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小说: egypt 字数: 每页4000字

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it is a clear week since any serious quantity of rain fell。 It would

seem that the new masters of this land; albeit the cost of annual

upkeep has risen in their hands to the sum of fifteen million pounds;

have given no thought to drainage。 But the good Arabs; patiently and

without murmuring; gather up their long robes; and with legs bare to

the knee make their way through this already pestilential water; which

must be hatching for them fever and death。

Further on; as the carriage proceeds on its course; the scene changes

little by little。 The streets become vulgar: the houses of 〃The

Arabian Nights〃 give place to tasteless Levantine buildings; electric

lamps begin to pierce the darkness with their wan; fatiguing glare;

and at a sharp turning the new Cairo is before us。

What is this? Where are we fallen? Save that it is more vulgar; it

might be Nice; or the Riviera; or Interkalken; or any other of those

towns of carnival whither the bad taste of the whole world comes to

disport itself in the so…called fashionable seasons。 But in these

quarters; on the other hand; which belong to the foreigners and to the

Egyptians rallied to the civilisation of the West; all is clean and

dry; well cared for and well kept。 There are no ruts; no refuse。 The

fifteen million pounds have done their work conscientiously。

Everywhere is the blinding glare of the electric light; monstrous

hotels parade the sham splendour of their painted facades; the whole

length of the streets is one long triumph of imitation; of mud walls

plastered so as to look like stone; a medley of all styles; rockwork;

Roman; Gothic; New Art; Pharaonic; and; above all; the pretentious and

the absurd。 Innumerable public…houses overflow with bottles; every

alcoholic drink; all the poisons of the West; are here turned into

Egypt with a take…what…you…please。

And taverns; gambling dens and houses of ill…fame。 And parading the

side…walks; numerous Levantine damsels; who seek by their finery to

imitate their fellows of the Paris boulevards; but who by mistake; as

we must suppose; have placed their orders with some costumier for

performing dogs。

This then is the Cairo of the future; this cosmopolitan fair! Good

heavens! When will the Egyptians recollect themselves; when will they

realise that their forebears have left to them an inalienable

patrimony of art; of architecture and exquisite refinement; and that;

by their negligence; one of those towns which used to be the most

beautiful in the world is falling into ruin and about to perish?

And nevertheless amongst the young Moslems and Copts now leaving the

schools there are so many of distinguished mind and superior

intelligence! When I see the things that are here; see them with the

fresh eyes of a stranger; landed but yesterday upon this soil;

impregnated with the glory of antiquity; I want to cry out to them;

with a frankness that is brutal perhaps; but with a profound sympathy:

〃Bestir yourselves before it is too late。 Defend yourselves against

this disintegrating invasionnot by force; be it understood; not by

inhospitality or ill…humourbut by disdaining this Occidental

rubbish; this last year's frippery by which you are inundated。 Try to

preserve not only your traditions and your admirable Arab language;

but also the grace and mystery that used to characterise your town;

the refined luxury of your dwelling…houses。 It is not a question now

of a poet's fancy; your national dignity is at stake。 You are

/Orientals/I pronounce respectfully that word; which implies a whole

past of early civilisation; of unmingled greatnessbut in a few

years; unless you are on your guard; you will have become mere

Levantine brokers; exclusively preoccupied with the price of land and

the rise in cotton。〃



They are almost innumerable; more than 3000; and this great town;

which covers some twelve miles of plain; might well be called a city

of mosques。 (I speak; of course; of the ancient Cairo; of the Cairo of

the Arabs。 The new Cairo; the Cairo of sham elegance and of 〃Semiramis

Hotels;〃 does not deserve to be mentioned except with a smile。)

A city of mosques; then; as I was saying。 They follow one another

along the streets; sometimes two; three; four in a row; leaning one

against the other; so that their confines become merged。 On all sides

their minarets shoot up into the air; those minarets embellished with

arabesques; carved and complicated with the most changing fancy。 They

have their little balconies; their rows of little columns; they are so

fashioned that the daylight shows through them。 Some are far away in

the distance; others quite close; pointing straight into the sky above

our heads。 No matter where one looksas far as the eye can seestill

there are others; all of the same familiar colour; a brown turning

into rose。 The most ancient of them; those of the old easy…tempered

times; bristle with shafts of wood; placed there as resting…places for

the great free birds of the air; and vultures and ravens may always be

seen perched there; contemplating the horizon of the sands; the line

of the yellow solitudes。

Three thousand mosques! Their great straight walls; a little severe

perhaps; and scarcely pierced by their tiny ogive windows; rise above

the height of the neighbouring houses。 These walls are of the same

brown colour as the minarets; except that they are painted with

horizontal stripes of an old red; which has been faded by the sun; and

they are crowned invariably with a series of trefoils; after the

fashion of battlements; but trefoils which in every case are different

and surprising。

Before the mosques; which are raised like altars; there is always a

flight of steps with a balustrade of white marble。 From the door one

gets a glimpse of the calm interior in deep shadow。 Once inside there

are corridors; astonishingly lofty; sonorous and enveloped in a kind

of half gloom; immediately on entering one experiences a sense of

coolness and pervading peace; they prepare you as it were; and you

begin to be filled with a spirit of devotion; and instinctively to

speak low。 In the narrow street outside there was the clamorous uproar

of an Oriental crowd; cries of sellers; and the noise of humble old…

world trading; men and beasts jostled you; there seemed a scarcity of

air beneath those so numerous overhanging mushrabiyas。 But here

suddenly there is silence; broken only by the vague murmur of prayers

and the sweet songs of birds; there is silence too; and the sense of

open space; in the holy garden enclosed within high walls; and again

in the sanctuary; resplendent in its quiet and restful magnificence。

Few people as a rule frequent the mosques; except of course at the

hours of the five services of the day。 In a few chosen corners;

particularly cool and shady; some greybeards isolate themselves to

read from morning till night the holy books and to ponder the thought

of approaching death: they may be seen there in their white turbans;

with their white beards and grave faces。 And there may be; too; some

few poor homeless outcasts; who are come to seek the hospitality of

Allah; and sleep; careless of the morrow; stretched to their full

length on mats。

The peculiar charm of the gardens of the mosques; which are often very

extensive; is that they are so jealously enclosed within their high

wallscrowned always with stone trefoilswhich completely shut out

the hubbub of the outer world。 Palm…trees; which have grown there for

some hundred years perhaps; rise from the ground; either separately or

in superb clusters; and temper the light of the always hot sun on the

rose…trees and the flowering hibiscus。 There is no noise in the

gardens; any more than in the cloisters; for people walk there in

sandals and with measured tread。 And there are Edens; too; for the

birds; who live and sing therein in complete security; even durin

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