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the black robe-第48章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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Having acknowledged his ignorance; in his own eloquent language;

he drifted away to the window…box in the next room; and gravely

contemplated Mrs。 Eyrecourt; with her nose buried in flowers。

The doctor turned to me。 〃Am I wrong; Father Benwell; in

supposing that I had better have addressed myself to _you?〃_

I admitted that I knew a gentleman named Winterfield。

Dr。 Wybrow got up directly。 〃Have you a few minutes to spare?〃 he

asked。 It is needless to say that I was at the doctor's disposal。

〃My house is close by; and my carriage is at the door;〃 he

resumed。 〃When you feel inclined to say good…by to our friend

Mrs。 Eyrecourt; I have something to say to you which I think you

ought to know。〃

We took our departure at once。 Mrs。 Eyrecourt (leaving some of

the color of her nose among the flowers) patted me encouragingly

with her fan; and told the doctor that he was forgiven; on the

understanding that he would 〃never do it again。〃 In five minutes

more we were in Dr。 Wybrow's study。

My watch tells me that I cannot hope to finish this letter by

post time。 Accept what I have written thus farand be assured

that the conclusion of my report shall follow a day later。


The doctor began cautiously。 〃Winterfield is not a very common

name;〃 he said。 〃But it may not be amiss; Father Benwell; to

discover; if we can; whether _your_ Winterfield is the man of

whom I am in search。 Do you only know him by name? or are you a

friend of his?〃

I answered; of course; that I was a friend。

Dr。 Wybrow went on。 〃Will you pardon me if I venture on an

indiscreet question? When you are acquainted with the

circumstances; I am sure you will understand and excuse me。 Are

you aware of anywhat shall I call it?any romantic incident in

Mr。 Winterfield's past life?〃

This timefeeling myself; in all probability; on the brink of

discoveryI was careful to preserve my composure。 I said;

quietly: 〃Some such incident as you describe has occurred in Mr。

Winterfield's past life。〃 There I stopped discreetly; and looked

as if I knew all about it。

The doctor showed no curiosity to hear more。 〃My object;〃 he went

on; 〃was merely to be reasonably sure that I was speaking to the

right person; in speaking to you。 I may now tell you that I have

no personal interest in trying to discover Mr。 Winterfield; I

only act as the representative of an old friend of mine。 He is

the proprietor of a private asylum at Sandswortha man whose

integrity is beyond dispute; or he would not be my friend。 You

understand my motive in saying this?〃

Proprietors of private asylums are; in these days; the objects of

very general distrust in England。 I understood the doctor's

motive perfectly。

He proceeded。 〃Yesterday evening; my friend called upon me; and

said that he had a remarkable case in his house; which he

believed would interest me。 The person to whom he alluded was a

French boy; whose mental powers had been imperfectly developed

from his childhood。 The mischief had been aggravated; when he was

about thirteen years old; by a serious fright。 When he was placed

in my asylum; he was not idiotic; and not dangerously madit was

a case (not to use technical language) of deficient intelligence;

tending sometimes toward acts of unreasoning mischief and petty

theft; but never approaching to acts of downright violence。 My

friend was especially interested in the ladwon his confidence

and affection by acts of kindnessand so improved his bodily

health as to justify some hope of also improving the state of his

mind; when a misfortune occurred which has altered the whole

prospect。 The poor creature has fallen ill of a fever; and the

fever has developed to typhus。 So far; there has been little to

interest youI am coming to a remarkable event at last。 At the

stage of the fever when delirium usually occurs in patients of

sound mind; this crazy French boy has become perfectly sane and


I looked at him; when he made this amazing assertion; with a

momentary doubt of his being in earnest。 Doctor Wybrow understood


〃Just what I thought; too; when I first heard it!〃 he said。 〃My

friend was neither offended nor surprised。 After inviting me to

go to his house; and judge for myself; he referred me to a

similar case; publicly cited in the 'Cornhill Magazine;' for the

month of April; 1879; in an article entitled 'Bodily Illness as a

Mental Stimulant。' The article is published anonymously; but the

character of the periodical in which it appears is a sufficient

guarantee of the trustworthiness of the statement。 I was so far

influenced by the testimony thus cited; that I drove to

Sandsworth and examined the case myself。〃

〃Did the examination satisfy you?〃

〃Thoroughly。 When I saw him last night; the poor boy was as sane

as I am。 There is; however; a complication in this instance;

which is not mentioned in the case related in print。 The boy

appears to have entirely forgotten every event in his past life;

reckoning from the time when the bodily illness brought with it

the strange mental recovery which I have mentioned to you。〃

This was a disappointment。 I had begun to hope for some coming

result; obtained by the lad's confession。

〃Is it quite correct to call him sane; when his memory is gone?〃

I ventured to ask。

〃In this case there is no necessity to enter into the question;〃

the doctor answered。 〃The boy's lapse of memory refers; as I told

you; to his past lifethat is to say; his life when his

intellect was deranged。 During the extraordinary interval of

sanity that has now declared itself; he is putting his mental

powers to their first free use; and none of them fail him; so far

as I can see。 His new memory (if I may call it so) preserves the

knowledge of what has happened since his illness。 You may imagine

how this problem in brain disease interests me; and you will not

wonder that I am going back to Sandsworth tomorrow afternoon;

when I have done with my professional visits。 But you may be

reasonably surprised at my troubling _you_ with details which are

mainly interesting to a medical man。〃

Was he about to ask me to go with him to the asylum? I replied

very briefly; merely saying that the details were interesting to

every student of human nature。 If he could have felt my pulse at

that moment; I am afraid he might have thought I was in a fair

way of catching the fever too。

〃Prepare yourself;〃 he resumed; 〃for another surprising

circumstance。 Mr。 Winterfield is; by some incomprehensible

accident; associated with one of the mischievous tricks played by

the French boy; before he was placed under my friend's care。

There; at any rate; is the only explanation by which we can

account for the discovery of an envelope (with inclosures) found

sewn up in the lining of the lad's waistcoat; and directed to Mr。

Winterfieldwithout any place of address。〃

I leave you to imagine the effect which those words produced on


〃Now;〃 said the doctor; 〃you will understand why I put such

strange questions to you。 My friend and I are both hard…working

men。 We go very little into society; as the phrase is; and

neither he nor I had ever heard the name of Winterfield。 As a

certain proportion of my patients happen to be people with a

large experience of society; I undertook to make inquiries; so


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