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large catechism-第31章

小说: large catechism 字数: 每页4000字

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be my own and may benefit me; as a sure pledge and token; yea; the very
same treasure that is appointed for me against my sins; death; and
every calamity。 

On this account it is indeed called a food of souls; which nourishes
and strengthens the new man。 For by Baptism we are first born anew; but
(as we said before) there still remains; besides; the old vicious
nature of flesh and blood in man; and there are so many hindrances and
temptations of the devil and of the world that we often become weary
and faint; and sometimes also stumble。 

Therefore it is given for a daily pasture and sustenance; that faith
may refresh and strengthen itself so as not to fall back in such a
battle; but become ever stronger and stronger。 For the new life must be
so regulated that it continually increase and progress; but it must
suffer much opposition。 For the devil is such a furious enemy that when
he sees that we oppose him and attack the old man; and that he cannot
topple us over by force; he prowls and moves about on all sides; tries
all devices; and does not desist until he finally wearies us; so that
we either renounce our faith or yield hands and feet and become
listless or impatient。 Now to this end the consolation is here given
when the heart feels that the burden is becoming too heavy; that it may
here obtain new power and refreshment。 

But here our wise spirits contort themselves with their great art and
wisdom; crying out and bawling: How can bread and wine forgive sins or
strengthen faith? Although they hear and know that we do not say this
of bread and wine; because in itself bread is bread; but of such bread
and wine as is the body and blood of Christ; and has the words attached
to it。 That; we say; is verily the treasure; and nothing else; through
which such forgiveness is obtained。 Now the only way in which it is
conveyed and appropriated to us is in the words (Given and shed for
you)。 For herein you have both truths; that it is the body and blood of
Christ; and that it is yours as a treasure and gift。 Now the body of
Christ can never be an unfruitful; vain thing; that effects or profits
nothing。 Yet however great is the treasure in itself; it must be
comprehended in the Word and administered to us; else we should never
be able to know or seek it。 

Therefore also it is vain talk when they say that the body and blood of
Christ are not given and shed for us in the Lord's Supper; hence we
could not have forgiveness of sins in the Sacrament。 For although the
work is accomplished and the forgiveness of sins acquired on the cross;
yet it cannot come to us in any other way than through the Word。 For
what would we otherwise know about it; that such a thing was
accomplished or was to be given us if it were not presented by
preaching or the oral Word? Whence do they know of it; or how can they
apprehend and appropriate to themselves the forgiveness; except they
lay hold of and believe the Scriptures and the Gospel? But now the
entire Gospel and the article of the Creed: I believe a holy Christian
Church; the forgiveness of sin; etc。; are by the Word embodied in this
Sacrament and presented to us。 Why; then; should we allow this treasure
to be torn from the Sacrament when they must confess that these are the
very words which we hear everywhere in the Gospel; and they cannot say
that these words in the Sacrament are of no use; as little as they dare
say that the entire Gospel or Word of God; apart from the Sacrament; is
of no use? 

Thus we have the entire Sacrament; both as to what it is in itself and
as to what it brings and profits。 Now we must also see who is the
person that receives this power and benefit。 That is answered briefly;
as we said above of Baptism and often elsewhere: Whoever believes it
has what the words declare and bring。 For they are not spoken or
proclaimed to stone and wood; but to those who hear them; to whom He
says: Take and eat; etc。 And because He offers and promises forgiveness
of sin; it cannot be received otherwise than by faith。 This faith He
Himself demands in the Word when He says: Given and shed for you。 As if
He said: For this reason I give it; and bid you eat and drink; that you
may claim it as yours and enjoy it。 Whoever now accepts these words;
and believes that what they declare is true; has it。 But whoever does
not believe it has nothing; as he allows it to be offered to him in
vain; and refuses to enjoy such a saving good。 The treasure; indeed; is
opened and placed at every one's door; yea upon his table; but it is
necessary that you also claim it; and confidently view it as the words
suggest to you。 

This; now; is the entire Christian preparation for receiving this
Sacrament worthily。 For since this treasure is entirely presented in
the words; it cannot be apprehended and appropriated in any other way
than with the heart。 For such a gift and eternal treasure cannot be
seized with the fist。 Fasting and prayer; etc。; may indeed be an
external preparation and discipline for children; that the body may
keep and bear itself modestly and reverently towards the body and blood
of Christ; yet what is given in and with it the body cannot seize and
appropriate。 But this is done by the faith of the heart; which discerns
this treasure and desires it。 This may suffice for what is necessary
as a general instruction respecting this Sacrament; for what is
further to be said of it belongs to another time。 


In conclusion; since we have now the true understanding and doctrine of
the Sacrament; there is indeed need of some admonition and exhortation;
that men may not let so great a treasure which is daily administered
and distributed among Christians pass by unheeded; that is; that those
who would be Christians make ready to receive this venerable Sacrament
often。 For we see that men seem weary and lazy with respect to it; and
there is a great multitude of such as hear the Gospel; and; because the
nonsense of the Pope has been abolished; and we are freed from his laws
and coercion; go one; two; three years; or even longer without the
Sacrament; as though they were such strong Christians that they have no
need of it; and some allow themselves to be prevented and deterred by
the pretense that we have taught that no one should approach it except
those who feel hunger and thirst; which urge them to it。 Some pretend
that it is a matter of liberty and not necessary; and that it is
sufficient to believe without it; and thus for the most part they go so
far that they become quite brutish; and finally despise both the
Sacrament and the Word of God。 

Now; it is true; as we have said; that no one should by any means be
coerced or compelled; lest we institute a new murdering of souls。
Nevertheless; it must be known that such people as deprive themselves
of; and withdraw from; the Sacrament so long a time are not to be
considered Christians。 For Christ has not instituted it to be treated
as a show; but has commanded His Christians to eat and drink it; and
thereby remember Him。 

And; indeed; those who are true Christians and esteem the Sacrament
precious and holy will urge and impel themselves unto it。 Yet that the
simple…minded and the weak who also would like to be Christians be the
more incited to consider the cause and need which ought to impel them;
we will treat somewhat of this point。 For as in other matters
pertaining to faith; love; and patience; it is not enough to teach and
instruct only; but there is need also of daily exhortation; so here
also there is need of continuing to preach that men may not become
weary and disgusted; since we know and feel how the devil always
opposes this and every Christian exercise; and drives and deters
therefrom as much as he can。 

And we have; in the first place; the clear text in the very words of
Christ: Do this in remembrance of Me。 These are bidding and commanding
words by which all who would be Christians are enjoined to partake of
this Sacrament。 Therefore; whoever would be a disciple of Christ; with
whom He here speaks; must also consider and observe this; not from
compulsion; as being forced by men; but in obedience to the Lord Jesus

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