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小说: egypt 字数: 每页4000字

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the threshold of the vast desolations of Arabia。 /The desert/; and;

even if we had not known that it was awaiting us; we should have

recognised it by the indescribable quality of harshness and uniqueness

which; in spite of the darkness; cannot be mistaken。

But the night after all is not so black。 It only seemed so; at the

first moment; by contrast with the glaring illumination of the street。

In reality it is transparent and blue。 A half…moon; high up in the

heavens; and veiled by a diaphanous mist; shines gently; and as it is

an Egyptian moon; more subtle than ours; it leaves to things a little

of their colour。 We can see now; as well as feel; this desert; which

has opened and imposed its silence upon us。 Before us is the paleness

of its sands and the reddish…brown of its dead rocks。 Verily; in no

country but Egypt are there such rapid surprises: to issue from a

street flanked by shops and stalls and; without transition; to find

this! 。 。 。

Our horses have; inevitably; to slacken speed as the wheels of our

carriage sink into the sand。 Around us still are some stray ramblers;

who presently assume the air of ghosts; with their long black or white

draperies; and noiseless tread。 And then; not a soul; nothing but the

sand and the moon。

But now almost at once; after the short intervening nothingness; we

find ourselves in a new town; streets with little low houses; little

cross…roads; little squares; all of them white; on whitened sands;

beneath a white moon。 。 。 。 But there is no electricity in this town;

no lights; and nobody is stirring; doors and windows are shut: no

movement of any kind; and the silence; at first; is like that of the

surrounding desert。 It is a town in which the half…light of the moon;

amongst so much vague whiteness; is diffused in such a way that it

seems to come from all sides at once and things cast no shadows which

might give them definiteness; a town where the soil is so yielding

that our progress is weakened and retarded; as in dreams。 It seems

unreal; and; in penetrating farther into it; a sense of fear comes

over you that can neither be dismissed nor defined。

For assuredly this is no ordinary town。 。 。 。 And yet the houses; with

their windows barred like those of a harem; are in no way singular

except that they are shut and silent。 It is all this whiteness;

perhaps; which freezes us。 And then; too; the silence is not; in fact;

like that of the desert; which did at least seem natural; inasmuch as

there was nothing there; here; on the contrary; there is a sense of

innumerable presences; which shrink away as you pass but nevertheless

continue to watch attentively。 。 。 。 We pass mosques in total darkness

and they too are silent and white; with a slight bluish tint cast on

them by the moon。 And sometimes; between the houses; there are little

enclosed spaces; like narrow gardens; but which can have no possible

verdure。 And in these gardens numbers of little obelisks rise from the

sandwhite obelisks; it is needless to say; for to…night we are in

the kingdom of absolute whiteness。 What can they be; these strange

little gardens? 。 。 。 And the sand; meanwhile; which covers the

streets with its thick coatings; continues to deaden the sound of our

progress; out of compliment no doubt to all these watchful things that

are so silent around us。

At the crossings and in the little squares the obelisks become more

numerous; erected always at either end of a slab of stone that is

about the length of a man。 Their little motionless groups; posted as

if on the watch; seem so little real in their vague whiteness that we

feel tempted to verify them by touching; and; verily; we should not be

astonished if our hand passed through them as through a ghost。 Farther

on there is a wide expanse without any houses at all; where these

ubiquitous little obelisks abound in the sand like ears of corn in a

field。 There is now no further room for illusion。 We are in a

cemetery; and have been passing in the midst of houses of the dead;

and mosques of the dead; in a town of the dead。

Once emerged from this cemetery; which in the end at least disclosed

itself in its true character; we are involved again in the

continuation of the mysterious town; which takes us back into its

network。 Little houses follow one another as before; only now the

little gardens are replaced by little burial enclosures。 And

everything grows more and more indistinct; in the gentle light; which

gradually grows less。 It is as if someone were putting frosted globes

over the moon; so that soon; but for the transparency of this air of

Egypt and the prevailing whiteness of things; there would be no light

at all。 Once at a window the light of a lamp appears; it is the

lantern of gravediggers。 Anon we hear the voices of men chanting a

prayer; and the prayer is a prayer for the dead。

These tenantless houses were never built for dwellings。 They are

simply places where men assemble on certain anniversaries; to pray for

the dead。 Every Moslem family of any note has its little temple of

this kind; near to the family graves。 And there are so many of them

that now the place is become a townand a town in the desertthat is

to say; in a place useless for any other purpose; a secure place

indeed; for we may be sure that the ground occupied by these poor

tombs runs no risk of being covetednot even in the irreverent times

of the future。 No; it is on the other side of Cairoon the other bank

of the Nile; amongst the verdure of the palm…trees; that we must look

for the suburb in course of transformation; with its villas of the

invading foreigner; and the myriad electric lights along its motor

roads。 On this side there is no such fear; the peace and desuetude are

eternal; and the winding sheet of the Arabian sands is ready always

for its burial office。

At the end of this town of the dead; the desert again opens before us

its mournful whitened expanse。 On such a night as this; when the wind

blows cold and the misty moon shows like a sad opal; it looks like a

steppe under snow。

But it is a desert planted with ruins; with the ghosts of mosques; a

whole colony of high tumbling domes are scattered here at hazard on

the shifting extent of the sands。 And what strange old…fashioned domes

they are! The archaism of their silhouettes strikes us from the first;

as much as their isolation in such a place。 They look like bells; or

gigantic dervish hats placed on pedestals; and those farthest away

give the impression of squat; large…headed figures posted there as

sentinels; watching the vague horizon of Arabia beyond。

They are the proud tombs of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

where the Mameluke Sultans; who oppressed Egypt for nearly three

hundred years; sleep now in complete abandonment。 Nowadays; it is

true; some visits are beginning to be paid to themon winter nights

when the moon is full and they throw on the sands their great clear…

cut shadows。 At such times the light is considered favourable; and

they rank among the curiosities exploited by the agencies。 Numbers of

tourists (who persist in calling them the tombs of the caliphs) betake

themselves thither of an eveninga noisy caravan mounted on little

donkeys。 But to…night the moon is too pale and uncertain; and we shall

no doubt be alone in troubling them in their ghostly communion。

To…night indeed the light is quite unusual。 As just now in the town of

the dead; it is diffused on all sides and gives even to the most

massive objects the transparent semblance of unreality。 But

nevertheless it shows their detail and leaves them something of their

daylight colouring; so that all these funeral domes; raised on the

ruins of the mosques; which serve them as pedestals; have preserved

their reddish or brown colours; although the sand which separates

them; and makes between the tombs of the different sultans little dead

solitudes; remains pale and wan。


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