贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a collection of beatrix potter stories >


a collection of beatrix potter stories-第5章

小说: a collection of beatrix potter stories 字数: 每页4000字

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poly; roly; roly; poly; roly。 The rats each

held an end。

〃His tail is sticking out! You did not

fetch enough dough; Anna Maria。〃

〃I fetched as much as I could carry;〃

replied Anna Maria。

〃I do not think〃said Samuel Whiskers;

pausing to take a look at Tom Kitten〃I

do NOT think it will be a good pudding。 It

smells sooty。〃

Anna Maria was about to argue the point;

when all at once there began to be other

sounds up abovethe rasping noise of a

saw; and the noise of a little dog; scratching

and yelping!

The rats dropped the rolling…pin; and

listened attentively。

〃We are discovered and interrupted;

Anna Maria; let us collect our property;

and other people's;and depart at once。〃

〃I fear that we shall be obliged to leave

this pudding。〃

〃But I am persuaded that the knots would

have proved indigestible; whatever you may

urge to the contrary。〃

〃Come away at once and help me to tie up

some mutton bones in a counterpane;〃 said

Anna Maria。 〃I have got half a smoked

ham hidden in the chimney。〃

So it happened that by the time John

Joiner had got the plank upthere was nobody

under the floor except the rolling…pin

and Tom Kitten in a very dirty dumpling!

But there was a strong smell of rats; and

John Joiner spent the rest of the morning

sniffing and whining; and wagging his tail;

and going round and round with his head in

the hole like a gimlet。

Then he nailed the plank down again; and

put his tools in his bag; and came downstairs。

The cat family had quite recovered。 They

invited him to stay to dinner。

The dumpling had been peeled off Tom

Kitten; and made separately into a bag pudding;

with currants in it to hide the smuts。

They had been obliged to put Tom Kitten

into a hot bath to get the butter off。

John Joiner smelt the pudding; but he

regretted that he had not time to stay to

dinner; because he had just finished making

a wheel…barrow for Miss Potter; and she

had ordered two hen…coops。

And when I was going to the post late in

the afternoonI looked up the lane from

the corner; and I saw Mr。 Samuel Whiskers

and his wife on the run; with big bundles

on a little wheel…barrow; which looked very

like mine。

They were just turning in at the gate to

the barn of Farmer Potatoes。

Samuel Whiskers was puffing and out of

breath。 Anna Maria was still arguing in

shrill tones。

She seemed to know her way; and she

seemed to have a quantity of luggage。

I am sure _I_ never gave her leave to borrow

my wheel…barrow!

They went into the barn; arid hauled

their parcels with a bit of string to the top

of the haymow。

After that; there were no more rats for

a long time at Tabitha Twitchit's。

As for Farmer Potatoes; he has been

driven nearly distracted。 There are rats;

and rats; and rats in his barn! They eat

up the chicken food; and steal the oats and

bran; and make holes in the meal bags。

And they are all descended from Mr。

and Mrs。 Samuel Whiskerschildren and

grand…children and great great grand…children。

There is no end to them!

Moppet and Mittens have grown up into

very good rat…catchers。

They go out rat…catching in the village;

and they find plenty of employment。 They

charge so much a dozen; and earn their

living very comfortably。

They hang up the rats' tails in a row or

the barn door; to show how many they have

caughtdozens and dozens of them。

But Tom Kitten has always been afraid

of a rat; he never durst face anything that

is bigger than

          A Mouse。



I HAVE made many books about

well…behaved people。 Now; for

a change; I am going to make a

story about two disagreeable people;

called Tommy Brock and Mr。 Tod。

Nobody could call Mr。 Tod 〃nice。〃

The rabbits could not bear him;

they could smell him half a mile off。

He was of a wandering habit and

he had foxey whiskers; they never

knew where he would be next。

One day he was living in a stick…

house in the coppice; causing terror

to the family of old Mr。 Benjamin

Bouncer。 Next day he moved into

a pollard willow near the lake;

frightening the wild ducks and the

water rats。

In winter and early spring he

might generally be found in an earth

amongst the rocks at the top of Bull

Banks; under Oatmeal Crag。

He had half a dozen houses; but

he was seldom at home。

The houses were not always empty

when Mr。 Tod moved OUT; because

sometimes Tommy Brock moved

IN; (without asking leave)。

Tommy Brock was a short bristly

fat waddling person with a grin; he

grinned all over his face。 He was

not nice in his habits。 He ate wasp

nests and frogs and worms; and he

waddled about by moonlight; digging

things up。

His clothes were very dirty; and

as he slept in the day…time; he always

went to bed in his boots。 And the

bed which he went to bed in; was

generally Mr。 Tod's。

Now Tommy Brock did occasionally

eat rabbit…pie; but it was only

very little young ones occasionally;

when other food was really scarce。

He was friendly with old Mr。

Bouncer; they agreed in disliking

the wicked otters and Mr。 Tod; they

often talked over that painful subject。

Old Mr。 Bouncer was stricken in

years。 He sat in the spring sunshine

outside the burrow; in a muffler;

smoking a pipe of rabbit tobacco。

He lived with his son Benjamin

Bunny and his daughter…in…law

Flopsy; who had a young family。

Old Mr。 Bouncer was in charge of

the family that afternoon; because

Benjamin and Flopsy had gone out。

The little rabbit…babies were just old

enough to open their blue eyes and

kick。 They lay in a fluffy bed of

rabbit wool and hay; in a shallow

burrow; separate from the main

rabbit hole。 To tell the truthold

Mr。 Bouncer had forgotten them。

He sat in the sun; and conversed

cordially with Tommy Brock; who

was passing through the wood with

a sack and a little spud which he used

for digging; and some mole traps。

He complained bitterly about the

scarcity of pheasants' eggs; and

accused Mr。 Tod of poaching

them。 And the otters had cleared

off all the frogs while he was asleep

in winter〃I have not had a good

square meal for a fortnight; I am

living on pig…nuts。 I shall have to

turn vegetarian and eat my own

tail!〃 said Tommy Brock。

It was not much of a joke; but it

tickled old Mr。 Bouncer; because

Tommy Brock was so fat and

stumpy and grinning。

So old Mr。 Bouncer laughed; and

pressed Tommy Brock to come inside;

to taste a slice of seed…cake and

〃a glass of my daughter Flopsy's

cowslip wine。〃 Tommy Brock

squeezed himself into the rabbit

hole with alacrity。

Then old Mr。 Bouncer smoked

another pipe; and gave Tommy

Brock a cabbage leaf cigar which was

so very strong that it made Tommy

Brock grin more than ever; and the

smoke filled the burrow。 Old Mr。

Bouncer coughed and laughed; and

Tommy Brock puffed and grinned。

And Mr。 Bouncer laughed and

coughed; and shut his eyes because

of the cabbage smoke 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。


When Flopsy and Benjamin came

backold Mr。 Bouncer woke up。

Tommy Brock and all the young

rabbit…babies had disappeared!

Mr。 Bouncer would not confess

that he had admitted anybody into

the rabbit hole。 But the smell of

badger was undeniable; and there

were round heavy footmarks in the

sand。 He was in disgrace; Flopsy

wrung her ears; and slapped him。

Benjamin Bunny set off at once

after Tommy Brock。

There was not much difficulty in

tracking him; he had left his foot…

mark and gone slowly up the winding

footpath through the wood。

Here he had rooted up the moss

and wood sorrel。 There he had dug

quite a deep hole fo

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