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large catechism-第29章

小说: large catechism 字数: 每页4000字

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as they have noses; eyes; skin; and hair flesh and bones; they look
like Turks and heathen; and some one might start up and say: Why should
I esteem them more than others? But because the commandment is added:
Honor thy father and thy mother; I behold a different man; adorned and
clothed with the majesty and glory of God。 The commandment (I say) is
the chain of gold about his neck; yea; the crown upon his head which
shows to me how and why one must honor this flesh and blood。 

Thus; and much more even; you must honor Baptism and esteem it
glorious on account of the Word; since He Himself has honored it both
by words and deeds; moreover; confirmed it with miracles from heaven。
For do you think it was a jest that; when Christ was baptized; the
heavens were opened and the Holy Ghost descended visibly; and
everything was divine glory and majesty? 

Therefore I exhort again that these two the water and the Word; by no
means be separated from one another and parted。 For if the Word is
separated from it; the water is the same as that with which the servant
cooks; and may indeed be called a bath…keeper's baptism。 But when it is
added; as God has ordained; it is a Sacrament; and is called
Christ…baptism。 Let this be the first part regarding the essence and
dignity of the holy Sacrament。 

In the second place; since we know now what Baptism is; and how it is
to be regarded; we must also learn why and for what purpose it is
instituted; that is; what it profits; gives and works。 And this also we
cannot discern better than from the words of Christ above quoted: He
that believeth and is baptized shall be saved。 Therefore state it most
simply thus; that the power; work; profit; fruit; and end of Baptism is
this; namely; to save。 For no one is baptized in order that he may
become a prince; but; as the words declare; that he be saved。 But to be
saved。 we know。 is nothing else than to be delivered from sin; death;
and the devil; and to enter into the kingdom of Christ; and to live
with Him forever。 

Here you see again how highly and precious we should esteem Baptism;
because in it we obtain such an unspeakable treasure; which also
indicates sufficiently that it cannot be ordinary mere water。 For mere
water could not do such a thing; but the Word does it; and (as said
above) the fact that the name of God is comprehended therein。 But where
the name of God is; there must be also life and salvation; that it may
indeed be called a divine; blessed; fruitful; and gracious water; for
by the Word such power is imparted to Baptism that it is a laver of
regeneration; as St。 Paul also calls it; Titus 3; 5。 

But as our would…be wise; new spirits assert that faith alone saves;
and that works and external things avail nothing; we answer: It is
true; indeed; that nothing in us is of any avail but faith; as we shall
hear still further。 But these blind guides are unwilling to see this;
namely; that faith must have something which it believes; that is; of
which it takes hold; and upon which it stands and rests。 Thus faith
clings to the water; and believes that it is Baptism; in which there is
pure salvation and life; not through the water (as we have sufficiently
stated); but through the fact that it is embodied in the Word and
institution of God; and the name of God inheres in it。 Now; if I
believe this; what else is it than believing in God as in Him who has
given and planted His Word into this ordinance; and proposes to us this
external thing wherein we may apprehend such a treasure? 

Now; they are so mad as to separate faith and that to which faith
clings and is bound though it be something external。 Yea; it shall and
must be something external; that it may be apprehended by the senses;
and understood and thereby be brought into the heart; as indeed the
entire Gospel is an external; verbal preaching。 In short; what God does
and works in us He proposes to work through such external ordinances。
Wherever; therefore; He speaks; yea; in whichever direction or by
whatever means He speaks; thither faith must look; and to that it must
hold。 Now here we have the words: He that believeth and is baptized
shall be saved。 To what else do they refer than to Baptism; that is; to
the water comprehended in God's ordinance? Hence it follows that
whoever rejects Baptism rejects the Word of God; faith; and Christ; who
directs us thither and binds us to Baptism。 

In the third place since we have learned the great benefit and power of
Baptism; let us see further who is the person that receives what
Baptism gives and profits。 This is again most beautifully and clearly
expressed in the words: He that believeth and is baptized shall be
saved。 That is; faith alone makes the person worthy to receive
profitably the saving; divine water。 For; since these blessings are
here presented and promised in the words in and with the water; they
cannot be received in any other way than by believing them with the
heart。 Without faith it profits nothing; notwithstanding it is in
itself a divine superabundant treasure。 Therefore this single word (He
that believeth) effects this much that it excludes and repels all
works which we can do; in the opinion that we obtain and merit
salvation by them。 For it is determined that whatever is not faith
avails nothing nor receives anything。 

But if they say; as they are accustomed: Still Baptism is itself a
work; and you say works are of no avail for salvation; what then;
becomes of faith? Answer: Yes; our works; indeed; avail nothing for
salvation; Baptism; however; is not our work; but God's (for; as was
stated; you must put Christ…baptism far away from a bath…keeper's
baptism)。 God's works; however; are saving and necessary for salvation;
and do not exclude; but demand; faith; for without faith they could not
be apprehended。 For by suffering the water to be poured upon you; you
have not yet received Baptism in such a manner that it benefits you
anything; but it becomes beneficial to you if you have yourself
baptized with the thought that this is according to God's command and
ordinance; and besides in God's name; in order that you may receive in
the water the promised salvation。 Now; this the fist cannot do; nor the
body; but the heart must believe it。 

Thus you see plainly that there is here no work done by us; but a
treasure which He gives us; and which faith apprehends; just as the
Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross is not a work; but a treasure
comprehended in the Word; and offered to us and received by faith。
Therefore they do us violence by exclaiming against us as though we
preach against faith; while we alone insist upon it as being of such
necessity that without it nothing can be received nor enjoyed。 

Thus we have these three parts which it is necessary to know
concerning this Sacrament especially that the ordinance of God is to be
held in all honor; which alone would be sufficient; though it be an
entirely external thing like the commandment; Honor thy father and thy
mother; which refers to bodily flesh and blood。 Therein we regard not
the flesh and blood; but the commandment of God in which they are
comprehended; and on account of which the flesh is called father and
mother; so also; though we had no more than these words; Go ye and
baptize; etc。; it would be necessary for us to accept and do it as the
ordinance of God。 Now there is here not only God's commandment and
injunction; but also the promise; on account of which it is still far
more glorious than whatever else God has commanded and ordained; and
is; in short; so full of consolation and grace that heaven and earth
cannot comprehend it。 But it requires skill to believe this; for the
treasure is not wanting; but this is wanting that men apprehend it and
hold it firmly。 

Therefore every Christian has enough in Baptism to learn and to
practice all his life; for he has always enough to do to believe
firmly what it promises and brings: victory over death and the devil;
forgiveness of sin; the grace of God; the entire Christ; and the Holy
Ghost with His gifts。 In short; it is so transcendent that if timid
nature could realize it; it might well doubt whether it could 

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