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large catechism-第24章

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they become daily more unfit for prayer; which is just what the devil
desires; and for what he works with all his powers。 For he is well
aware what damage and harm it does him when prayer is in proper
practice。 For this we must know; that all our shelter and protection
rest in prayer alone。 For we are far too feeble to cope with the devil
and all his power and adherents that set themselves against us; and
they might easily crush us under their feet。 Therefore we must consider
and take up those weapons with which Christians must be armed in order
to stand against the devil。 For what do you think has hitherto
accomplished such great things; has checked or quelled the counsels;
purposes; murder; and riot of our enemies; whereby the devil thought to
crush us; together with the Gospel; except that the prayer of a few
godly men intervened like a wall of iron on our side? They should else
have witnessed a far different tragedy; namely; how the devil would
have destroyed all Germany in its own blood。 But now they may
confidently deride it and make a mock of it; however; we shall
nevertheless be a match both for themselves and the devil by prayer
alone; if we only persevere diligently and not become slack。 For
whenever a godly Christian prays: Dear Father let Thy will be done; God
speaks from on high and says: Yes; dear child; it shall be so; in spite
of the devil and all the world。 

Let this be said as an exhortation; that men may learn; first of all;
to esteem prayer as something great and precious; and to make a proper
distinction between babbling and praying for something。 For we by no
means reject prayer; but the bare; useless howling and murmuring we
reject; as Christ Himself also rejects and prohibits long palavers。 Now
we shall most briefly and clearly treat of the Lord's Prayer。 Here
there is comprehended in seven successive articles; or petitions; every
need which never ceases to relate to us; and each so great that it
ought to constrain us to keep praying it all our lives。
 The First Petition。
Hallowed be Thy name。 

This is; indeed; somewhat obscure; and not expressed in good German;
for in our mother…tongue we would say: Heavenly Father; help that by
all means Thy name may be holy。 But what is it to pray that His name
may be holy? Is it not holy already? Answer: Yes; it is always holy in
its nature; but in our use it is not holy。 For God's name was given us
when we became Christians and were baptized; so that we are called
children of God and have the Sacraments by which He so incorporates us
in Himself that everything which is God's must serve for our use。 

Here now the great need exists for which we ought to be most
concerned; that this name have its proper honor; be esteemed holy and
sublime as the greatest treasure and sanctuary that we have; and that
as godly children we pray that the name of God; which is already holy
in heaven; may also be and remain holy with us upon earth and in all
the world。 

But how does it become holy among us? Answer; as plainly as it can be
said: When both our doctrine and life are godly and Christian。 For
since in this prayer we call God our Father; it is our duty always to
deport and demean ourselves as godly children; that He may not receive
shame; but honor and praise from us。 

Now the name of God is profaned by us either in words or in works。 (For
whatever we do upon the earth must be either words or works; speech or
act。) In the first place; then; it is profaned when men preach; teach;
and speak in the name of God what is false and misleading; so that His
name must serve to adorn and to find a market for falsehood。 That is;
indeed; the greatest profanation and dishonor of the divine name。
Furthermore; also when men; by swearing; cursing; conjuring; etc。;
grossly abuse the holy name as a cloak for their shame。 In the second
place also by an openly wicked life and works; when those who are
called Christians and the people of God are adulterers; drunkards;
misers; envious; and slanderers。 Here again must the name of God come
to shame and be profaned because of us。 For just as it is a shame and
disgrace to a natural father to have a bad perverse child that opposes
him in words and deeds; so that on its account he suffers contempt and
reproach; so also it brings dishonor upon God if we who are called by
His name and have all manner of goods from Him teach; speak; and live
in any other manner except as godly and heavenly children; so that
people say of us that we must be not God's; but the devil's children。 

Thus you see that in this petition we pray just for that which God
demands in the Second Commandment; namely; that His name be not taken
in vain to swear; curse; lie; deceive; etc。; but be usefully employed
to the praise and honor of God。 For whoever employs the name of God for
any sort of wrong profanes and desecrates this holy name; as aforetime
a church was considered desecrated when a murder or any other crime had
been committed in it; or when a pyx or relic was desecrated; as being
holy in themselves; yet become unholy in use。 Thus this point is easy
and clear if only the language is understood; that to hallow is the
same as in our idiom to praise; magnify; and honor both in word and

Here; now; learn how great need there is of such prayer。 For because we
see how full the world is of sects and false teachers; who all wear the
holy name as a cover and sham for their doctrines of devils; we ought
by all means to pray without ceasing; and to cry and call upon God
against all such as preach and believe falsely and whatever opposes and
persecutes our Gospel and pure doctrine; and would suppress it; as
bishops; tyrants; enthusiasts; etc。 Likewise also for ourselves who
have the Word of God; but are not thankful for it; nor live as we
ought according to the same。 If now you pray for this with your heart;
you can be sure that it pleases God; for He will not hear anything more
dear to Him than that His honor and praise is exalted above everything
else; and His Word is taught in its purity and is esteemed precious and
The Second Petition。
 Thy kingdom come。 

As we prayed in the First Petition concerning the honor and name of God
that He would prevent the world from adorning its lies and wickedness
with it; but cause it to be esteemed sublime and holy both in doctrine
and life; so that He may be praised and magnified in us; so here we
pray that His kingdom also may come。 But just as the name of God is in
itself holy; and we pray nevertheless that it be holy among us; so also
His kingdom comes of itself; without our prayer; yet we pray
nevertheless that it may come to us; that is; prevail among us and with
us; so that we may be a part of those among whom His name is hallowed
and His kingdom prospers。 

But what is the kingdom of God? Answer: Nothing else than what we
learned in the Creed; that God sent His Son Jesus Christ our Lord; into
the world to redeem and deliver us from the power of the devil; and to
bring us to Himself; and to govern us as a King of righteousness; life
and salvation against sin death; and an evil conscience; for which end
He has also bestowed His Holy Ghost; who is to bring these things home
to us by His holy Word; and to illumine and strengthen us in the faith
by His power。 

Therefore we pray here in the first place that this may become
effective with us; and that His name be so praised through the holy
Word of God and a Christian life that both we who have accepted it may
abide and daily grow therein; and that it may gain approbation and
adherence among other people and proceed with power throughout the
world; that many may find entrance into the Kingdom of Grace; be made
partakers of redemption; being led thereto by the Holy Ghost; in order
that thus we may all together remain forever in the one kingdom now

For the coming of God's Kingdom to us occurs in two ways; first; here
in time through the Word and faith; and secondly; in eternity forever
through revelation。 Now we pray for both these things; that it may come
to those who are not yet in it; and; by daily increase; to us who have
received the sa

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