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小说: egypt 字数: 每页4000字

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of water from the Nile; filled for them by the good imams; whose

hospitality they repay by making heard in the courts; beneath the

arched roofs; beneath the ceilings of cedarwood; the sweet; piping

music of birds。



There are two of us; and as we light our way by the aid of a lantern

through these vast halls we might be taken for a night watch on its

round。 We have just shut behind us and doubly locked the door by which

we entered; and we know that we are alone; rigorously alone; although

this place is so vast; with its endless; communicating halls; its high

vestibules and great flights of stairs; mathematically alone; one

might say; for this palace that we are in is one quite out of the

ordinary; and all its outlets were closed and sealed at nightfall。

Every night indeed the doors are sealed; on account of the priceless

relics that are collected here。 So we shall not meet with any living

being in these halls to…night; in spite of their vast extent and

endless turnings; and in spite too of all these mysterious things that

are ranged on every side and fill the place with shadows and hiding…


Our round takes us first along the ground floor over flagstones that

resound to our footsteps。 It is about ten of the clock。 Here and there

through some stray windows gleams a small patch of luminous blue sky;

lit by the stars which for the good folk outside lend transparency to

the night; but there; none the less; the place is filled with a solemn

gloom; and we lower our voices; remembering perhaps the dead that fill

the glass cases in the halls above。

And these things which line the walls on either side of us as we pass

also seem to be in the nature of receptacles for the dead。 For the

most part they are sarcophagi of granite; proud and indestructible:

some of them; in the shape of gigantic boxes; are laid out in line on

pedestals; others; in the form of mummies; stand upright against the

walls and display enormous faces; surmounted by equally enormous head…

dresses。 Assembled there they look like a lot of malformed giants;

with oversized heads sunk curiously in their shoulders。 There are;

besides; some that are merely statues; colossal figures that have

never held a corpse in their interiors; these all wear a strange;

scarcely perceptible smile; in their huge sphinxlike headgear they

reach nearly to the ceiling and their set stare passes high above our

heads。 And there are others that are not larger than ourselves; some

even quite little; with the stature of gnomes。 And; every now and

then; at some sudden turning; we encounter a pair of eyes of enamel;

wide…open eyes; that pierce straight into the depths of ours; that

seem to follow us as we pass and make us shiver as if by the contact

of a thought that comes from the abysm of the ages。

We pass on rapidly; however; and somewhat inattentively; for our

business here to…night is not with these simulacra on the ground

floor; but with the more redoubtable hosts above。 Besides our lantern

sheds so little light in these great halls that all these people of

granite and sandstone and marble appear only at the precise moment of

our passage; appear only to disappear; and; spreading their fantastic

shadows on the walls; mingle the next moment with the great mute

crowd; that grows ever more numerous behind us。

Placed at intervals are apparatus for use in case of fire; coils of

hose and standpipes that shine with the warm glow of burnished copper;

and I ask my companion of the watch: 〃What is there that could burn

here? Are not these good people all of stone?〃 And he answers: 〃Not

here indeed; but consider how the things that are above would blaze。〃

Ah! yes。 The 〃things that are above〃which are indeed the object of

my visit to…night。 I had no thought of fire catching hold in an

assembly of mummies; of the old withered flesh; the dead; dry hair;

the venerable carcasses of kings and queens; soaked as they are in

natron and oils; crackling like so many boxes of matches。 It is

chiefly on account of this danger indeed that the seals are put upon

the doors at nightfall; and that it needs a special favour to be

allowed to penetrate into this place at night with a lantern。

In the daytime this 〃Museum of Egyptian Antiquities〃 is as vulgar a

thing as you can conceive; filled though it is with priceless

treasures。 It is the most pompous; the most outrageous of those

buildings; of no style at all; by which each year the New Cairo is

enriched; open to all who care to gaze at close quarters; in a light

that is almost brutal; upon these august dead; who fondly thought that

they had hidden themselves for ever。

But at night! 。 。 。 Ah! at night when all the doors are closed; it is

the palace of nightmare and of fear。 At night; so say the Arab

guardians; who would not enter it at the price of goldno; not even

after offering up a prayerat night; horrible 〃forms〃 escape; not

only from the embalmed bodies that sleep in the glass cases above; but

also from the great statues; from the papyri; and the thousand and one

things that; at the bottom of the tombs; have long been impregnated

with human essence。 And these 〃forms〃 are like unto dead bodies; and

sometimes to strange beasts; even to beasts that crawl。 And; after

having wandered about the halls; they end by assembling for their

nocturnal conferences on the roofs。

We next ascend a staircase of monumental proportions; empty in the

whole extent; where we are delivered for a little while from the

obsession of those rigid figures; from the stares and smiles of the

good people in white stone and black granite who throng the galleries

and vestibules on the ground floor。 None of them; to be sure; will

follow us; but all the same they guard in force and perplex with their

shadows the only way by which we can retreat; if the formidable hosts

above have in store for us too sinister a welcome。

He to whose courtesy I owe the relaxation of the orders of the night

is the illustrious savant to whose care has been entrusted the

direction of the excavations in Egyptian soil; he is also the

comptroller of this vast museum; and it is he himself who has kindly

consented to act as my guide to…night through its mazy labyrinth。

Across the silent halls above we now proceed straight towards those of

whom I have demanded this nocturnal audience。

To…night the succession of these rooms; filled with glass cases; which

cover more than four hundred yards along the four sides of the

building; seems to be without end。 After passing; in turn; the papyri;

the enamels; the vases that contain human entrails; we reach the

mummies of the sacred beasts: cats; ibises; dogs; hawks; all with

their mummy cloths and sarcophagi; and monkeys; too; that remain

grotesque even in death。 Then commence the human masks; and; upright

in glass…fronted cupboards; the mummy cases in which the body; swathed

in its mummy cloths; was moulded; and which reproduced; more or less

enlarged; the figure of the deceased。 Quite a lot of courtesans of the

Greco…Roman epoch; moulded in paste in this wise after death and

crowned with roses; smile at us provokingly from behind their windows。

Masks of the colour of dead flesh alternate with others of gold which

gleam as the light of our lantern plays upon them momentarily in our

rapid passage。 Their eyes are always too large; the eyelids too wide

open and the dilated pupils seem to stare at us with alarm。 Amongst

these mummy cases and these coffin lids fashioned in the shape of the

human figure; there are some that seem to have been made for giants;

the head especially; beneath its cumbrous head…dress; the head stuffed

as it were between the hunchback shoulders; looks enormous; out of all

proportion to the body which; towards the feet; narrows like a


Although our little lantern maintains its light we seem to see here

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