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the black robe-第22章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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sun…pictures ever act as a restraint on a woman's curiosity? The

words passed her lips in spite of her。 〃I suppose I mustn't ask

what you were saying?〃

It was impossible to answer this plainly without entering into

explanations from which Romayne shrank。 He hesitated。

She turned over another photograph。 〃I understand;〃 she said。

〃You were talking of my faults。〃 She paused; and stole another

look at him。 〃I will try to correct my faults; if you will tell

me what they are。〃

Romayne felt that he had no alternative but to tell the

truthunder certain reserves。 〃Indeed you are wrong;〃 he said。

〃We were talking of the influence of a tone or a look on a

sensitive person。〃

〃The influence on Me?〃 she asked。

〃No。 The influence which You might exercise on another person。〃

She knew perfectly well that he was speaking of himself。 But she

was determined to feel the pleasure of making him own it。

〃If I have any such influence as you describe;〃 she began; 〃I

hope it is for good?〃

〃Certainly for good。〃

〃You speak positively; Mr。 Romayne。 Almost as positivelyonly

that can hardly beas if you were speaking from experience。〃

He might still have evaded a direct reply; if she had been

content with merely saying this。 But she looked at him while she

spoke。 He answered the look。

〃Shall I own that you are right?〃 he said。 〃I was thinking of my

own experience yesterday。〃

She returned to the photographs。 〃It sounds impossible;〃 she

rejoined; softly。 There was a pause。 〃Was it anything I said?〃

she asked。

〃No。 It was only when you looked at me。 But for that look; I

don't think I should have been here to…day。〃

She shut up the photographs on a sudden; and drew her chair a

little away from him。

〃I hope;〃 she said; 〃you have not so poor an opinion of me as to

think I like to be flattered?〃

Romayne answered with an earnestness that instantly satisfied


〃I should think it an act of insolence to flatter you;〃 he said。

〃If you knew the true reason why I hesitated to accept Lady

Loring's invitationif I could own to you the new hope for

myself that has brought me hereyou would feel; as I feel; that

I have been only speaking the truth。 I daren't say yet that I owe

you a debt of gratitude for such a little thing as a look。 I must

wait till time puts certain strange fancies of mine to the


〃Fancies about me; Mr。 Romayne?〃

Before he could answer; the dinner bell rang。 Lord and Lady

Loring entered the library together。

The dinner having pursued its appointed course (always excepting

the case of the omelet); the head servant who had waited at table

was graciously invited to rest; after his labors; in the

housekeeper's room。 Having additionally conciliated him by means

of a glass of rare liqueur; Miss Notman; still feeling her

grievance as acutely as ever; ventured to inquire; in the first

place; if the gentlefolks upstairs had enjoyed their dinner。 So

far the report was; on the whole; favorable。 But the conversation

was described as occasionally flagging。 The burden of the talk

had been mainly borne by my lord and my lady; Mr。 Romayne and

Miss Eyrecourt contributing but little to the social enjoyment of

the evening。 Receiving this information without much appearance

of interest; the housekeeper put another question; to which;

judging by her manner; she attached a certain importance。 She

wished to know if the oyster…omelet (accompanying the cheese) had

been received as a welcome dish; and treated with a just

recognition of its merits。 The answer to this was decidedly in

the negative。 Mr。 Romayne and Miss Eyrecourt had declined to

taste it。 My lord had tried it; and had left it on his plate。 My

lady alone had really eaten her share of the misplaced dish。

Having stated this apparently trivial circumstance; the head

servant was surprised by the effect which it produced on the

housekeeper。 She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes;

with an appearance of unutterable enjoyment。 That night there was

one supremely happy woman in London。 And her name was Miss


Ascending from the housekeeper's room to the drawing…room; it is

to be further reported that music was tried; as a means of

getting through the time; in the absence of general conversation。

Lady Loring sat down at the piano; and played as admirably as

usual。 At the other end of the room Romayne and Stella were

together; listening to the music。 Lord Loring; walking backward

and forward; with a restlessness which was far from being

characteristic of him in his after…dinner hours; was stopped when

he reached the neighborhood of the piano by a private signal from

his wife。

〃What are you walking about for?〃 Lady Loring asked in a whisper;

without interrupting her musical performance。

〃I'm not quite easy; my dear。〃

〃Turn over the music。 Indigestion?〃

〃Good heavens; Adelaide; what a question!〃

〃Well; what is it; then?〃

Lord Loring looked toward Stella and her companion。 〃They don't

seem to get on together as well as I had hoped;〃 he said。

〃I should think notwhen you are walking about and disturbing

them! Sit down there behind me。〃

〃What am I to do?〃

〃Am I not playing? Listen to me。〃

〃My dear; I don't understand modern German music。〃

〃Then read the evening paper。〃

The evening paper had its attractions。 Lord Loring took his

wife's advice。

Left entirely by themselves; at the other end of the room;

Romayne and Stella justified Lady Loring's belief in the result

of reducing her husband to a state of repose。 Stella ventured to

speak first; in a discreet undertone。

〃Do you pass most of your evenings alone; Mr。 Romayne?〃

〃Not quite alone。 I have the company of my books。〃

〃Are your books the companions that you like best?〃

〃I have been true to those companions; Miss Eyrecourt; for many

years。 If the doctors are to be believed; my b ooks have not

treated me very well in return。 They have broken down my health;

and have made me; I am afraid; a very unsocial man。〃 He seemed

about to say more; and suddenly checked the impulse。 〃Why am I

talking of myself?〃 he resumed with a smile。 〃I never do it at

other times。 Is this another result of your influence over me?〃

He put the question with an assumed gayety。 Stella made no

effort; on her side; to answer him in the same tone。

〃I almost wish I really had some influence over you;〃 she said;

gravely and sadly。


〃I should try to induce you to shut up your books; and choose

some living companion who might restore you to your happier


〃It is already done;〃 said Romayne; 〃I have a new companion in

Mr。 Penrose。〃

〃Penrose?〃 she repeated。 〃He is the friendis he notof the

priest here; whom they call Father Benwell?〃


〃I don't like Father Benwell。〃

〃Is that a reason for disliking Mr。 Penrose?〃

〃Yes;〃 she said; boldly; 〃because he is Father Benwell's friend。〃

〃Indeed; you are mistaken; Miss Eyrecourt。 Mr。 Penrose only

entered yesterday on his duties as my secretary; and I have

already had reason to think highly of him。 Many men; after _that_


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