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the black robe-第14章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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way?that is how I look at it。 For example; the first thing I

heard; when I came here; was that Romayne had left England。 My

introduction to him was indefinitely delayed; I had to look to

Lord Loring for all the information I wanted relating to the man

and his habits。 There was another obstacle! Not living in the

house; I was obliged to find an excuse for being constantly on

the spot; ready to take advantage of his lordship's leisure

moments for conversation。 I sat down in this room; and I said to

myself; 'Before I get up again; I mean to brush these impertinent

obstacles out of my way!' The state of the books suggested the

idea of which I was in search。 Before I left the house; I was

charged with the rearrangement of the library。 From that moment I

came and went as often as I liked。 Whenever Lord Loring was

disposed for a little talk; there I was; to lead the talk in the

right direction。 And what is the result? On the first occasion

when Romayne presents himself I can place you in a position to

become his daily companion。 All due; Arthur; in the first

instance; to my impatience of obstacles。 Amusing; isn't it?〃

Penrose was perhaps deficient in the sense of humor。 Instead of

being amused; he appeared to be anxious for more information。

〃In what capacity am I to be Mr。 Romayne's companion?〃 he asked。

Father Benwell poured himself out another cup of coffee。

〃Suppose I tell you first;〃 he suggested; 〃how circumstances

present Romayne to us as a promising subject for conversion。 He

is young; still a single man; not compromised by any illicit

connection; romantic; sensitive; highly cultivated。 No near

relations are alive to influence him; and; to my certain

knowledge; his estate is not entailed。 He has devoted himself for

years past to books; and is collecting materials for a work of

immense research; on the Origin of Religions。 Some great sorrow

or remorseLord Loring did not mention what it washas told

seriously on his nervous system; already injured by night study。

Add to this; that he is now within our reach。 He has lately

returned to London; and is living quite alone at a private hotel。

For some reason which I am not acquainted with; he keeps away

from Vange Abbeythe very place; as I should have thought; for a

studious man。〃

Penrose began to be interested。 〃Have you been to the Abbey?〃 he


〃I made a little excursion to that part of Yorkshire; Arthur; not

long since。 A very pleasant tripapart from the painful

associations connected with the ruin and profanation of a sacred

place。 There is no doubt about the revenues。 I know the value of

that productive part of the estate which stretches southward;

away from the barren region round the house。 Let us return for a

moment to Romayne; and to your position as his future companion。

He has had his books sent to him from Vange; and has persuaded

himself that continued study is the one remedy for his troubles;

whatever they may be。 At Lord Loring's suggestion; a consultation

of physicians was held on his case the other day。〃

〃Is he so ill as that?〃 Penrose exclaimed。

〃So it appears;〃 Father Benwell replied。 〃Lord Loring is

mysteriously silent about the illness。 One result of the

consultation I extracted from him; in which you are interested。

The doctors protested against his employing himself on his

proposed work。 He was too obstinate to listen to them。 There was

but one concession that they could gain from himhe consented to

spare himself; in some small degree; by employing an amanuensis。

It was left to Lord Loring to find the man。 I was consulted by

his lordship; I was even invited to undertake the duty myself。

Each one in his proper sphere; my son! The person who converts

Romayne must be young enough and pliable enough to be his friend

and companion。 Your part is there; Arthuryou are the future

amanuensis。 How does the prospect strike you now?〃

〃I beg your pardon; Father! I fear I am unworthy of the

confidence which is placed in me。〃

〃In what way?〃

Penrose answered with unfeigned humility。

〃I am afraid I may fail to justify your belief in me;〃 he said;

〃unless I can really feel that I am converting Mr。 Romayne for

his own soul's sake。 However righteous the cause may be; I cannot

find; in the restitution of the Church property; a sufficient

motive for persuading him to change his religious faith。 There is

something so serious in the responsibility which you lay on me;

that I shall sink under the burden unless my whole heart is in

the work。 If I feel attracted toward Mr。 Romayne when I first see

him; if he wins upon me; little by little; until I love him like

a brotherthen; indeed; I can promise that his conversion shall

be the dearest object of my life。 But if there is not this

intimate sympathy between usforgive me if I say it plainlyI

implore you to pass me over; and to commit the task to the hands

of another man。〃

His voice trembled; his eyes moistened。 Father Benwell handled

his young friend's rising emotion with the dexterity of a skilled

angler humoring the struggles of a lively fish。

〃Good Arthur!〃 he said。 〃I see muchtoo much; dear boyof

self…seeking people。 It is as refreshing to me to hear you; as a

draught of water to a thirsty man。 At the same time; let me

suggest that you are innocently raising difficulties; where no

difficulties exist。 I have already mentioned as one of the

necessities of the case that you and Romayne should be friends。

How can that be; un less there is precisely that sympathy between

you which you have so well described? I am a sanguine man; and I

believe you will like each other。 Wait till you see him。〃

As the words passed his lips; the door that led to the picture

gallery was opened。 Lord Loring entered the library。

He looked quickly round himapparently in search of some person

who might; perhaps; be found in the room。 A shade of annoyance

showed itself in his face; and disappeared again; as he bowed to

the two Jesuits。

〃Don't let me disturb you;〃 he said; looking at Penrose。 〃Is this

the gentleman who is to assist Mr。 Romayne?〃

Father Benwell presented his young friend。 〃Arthur Penrose; my

lord。 I ventured to suggest that he should call here to…day; in

case you wished to put any questions to him。〃

〃Quite needless; after your recommendation;〃 Lord Loring

answered; graciously。 〃Mr。 Penrose could not have come here at a

more appropriate time。 As it happens; Mr。 Romayne has paid us a

visit todayhe is now in the picture gallery。〃

The priests looked at each other。 Lord Loring left them as he

spoke。 He walked to the opposite door of the libraryopened

itglanced round the hall; and at the stairsand returned

again; with the passing expression of annoyance visible once

more。 〃Come with me to the gallery; gentlemen;〃 he said; 〃I shall

be happy to introduce you to Mr。 Romayne。〃

Penrose accepted the proposal。 Father Benwell pointed with a

smile to the books scattered about him。 〃With permission; I will

follow your lordship;〃 he said。

〃Who was my lord looking for?〃 That was the question in Father

Benwell's mind; while he put some of the books away on the

shelves; and collected the scattered papers on the table;

relating to his correspondence with Rome。 It had become a habit

of his life to be suspicious of any circumstances occurring

within his range of

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