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小说: egypt 字数: 每页4000字

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the villages of those Copts; those Egyptians; who have preserved the

Christian faith from father to son since the nebulous times of the

first martyrs。


The simple Church of St。 Sergius is a relic hidden away and almost

buried in the midst of a labyrinth of ruins。 Without a guide it is

almost impossible to find your way thither。 The quarter in which it is

situated is enclosed within the walls of what was once a Roman

fortress; and this fortress in its turn is surrounded by the tranquil

ruins of 〃Old Cairo〃which is to the Cairo of the Mamelukes and the

Khedives; in a small degree; what Versailles is to Paris。

On this Easter morning; having set out from the Cairo of to…day to be

present at this mass; we have first to traverse a suburb in course of

transformation; upon whose ancient soil will shortly appear numbers of

these modern horrors; in mud and metalfactories or large hotels

which multiply in this poor land with a stupefying rapidity。 Then

comes a mile or so of uncultivated ground; mixed with stretches of

sand; and already a little desertlike。 And then the walls of Old

Cairo; after which begins the peace of the deserted houses; of little

gardens and orchards among the ruins。 The wind and the dust beset us

the whole way; the almost eternal wind and the eternal dust of this

land; by which; since the beginning of the ages; so many human eyes

have been burnt beyond recovery。 They keep us now in blinding

whirlwinds; which swarm with flies。 The 〃season〃 indeed is already

over; and the foreign invaders have fled until next autumn。 Egypt is

now more Egyptian; beneath a more burning sky。 The sun of this Easter

Sunday is as hot as ours of July; and the ground seems as if it would

perish of drought。 But it is always thus in the springtime of this

rainless country; the trees; which have kept their leaves throughout

the winter; shed them in April as ours do in November。 There is no

shade anywhere and everything suffers。 Everything grows yellow on the

yellow sands。 But there is no cause for uneasiness: the inundation is

at hand; which has never failed since the commencement of our

geological period。 In another few weeks the prodigious river will

spread along its banks; just as in the times of the God Amen; a

precocious and impetuous life。 And meanwhile the orange…trees; the

jasmine and the honeysuckle; which men have taken care to water with

water from the Nile; are full of riotous bloom。 As we pass the gardens

of Old Cairo; which alternate with the tumbling houses; this continual

cloud of white dust that envelops us comes suddenly laden with their

sweet fragrance; so that; despite the drought and the bareness of the

trees; the scents of a sudden and feverish springtime are already in

the air。

When we arrive at the walls of what used to be the Roman citadel we

have to descend from our carriage; and passing through a low doorway

penetrate on foot into the labyrinth of a Coptic quarter which is

dying of dust and old age。 Deserted houses that have become the

refuges of outcasts; mushrabiyas; worm…eaten and decayed; little

mousetrap alleys that lead us under arches of the Middle Ages; and

sometimes close over our heads by reason of the fantastic bending of

the ruins。 Even by such a route as this are we conducted to a famous

basilica! Were it not for these groups of Copts; dressed in their

Sunday garb; who make their way like us through the ruins to the

Easter mass; we should think that we had lost our way。

And how pretty they look; these women draped like phantoms in their

black silks。 Their long veils do not completely hide them; as do those

of the Moslems。 They are simply placed over their hair and leave

uncovered the delicate features; the golden necklet and the half…bared

arms that carry on their wrists thick twisted bracelets of virgin

gold。 Pure Egyptians as they are; they have preserved the same

delicate profile; the same elongated eyes; as mark the old goddesses

carved in bas…relief on the Pharaonic walls。 But some; alas; amongst

the young ones have discarded their traditional costume; and are

arrayed /a la franque/; in gowns and hats。 And such gowns; such hats;

such flowers! The very peasants of our meanest villages would disdain

them。 Oh! why cannot someone tell these poor little women; who have it

in their power to be so adorable; that the beautiful folds of their

black veils give to them an exquisite and characteristic distinction;

while this poor tinsel; which recalls the mid…Lent carnivals; makes of

them objects that excite our pity!

In one of the walls which now surround us there is a low and shrinking

doorway。 Can this be the entrance to the basilica? The idea seems

absurd。 And yet some of the pretty creatures in the black veils and

bracelets of gold; who were in front of us; have disappeared through

it; and already the perfume of the censers is wafted towards us。 A

kind of corridor; astonishingly poor and old; twists itself

suspiciously; and then issues into a narrow court; more than a

thousand years old; where offertory boxes; fixed on Oriental brackets;

invite our alms。 The odour of the incense becomes more pronounced; and

at last a door; hidden in shadow at the end of this retreat; gives

access to the venerable church itself。

The church! It is a mixture of Byzantine basilica; mosque and desert

hut。 Entering there; it is as if we were introduced suddenly to the

na?ve infancy of Christianity; as if we surprised it; as it were; in

its cradlewhich was indeed Oriental。 The triple nave is full of

little children (here also; that is what strikes us first); of little

mites who cry or else laugh and play; and there are mothers suckling

their new…born babesand all the time the invisible mass is being

celebrated beyond; behind the iconostasis。 On the ground; on mats;

whole families are seated in circle; as if they were in their homes。 A

thick deposit of white chalk on the defaced; shrunken walls bears

witness to great age。 And over all this is a strange old ceiling of

cedarwood; traversed by large barbaric beams。

In the nave; supported by columns of marble; brought in days gone by

from Pagan temples; there are; as in all these old Coptic churches;

high transverse wooden partitions; elaborately wrought in the Arab

fashion; which divide it into three sections: the first; into which

one comes on entering the church; is allotted to the women; the second

is for the baptistery; and the third; at the end adjoining the

iconostasis; is reserved for the men。

These women who are gathered this morning in their apportioned space

so much at home there with their suckling little oneswear; almost

all of them; the long black silk veils of former days。 In their

harmonious and endlessly restless groups; the gowns /a la franque/ and

the poor hats of carnival are still the exception。 The congregation;

as a whole; preserves almost intact its na?ve; old…time flavour。

And there is movement too; beyond; in the compartment of the men;

which is bounded at the farther end by the iconostasisa thousand…

year…old wall decorated with inlaid cedarwood and ivory of precious

antique workmanship; and adorned with strange old icons; blackened by

time。 It is behind this wallpierced by several doorwaysthat mass

is now being said。 From this last sanctuary shut off thus from the

people comes the vague sound of singing; from time to time a priest

raises a faded silk curtain and from the threshold makes the sign of

blessing。 His vestments are of gold; and he wears a golden crown; but

the humble faithful speak to him freely; and even touch his gorgeous

garments; that might be those of one of the Wise Kings。 He smiles; and

letting fall the curtain; which covers the entrance to the tabernacle;

disappears again into this innocent mystery。

Even the least things here tell of decay。 The flagstones; trodden by

the feet of numberless dead generations; are become uneven through the


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