewis;〃 she said; 〃when you would have

been more indulgent toward my errorseven if I am wrong。〃

That simple appeal touched his better nature。 〃I don't mean to be

hard on you; Stella;〃 he answered。 〃It is a little irritating to

hear you say that you distrust the most devoted and most

affectionate friend that man ever had。 Why can't I love my wife;

and love my friend; too? You don't know; when I am trying to get

on with my book; how I miss the help and sympathy of Penrose。 The

very sound of his voice used to encourage me。 Come; Stella; give

me a kissand let us; as the children say; make it up!〃

He rose from his writing…table。 She met him more than half way;

and pressed all her loveand perhaps a little of her fearon

his lips。 He returned the kiss as warmly as it was given; and


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