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large catechism-第5章

小说: large catechism 字数: 每页4000字

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so kindly promises to be yours with every blessing; and to protect and
help you in all need? 

But; alas! here is the failure; that the world believes nothing of
this; nor regards it as God's Word; because it sees that those who
trust in God and not in Mammon suffer care and want; and the devil
opposes and resists them; that they have neither money; favor; nor
honor; and; besides; can scarcely support life; while; on the other
hand; those who serve Mammon have power; favor; honor; possessions; and
every comfort in the eyes of the world。 For this reason; these words
must be grasped as being directed against such appearances; and we must
consider that they do not lie or deceive; but must come true。 

Reflect for yourself or make inquiry and tell me: Those who have
employed all their care and diligence to accumulate great possessions
and wealth; what have they finally attained? You will find that they
have wasted their toil and labor; or even though they have amassed
great treasures; they have been dispersed and scattered; so that the
themselves have never found happiness in their wealth; and afterwards
never reached the third generation。 Instances of this you will find a
plenty in all histories; also in the memory of aged and experienced
people。 Only observe and ponder them。 

Saul was a great king; chosen of God and a godly man; but when he was
established on his throne; and let his heart decline from God; and put
his trust in his crown and power; he had to perish with all that he
had; so that none even of his children remained。 David; on the other
hand; was a poor; despised man; hunted down and chased; so that he
nowhere felt secure of his life; yet he had to remain in spite of Saul;
and become king。 For these words had to abide and come true; since God
cannot lie or deceive。 Only let not the devil and the world deceive you
with their show; which indeed remains for a time; but finally is

Let us; then; learn well the First Commandment; that we may see how God
will tolerate no presumption nor any trust in any other object; and how
He requires nothing higher of us than confidence from the heart for
everything good; so that we may proceed right and straightforward and
use all the blessings which God gives no farther than as a shoemaker
uses his needle; awl; and thread for work; and then lays them aside; or
as a traveler uses an inn; and food; and his bed only for temporal
necessity; each one in his station; according to God's order; and
without allowing any of these things to be our food or idol。 Let this
suffice with respect to the First Commandment; which we have had to
explain at length; since it is of chief importance; because; as before
said; where the heart is rightly disposed toward God and this
commandment is observed; all the others follow。 


The Second Commandment。

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord; thy God; in vain。

As the First Commandment has instructed the heart and taught 'the
basis of' faith; so this commandment leads us forth and directs the
mouth and tongue to God。 For the first objects that spring from the
heart and manifest themselves are words。 Now; as I have taught above
how to answer the question; what it is to have a god; so you must learn
to comprehend simply the meaning of this and all the commandments; and
to apply it to yourself。 If; then; it be asked: How do you understand
the Second Commandment; or what is meant by taking in vain; or misusing
God's name? answer briefly thus: It is misusing God's name when we call
upon the Lord God no matter in what way; for purposes of falsehood or
wrong of any kind。 Therefore this commandment enjoins this much; that
God's name must not be appealed to falsely; or taken upon the lips
while the heart knows well enough; or should know; differently; as
among those who take oaths in court; where one side lies against the
other。 For God's name cannot be misused worse than for the support of
falsehood and deceit。 Let4this remain the exact German and simplest
meaning of this commandment。 

From this every one can readily infer when and in how many ways God's
name is misused; although it is impossible to enumerate all its
misuses。 Yet; to tell it in a few words; all misuse of the divine name
occurs; first; in worldly business and in matters which concern money;
possessions; honor; whether it be publicly in court; in the market; or
wherever else men make false oaths in God's name; or pledge their souls
in any matter。 And this is especially prevalent in marriage affairs
where two go and secretly betroth themselves to one another; and
afterward abjure 'their plighted troth'。 

But。 the greatest abuse occurs in spiritual matters; which pertain to
the conscience; when false preachers rise up and offer their Lying
vanities as God's Word。 Behold; all this is decking one's self out with
God's name; or making a pretty show; or claiming to be right; whether
it occur in gross; worldly business or in sublime; subtle matters of
faith and doctrine。 And among liars belong also blasphemers; not alone
the very gross; well known to every one; who disgrace God's name
without fear (these are not for us; but for the hangman to discipline);
but also those who publicly traduce the truth and God's Word and
consign it to the devil。 Of this there is no need now to speak further。

Here; then; let us learn and take to heart the great importance of this
commandment; that with all diligence we may guard against and dread
every misuse of the holy name; as the greatest sin that can be
outwardly committed。 For to lie and deceive is in itself a great sin;
but is greatly aggravated when we attempt to justify it; and seek to
confirm it by invoking the name of God and using it as a cloak for
shame; so that from a single lie a double lie; nay; manifold lies;

For this reason; too; God has added a solemn threat to this
commandment; to wit: For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that
taketh His name in van。 That is: It shall not be condoned to any one
nor pass unpunished。 For as little as He will leave it unavenged if any
one turn his heart from Him; as little will He suffer His name to be
employed for dressing up a lie。 Now alas! it is a common calamity in
all the word that there are as few who are not using the name of God
for purposes of Lying and all wickedness as there are those who with
their heart trust alone in God。 For by nature we all have within us
this beautiful virtue; to wit; that whoever has committed a wrong would
like to cover up and adorn his disgrace; so that no one may see it or
know it; and no one is so bold as to boast to all the world of the
wickedness he has perpetrated; all wish to act by stealth and without
any one being aware of what thy do。 Then; if any one be arraigned; the
name of God is dragged into the affair and must make the villainy look
like godliness; and the shame like honor。 This is the common course of
the world; which; like a great deluge; has flooded all lands。 Hence we
have also as our reward what we seek and deserve: pestilences wars;
famines; conflagrations; floods; wayward wives; children; servants; and
all sorts of defilement。 Whence else should so much misery come? It is
still a great mercy that the earth bears and supports us。 

Therefore; above all things; our young people should have this
commandment earnestly enforced upon them; and they should be trained to
hold this and the First Commandment in high regard; and whenever they
transgress; we must at once be after them with the rod and hold the
commandment before them; and constantly inculcate it; so as to bring
them up not only with punishment; but also in the reverence and fear of

Thus you now understand what。 it is to take God's name in vain; that is
(to recapitulate briefly); either simply for purposes of falsehood; and
to allege God's name for something that is not so; or to curse; swear;
conjure; and; in short; to practice whatever wickedness one may。
Besides this you must also know how to use the name 'of God' aright。
For when saying: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God; in
vain; He gives us to understand at the same time t

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