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the black robe-第42章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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you think your friend will trust me with it。〃

〃I am certain he will trust you with it。 My friend is Mr。

Winterfield; of Beaupark House; North Devon。 Perhaps you may have

heard of him?〃

〃No; the name is quite new to me。〃

〃Then come and see the man himself。 He is now in Londonand I am

entirely at your service。〃

In half an hour more; Romayne was presented to a well…bred;

amiable gentleman in the prime of life; smoking; and reading the

newspaper。 The bowl of his long pipe rested on the floor; on one

side of him; and a handsome red and white spaniel reposed on the

other。 Before his visitors had been two minutes in the room; he

understood the motive which had brought them to consult him; and

sent for a telegraphic form。

〃My steward will find the book and forward it to your address by

passenger train this afternoon;〃 he said。 〃I will tell him to put

my printed catalogue of the library into the parcel; in case I

have any other books which may be of use to you。〃

With those words; he dispatched the telegram to the office。

Romayne attempted to make his acknowledgments。 Mr。 Winterfield

would hear no acknowledgments。

〃My dear sir;〃 he said; with a smile that brightened his whole

face; 〃you are engaged in writing a great historical work; and I

am an obscure country gentleman; who is lucky enough to associate

himself with the production of a new book。 How do you know that I

am not looking forward to a complimentary line in the preface? I

am the obliged person; not you。 Pray consider me as a handy

little boy who runs on errands for the Muse of History。 Do you


Not even tobacco would soothe Romayne's wasted and irritable

nerves。 Father Benwell〃all things to all men〃cheerfully

accepted a cigar from the box on the table。

〃Father Benwell possesses all the social virtues;〃 Mr。

Winterfield ran on。 〃He shall have his coffee; and the largest

sugar…basin that the hotel can produce。 I can quite understand

that your literary labors have tried your nerves;〃 he said to

Romayne; when he had ordered the coffee。 〃The mere title of your

work overwhelms an idle man like me。 'The Origin of

Religions'what an immense subject! How far must we look back to

find out the first worshipers of the human family?Where are the

hieroglyphics; Mr。 Romayne; that will give you the earliest

information? In the unknown center of Africa; or among the ruined

cities of Yucatan? My own idea; as an ignorant man; is that the

first of all forms of worship must have been the worship of the

sun。 Don't be shocked; Father BenwellI confess I have a certain

sympathy with sun…worship。 In the East especially; the rising of

the sun is surely the grandest of all objectsthe visible symbol

of a beneficent Deity; who gives life; warmth and light to the

world of his creation。〃

〃Very grand; no doubt;〃 remarked Father Benwell; sweetening his

coffee。 〃But not to be compared with the noble sight at Rome;

when the Pope blesses the Christian world from the balcony of St。


〃So much for professional feeling!〃 said Mr。 Winterfield。 〃But;

surely; something depends on what sort of man the Pope is。 If we

had lived in the time of Alexander the Sixth; would you have

called _him_ a part of that noble sight?〃

〃Certainlyat a proper distance;〃 Father Benwell briskly

replied。 〃Ah; you heretics only know the worst side of that most

unhappy pontiff! Mr。 Winterfield; we have every reason to believe

that he felt (privately) the truest remorse。〃

〃I should require very good evidence to persuade me of it。〃

This touched Romayne on a sad side of his own personal

experience。 〃Perhaps;〃 he said; 〃you don't believe in remorse?〃

〃Pardon me;〃 Mr。 Winterfield rejoined; 〃I only distinguish

between false remorse and true remorse。 We will say no more of

Alexander the Sixth; Father Benwell。 If we want an illustration;

I will supply it; and give no offense。 True remorse depends; to

my mind; on a man's accurate knowledge of his own motivesfar

from a common knowledge; in my experience。 Say; for instance;

that I have committed some serious offense〃

Romayne could not resist interrupting him。 〃Say you have killed

one of your fellow…creatures;〃 he suggested。

〃Very well。 If I know that I really meant to kill him; for some

vile purpose of my own; and if (which by no means always follows)

I am really capable of feeling the enormity of my own crimethat

is; as I think; true remorse。 Murderer as I am; I have; in that

case; some moral worth still left in me。 But if I did _not_ mean

to kill the manif his death was my misfortune as well as

hisand if (as frequently happens) I am nevertheless troubled by

remorse; the true cause lies in my own inability fairly to

realize my own motivesbefore I look to results。 I am the

ignorant victim of false remorse; and if I will only ask myself

boldly what has blinded me to the true state of the case; I shall

find the mischief due to that misdirected appreciation of my own

importance which is nothing but egotism in disguise。〃

〃I entirely agree with you;〃 said Father Benwell; 〃I have had

occasion to say the same thing in the confessional。〃

Mr。 Winterfield looked at his dog; and changed the subject。 〃Do

you like dogs; Mr。 Romayne?〃 he asked。 〃I see my spaniel's eyes

saying that he likes you; and his tail begging you to take some

notice of him。〃

Romayne caressed the dog rather absently。

His new friend had unconsciously presented to him a new view of

the darker aspect of his own life。 Winterfield's refined;

pleasant manners; his generous readiness in placing the treasures

of his library at a stranger's disposal; had already appealed

irresistibly to Romayne's sensitive nature。 The favorable

impression was now greatly strengthened by the briefly bold

treatment which he had just heard of a subject in which he was

seriously interested。 〃I must see more of this man;〃 was his

thought; as he patted the companionable spaniel。

Father Benwell's trained observation followed the vivid changes

of expression on Romayne's face; and marked the eager look in his

eyes as he lifted his head from the dog to the dog's master。 The

priest saw his opportunity and took it。

〃Do you remain long at Ten Acres Lodge?〃 he said to Romayne。

〃I hardly know as yet。 We have no other plans at present。〃

〃You inherit the place; I think; from your late aunt; Lady



The tone of the reply was not encouraging; Romayne felt no

interest in talking of Ten Acres Lodge。 Father Benwell persisted。

〃I was told by Mrs。 Eyrecourt;〃 he went on 〃that Lady Berrick had

some fine pictures。 Are they still at the Lodge?〃

〃Certainly。 I couldn't live in a house without pictures。〃

Father Benwell looked at Winterfield。 〃Another taste in common

between you and Mr。 Romayne;〃 he said; 〃besides your liking for


This at once produced the desired result。 Romayne eagerly invited

Winterfield to see his pictures。 〃There are not many of them;〃 he

said。 〃But they are really worth looking at。 When will you come?〃

〃The sooner the better;〃 Winterfield answered; cordially。 〃Will

to…morrow doby the noonday light?〃

〃Whenever you please。 Your time is mine。〃

Among his other accomplishments; Father Benwell was a

chess…player。 If his thoughts at

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