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the black robe-第27章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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make some little atonement to the poor people whom he had

wronged。' I thought it a rash proceeding at the time; and I am

confirmed in my opinion by a letter from the surgeon; received

yesterday。 Will you kindly read it to Lady Loring?〃

He handed the letter to Lord Loring。 Translated from the French;

it ran as follows:

〃SIRI am at last able to answer Mr。 Romayne's letter

definitely; with the courteous assistance of the French Consul in

London; to whom I applied when other means of investigation had

produced no result。

〃A week since the General died; circumstances connected with the

burial expenses informed the Consul that he had taken refuge from

his creditors; not in Paris as we supposed; but in London。 The

address is; Number 10; Camp's Hill; Islington。 I should also add

that the General; for obvious reasons; lived in London under the

assumed name of Marillac。 It will be necessary; therefore; to

inquire for his widow by the name of Madame Marillac。

〃You will perhaps be surprised to find that I address these lines

to you; instead of to Mr。 Romayne。 The reason is soon told。

〃I was acquainted with the late Generalas you knowat a time

when I was not aware of the company that he kept; or of the

deplorable errors into which his love of gambling had betrayed

him。 Of his widow and his children I know absolutely nothing。

Whether they have resisted the contaminating influence of the

head of the householdor whether poverty and bad example

combined have hopelessly degraded themI cannot say。 There is at

least a doubt whether they are worthy of Mr。 Romayne's benevolent

intentions toward them。 As an honest man; I cannot feel this

doubt; and reconcile it to my conscience to be the means; however

indirectly; of introducing them to Mr。 Romayne。 To your

discretion I leave it to act for the best; after this warning。〃

Lord Loring returned the letter to Major Hynd。 〃I agree with

you;〃 he said。 〃It is more than doubtful whether you ought to

communicate this information to Romayne。〃

Lady Loring was not quite of her husband's opinion。 〃While there

is a doubt about these people;〃 she said; 〃it seems only just to

find out what sort of character they bear in the neighborhood。 In

your place; Major Hynd; I should apply to the person in whose

house they live; or to the tradespeople whom they have employed。〃

〃I am obliged to leave London again to…day;〃 the Major replied;

〃but on my return I will certainly follow your ladyship's


〃And you will let us know the result?〃

〃With the greatest pleasure。〃

Major Hynd took his leave。 〃I think you will be responsible for

wasting the Major's time;〃 said Lord Loring; when the visitor had


〃I think not;〃 said Lady Loring。

She rose to leave the room。 〃Are you going out?〃 her husband


〃No。 I am going upstairs to Stella。〃

Lady Loring found Miss Eyrecourt in her own room。 The little

portrait of Romayne which she had drawn from recollection lay on

the table before her。 She was examining it with the closest


〃Well; Stella; and what does the portrait tell you?〃

〃What I knew before; Adelaide。 There is nothing false and nothing

cruel in that face。〃

〃And does the discovery satisfy you? For my part; I despise

Romayne for hiding himself from us。 Can you excuse him?〃

Stella locked up the portrait in her writing…case。 〃I can wait;〃

she said quietly

Thi s assertion of patience seemed to irritate Lady Loring 〃What

is the matter with you this morning?〃 she asked。 〃You are more

reserved than ever。〃

〃No; I am only out of spirits; Adelaide。 I can't help thinking of

that meeting with Winterfield。 I feel as if some misfortune was

hanging over my head。〃

〃Don't speak of that hateful man!〃 her ladyship exclaimed。 〃I

have something to tell you about Romayne。 Are you completely

absorbed in your presentiments of evil? or do you think you can

listen to me?〃

Stella's face answered for her。 Lady Loring described the

interview with Major Hynd in the minutest detailincluding; by

way of illustration; the Major's manners and personal appearance。

〃He and Lord Loring;〃 she added; 〃both think that Romayne will

never hear the last of it if he allows these foreigners to look

to him for money。 Until something more is known about them; the

letter is not to be forwarded。〃

〃I wish I had the letter;〃 cried Stella。

〃Would you forward it to Romayne?〃

〃Instantly! Does it matter whether these poor French people are

worthy of his generosity? If it restores his tranquillity to help

them; who cares whether they deserve the help? They are not even

to know who it is that assists themRomayne is to be their

unknown friend。 It is he; not they; whom we have to think ofhis

peace of mind is everything; their merit is nothing。 I say it's

cruel to _him_ to keep him in ignorance of what has happened。 Why

didn't you take the letter away from Major Hynd?〃

〃Gently; Stella! The Major is going to make inquiries about the

widow and children when he returns to London。〃

〃When he returns!〃 Stella repeated indignantly。 〃Who knows what

the poor wretches may be suffering in the interval; and what

Romayne may feel if he ever hears of it? Tell me the address

againit was somewhere in Islington; you said。〃

〃Why do you want to know it?〃 Lady Loring asked。 〃You are not

going to write to Romayne yourself?〃

〃I am going to think; before I do anything。 If you can't trust my

discretion; Adelaide; you have only to say so!〃

It was spoken sharply。 Lady Loring's reply betrayed a certain

loss of temper on her side。 〃Manage your own affairs; StellaI

have done meddling with them。〃 Her unlucky visit to Romayne at

the hotel had been a subject of dispute between the two

friendsand this referred to it。 〃You shall have the address;〃

my lady added in her grandest manner。 She wrote it on a piece of

paper; and left the room。

Easily irritated; Lady Loring had the merit of being easily

appeased。 That meanest of all vices; the vice of sulkiness; had

no existence in her nature。 In five minutes she regretted her

little outburst of irritability。 For five minutes more she

waited; on the chance that Stella might be the first to seek a

reconciliation。 The interval passed; and nothing happened。 〃Have

I really offended her?〃 Lady Loring asked herself。 The next

moment she was on her way back to Stella。 The room was empty。 She

rang the bell for the maid。

〃Where is Miss Eyrecourt?〃

〃Gone out; my lady。〃

〃Did she leave no message?〃

〃No; my lady。 She went away in a great hurry。〃

Lady Loring at once drew the conclusion that Stella had rashly

taken the affair of the General's family into her own hands。 Was

it possible to say how this most imprudent proceeding might end?

After hesitating and reflecting; and hesitating again; Lady

Loring's anxiety got beyond her control。 She not only decided on

following Stella; but; in the excess of her nervous apprehension;

she took one of the men…servants with her; in case of emergency!



NOT always remarkable for arriving at just conclusions; Lady

Loring had drawn the right inference this time。 Stella had


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