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the black robe-第40章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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meant。 She finished the sentence for him。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I wanted to hear how the boy is getting on; and

if there is any hope of curing him。 Is it〃 he trembled as he

put the question〃Is it hereditary madness?〃

Feeling the serious importance of concealing the truth; Stella

only replied that she had hesitated to ask if there was a taint

of madness in the family。 〃I suppose;〃 she added; 〃you would not

like to see the boy; and judge of his chances of recovery for


〃You suppose?〃 he burst out; with sudden anger。 〃You might be

sure。 The bare idea of seeing him turns me cold。 Oh; when shall I

forget! when shall I forget! Who spoke of him first?〃 he said;

with renewed irritability; after a moment of silence。 〃You or I?〃

〃It was my fault; lovehe is so harmless and so gentle; and he

has such a sweet faceI thought it might soothe you to see him。

Forgive me; we will never speak of him again。 Have you any notes

for me to copy? You know; Lewis; I am your secretary now。〃

So she led Romayne away to his study and his books。 When Major

Hynd arrived; she contrived to be the first to see him。 〃Say as

litt le as possible about the General's widow and her son;〃 she


The Major understood her。 〃Don't be uneasy; Mrs。 Romayne;〃 he

answered。 〃I know your husband well enough to know what you mean。

Besides; the news I bring is good news。〃

Romayne came in before he could speak more particularly。 When the

servants had left the room; after dinner; the Major made his


〃I am going to agreeably surprise you;〃 he began。 〃All

responsibility toward the General's family is taken off our

hands。 The ladies are on their way back to France。〃

Stella was instantly reminded of one of the melancholy incidents

associated with her visit to Camp's Hill。 〃Madame Marillac spoke

of a brother of hers who disapproved of the marriage;〃 she said。

〃Has he forgiven her?〃

〃That is exactly what he has done; Mrs。 Romayne。 Naturally

enough; he felt the disgrace of his sister's marriage to such a

man as the General。 Only the other day he heard for the first

time that she was a widowand he at once traveled to England。 I

bade them good…by yesterdaymost happily reunitedon their

journey home again。 Ah; I thought you would be glad; Mrs。

Romayne; to hear that the poor widow's troubles are over。 Her

brother is rich enough to place them all in easy

circumstanceshe is as good a fellow as ever lived。〃

〃Have you seen him?〃 Stella asked; eagerly。

〃I have been with him to the asylum。〃

〃Does the boy go back to France?〃

〃No。 We took the place by surprise; and saw for ourselves how

well conducted it was。 The boy has taken a strong liking to the

proprietora bright; cheerful old man; who is teaching him some

of our English games; and has given him a pony to ride on。 He

burst out crying; poor creature; at the idea of going awayand

his mother burst out crying at the idea of leaving him。 It was a

melancholy scene You know what a good mother isno sacrifice is

too great for her。 The boy stays at the asylum; on the chance

that his healthier and happier life there may help to cure him。

By…the…way; Romayne; his uncle desires me to thank you〃

〃Hynd! you didn't tell the uncle my name?〃

〃Don't alarm yourself。 He is a gentleman; and when I told him I

was pledged to secrecy; he made but one inquiryhe asked if you

were a rich man。 I told him you had eighteen thousand a year。〃


〃Well; he set that matter right between us with perfect taste。 He

said: 'I cannot presume to offer repayment to a person so

wealthy。 We gratefully accept our obligation to our kind unknown

friend。 For the future; however; my nephew's expenses must be

paid from my purse。' Of course I could only agree to that。 From

time to time the mother is to hear; and I am to hear; how the boy

goes on。 Or; if you like; Romaynenow that the General's family

has left EnglandI don't see why the proprietor might not make

his report directly to yourself。〃

〃No!〃 Romayne rejoined; positively。 〃Let things remain as they


Very well。 I can send you any letters that I may receive from the

asylum。 Will you give us some music; Mrs。 Romayne? Not to…night?

Then let us go to the billiard…room; and as I am the worst of bad

players; I will ask you to help me to beat your accomplished


On the afternoon of the next day; Mrs。 Eyrecourt's maid arrived

at Ten Acres with a note from her mistress。

〃Dearest StellaMatilda must bring you my excuses for to…day。 I

don't in the least understand it; but I seem to have turned lazy。

It is most ridiculousI really cannot get out of bed。 Perhaps I

did do just a little too much yesterday。 The opera after the

garden party; and a ball after the opera; and this tiresome cough

all night after the ball。 Quite a series; isn't it? Make my

apologies to our dear dismal Romayneand if you drive out this

afternoon; come and have a chat with me。 Your affectionate

mother; Emily Eyrecourt。 P。 S。You know what a fidget Matilda

is。 If she talks about me; don't believe a word she says to you。〃

Stella turned to the maid with a sinking heart。

〃Is my mother very ill?〃 she asked。

〃So ill; ma'am; that I begged and prayed her to let me send for a

doctor。 You know what my mistress is。 If you would please to use

your influence〃

〃I will order the carriage instantly; and take you back with me。〃

Before she dressed to go out; Stella showed the letter to her

husband。 He spoke with perfect kindness and sympathy; but he did

not conceal that he shared his wife's apprehensions。 〃Go at

once;〃 were his last words to her; 〃and; if I can be of any use;

send for me。〃

It was late in the evening before Stella returned。 She brought

sad news。

The physician consulted told her plainly that the neglected

cough; and the constant fatigue; had together made the case a

serious one。 He declined to say that there was any absolute

danger as yet; or any necessity for her remaining with her mother

at night。 The experience of the next twenty…four hours; at most;

would enable him to speak positively。 In the meantime; the

patient insisted that Stella should return to her husband。 Even

under the influence of opiates; Mrs。 Eyrecourt was still drowsily

equal to herself。 〃You are a fidget; my dear; and Matilda is a

fidgetI can't have two of you at my bedside。 Good…night。〃

Stella stooped over her and kissed her。 She whispered: 〃Three

weeks notice; remember; for the party!〃

By the next evening the malady had assumed so formidable an

aspect that the doctor had his doubts of the patient's chance of

recovery。 With her husband's full approval; Stella remained night

and day at her mother's bedside。

Thus; in a little more than a month from the day of his marriage;

Romayne was; for the time; a lonely man again。

The illness of Mrs。 Eyrecourt was unexpectedly prolonged。 There

were intervals during which her vigorous constitution rallied and

resisted the progress of the disease。 On these occasions; Stella

was able to return to her husband for a few hourssubject always

to a message which recalled her to her mother when the chances of

life or death appeared to be equally balanced。 Romayne's one

resource was in his books and his pen。 For the first tim

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