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the black robe-第12章

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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of his incorruptible honesty and his true religious zeal。 No

better man is just now within my reachand there is no time to

lose。 Romayne has recently inherited a large increase of fortune。

He will be the object of the basest conspiraciesconspiracies of

men to win his money; and (worse still) of women to marry him。

Even these contemptible efforts may be obstacles in the way of

our righteous purpose; unless we are first in the field。 Penrose

left Oxford last week。 I expect him here this morning; by my

invitation。 When I have given him the necessary instructions; and

have found the means of favorably introducing him to Romayne; I

shall have the honor of forwarding a statement of our prospects

so far。〃

Having signed these lines; he addressed the letter to 〃The

Reverend the Secretary; Society of Jesus; Rome。〃 As he closed and

sealed the envelope; a servant opened the door communicating with

the hall; and announced:

〃Mr。 Arthur Penrose。〃



FATHER BENWELL rose; and welcomed the visitor with his paternal

smile。 〃I am heartily glad to see you;〃 he saidand held out his

hand with a becoming mixture of dignity and cordiality。 Penrose

lifted the offered hand respectfully to his lips。 As one of the

〃Provincials〃 of the Order; Father Benwell occupied a high place

among the English Jesuits。 He was accustomed to acts of homage

offered by his younger brethren to their spiritual chief。 〃I fear

you are not well;〃 he proceeded gently。 〃Your hand is feverish;


〃Thank you; FatherI am as well as usual。〃

〃Depression of spirits; perhaps?〃 Father Benwell persisted。

Penrose admitted it with a passing smile。 〃My spirits are never

very lively;〃 he said。

Father Benwell shook his head in gentle disapproval of a

depressed state of spirits in a young man。 〃This must be

corrected;〃 he remarked。 〃Cultivate cheerfulness; Arthur。 I am

myself; thank God; a naturally cheerful man。 My mind reflects; in

some degree (and reflects gratefully); the brightness and beauty

which are part of the great scheme of creation。 A similar

disposition is to be cultivatedI know instances of it in my own

experience。 Add one more instance; and you will really gratify

me。 In its seasons of rejoicing; our Church is eminently

cheerful。 Shall I add another encouragement? A great trust is

about to be placed in you。 Be socially agreeable; or you will

fail to justify the trust。 This is Father Benwell's little

sermon。 I think it has a merit; Arthurit is a sermon soon


Penrose looked up at his superior; eager to hear more。

He was a very young man。 His large; thoughtful; well…opened gray

eyes; and his habitual refinement and modesty of manner; gave a

certain attraction to his personal appearance; of which it stood

in some need。 In stature he was little and lean; his hair had

become prematurely thin over his broad forehead; there were

hollows already in his cheeks; and marks on either side of his

thin; delicate lips。 He looked like a person who had passed many

miserable hours in needlessly despairing of himself and his

prospects。 With all this; there was something in him so

irresistibly truthful and sincereso suggestive; even where he

might be wrong; of a purely conscientious belief in his own

errorsthat he attached people to  him wit hout an effort; and

often without being aware of it himself。 What would his friends

have said if they had been told that the religious enthusiasm of

this gentle; self…distrustful; melancholy man; might; in its very

innocence of suspicion and self…seeking; be perverted to

dangerous uses in unscrupulous hands? His friends would; one and

all; have received the scandalous assertion with contempt; and

Penrose himself; if he had heard of it; might have failed to

control his temper for the first time in his life。

〃May I ask a question; without giving offense?〃 he said; timidly。

Father Benwell took his hand。 〃My dear Arthur; let us open our

minds to each other without reserve。 What is your question?〃

〃You have spoken; Father; of a great trust that is about to be

placed in me。〃

〃Yes。 You are anxious; no doubt; to hear what it is?〃

〃I am anxious to know; in the first place; if it requires me to

go back to Oxford。〃

Father Benwell dropped his young friend's hand。 〃Do you dislike

Oxford?〃 he asked; observing Penrose attentively。

〃Bear with me; Father; if I speak too confidently。 I dislike the

deception which has obliged me to conceal that I am a Catholic

and a priest。〃

Father Benwell set this little difficulty right; with the air of

a man who could make benevolent allowance for unreasonable

scruples。 〃I think; Arthur; you forget two important

considerations;〃 he said。 〃In the first place; you have a

dispensation from your superiors; which absolves you of all

responsibility in respect of the concealment that you have

practiced。 In the second place; we could only obtain information

of the progress which our Church is silently making at the

University by employing you in the capacity oflet me say; an

independent observer。 However; if it will contribute to your ease

of mind; I see no objection to informing you that you will _not_

be instructed to return to Oxford。 Do I relieve you?〃

There could be no question of it。 Penrose breathed more freely;

in every sense of the word。

〃At the same time;〃 Father Benwell continued; 〃let us not

misunderstand each other。 In the new sphere of action which we

design for you; you will not only be at liberty to acknowledge

that you are a Catholic; it will be absolutely necessary that you

should do so。 But you will continue to wear the ordinary dress of

an English gentleman; and to preserve the strictest secrecy on

the subject of your admission to the priesthood; until you are

further advised by myself。 Now; dear Arthur; read that paper。 It

is the necessary preface to all that I have yet to say to you。〃

The 〃paper〃 contained a few pages of manuscript relating the

early history of Vange Abbey; in the days of the monks; and the

circumstances under which the property was confiscated to lay

uses in the time of Henry the Eighth。 Penrose handed back the

little narrative; vehemently expressing his sympathy with the

monks; and his detestation of the King。

〃Compose yourself; Arthur;〃 said Father Benwell; smiling

pleasantly。 〃We don't mean to allow Henry the Eighth to have it

all his own way forever。〃

Penrose looked at his superior in blank bewilderment。 His

superior withheld any further information for the present。

〃Everything in its turn;〃 the discreet Father resumed; 〃the turn

of explanation has not come yet。 I have something else to show

you first。 One of the most interesting relics in England。 Look


He unlocked a flat mahogany box; and displayed to view some

writings on vellum; evidently of great age。

〃You have had a little sermon already;〃 he said。 〃You shall have

a little story now。 No doubt you have heard of Newstead

Abbeyfamous among the readers of poetry as the residence of

Byron? King Henry treated Newstead exactly as he treated Vange

Abbey! Many years since; the lake at Newstead was dragged; and

the brass eagle which had served as the lectern in the old church

was rescued from the waters in which it had lain for centuries。 A


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