贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a collection of beatrix potter stories >


a collection of beatrix potter stories-第3章

小说: a collection of beatrix potter stories 字数: 每页4000字

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the wall; they heard a heavy

tread above their heads; and

suddenly Mr。 McGregor

emptied out a sackful of lawn

mowings right upon the top

of the sleeping Flopsy Bunnies!

Benjamin shrank down

under his paper bag。 The

mouse hid in a jam pot。

THE little rabbits smiled

sweetly in their sleep

under the shower of grass;

they did not awake because

the lettuces had been so


They dreamt that their

mother Flopsy was tucking

them up in a hay bed。

Mr。 McGregor looked down

after emptying his sack。 He

saw some funny little brown

tips of ears sticking up through

the lawn mowings。 He stared

at them for some time。

PRESENTLY a fly settled

on one of them and it


Mr。 McGregor climbed

down on to the rubbish heap

〃One; two; three; four! five!

six leetle rabbits!〃 said he as

he dropped them into his sack。

The Flopsy Bunnies dreamt

that their mother was turning

them over in bed。 They stirred

a little in their sleep; but still

they did not wake up。

MR。 McGREGOR tied up

the sack and left it on

the wall。

He went to put away the

mowing machine。

WHILE he was gone; Mrs。

Flopsy Bunny (who

had remained at home) came

across the field。

She looked suspiciously at

the sack and wondered where

everybody was?

THEN the mouse came out

of her jam pot; and Benjamin

took the paper bag off

his head; and they told the

doleful tale。

Benjamin and Flopsy were

in despair; they could not

undo the string。

But Mrs。 Tittlemouse was

a resourceful person。 She

nibbled a hole in the bottom

corner of the sack。

THE little rabbits were

pulled out and pinched

to wake them。

Their parents stuffed the

empty sack with three rotten

vegetable marrows; an old

blacking…brush and two

decayed turnips。

THEN they all hid under

a bush and watched for

Mr。 McGregor。


back and picked up the

sack; and carried it off。

He carried it hanging down;

as if it were rather heavy。

The Flopsy Bunnies

followed at a safe distance。

THEY watched him go into

his house。

And then they crept up to

the window to listen。

MR。 McGREGOR threw

down the sack on the

stone floor in a way that

would have been extremely

painful to the Flopsy Bunnies;

if they had happened to have

been inside it。

They could hear him drag

his chair on the flags; and


〃One; two; three; four; five;

six leetle rabbits!〃 said Mr。


〃EH? What's that? What

have they been spoiling

now?〃 enquired Mrs。


〃One; two; three; four; five;

six leetle fat rabbits!〃 repeated

Mr。 McGregor; counting on

his fingers〃one; two; three〃

〃Don't you be silly; what

do you mean; you silly old


〃In the sack! one; two; three;

four; five; six!〃 replied Mr。


(The youngest Flopsy Bunny

got upon the window…sill。)


hold of the sack and felt

it。 She said she could feel

six; but they must be OLD

rabbits; because they were so

hard and all different shapes。

〃Not fit to eat; but the

skins will do fine to line my

old cloak。〃

〃Line your old cloak?〃

shouted Mr。 McGregor〃I

shall sell them and buy myself


〃Rabbit tobacco! I shall

skin them and cut off their


MRS。 McGREGOR untied

the sack and put her

hand inside。

When she felt the vegetables

she became very very angry。

She said that Mr。 McGregor

had 〃done it a purpose。〃

AND Mr。 McGregor was

very angry too。 One of

the rotten marrows came flying

through the kitchen window;

and hit the youngest Flopsy


It was rather hurt。

THEN Benjamin and Flopsy

thought that it was time

to go home。

SO Mr。 McGregor did not

get his tobacco; and Mrs。

McGregor did not get her

rabbit skins。

But next Christmas

Thomasina Tittlemouse got a

present of enough rabbit…wool

to make herself a cloak and a

hood; and a handsome muff

and a pair of warm mittens。











ONCE upon a time there was an old

cat; called Mrs。 Tabitha Twitchit;

who was an anxious parent。 She used to

lose her kittens continually; and whenever

they were lost they were always in mischief!

On baking day she determined to shut

them up in a cupboard。

She caught Moppet and Mittens; but she

could not find Tom。

Mrs。 Tabitha went up and down all over

the house; mewing for Tom Kitten。 She

looked in the pantry under the staircase;

and she searched the best spare bedroom

that was all covered up with dust sheets。

She went right upstairs and looked into the

attics; but she could not find him anywhere。

It was an old; old house; full of

cupboards and passages。 Some of the walls

were four feet thick; and there used to be

queer noises inside them; as if there might

be a little secret staircase。 Certainly there

were odd little jagged doorways in the

wainscot; and things disappeared at night

especially cheese and bacon。

Mrs。 Tabitha became more and more

distracted; and mewed dreadfully

While their mother was searching the

house; Moppet and Mittens had got into


The cupboard door was not locked; so

they pushed it open and came out。

They went straight to the dough which

was set to rise in a pan before the fire。

They patted it with their little soft paws

〃Shall we make dear little muffins?〃 said

Mittens to Moppet

But just at that moment somebody

knocked at the front door; and Moppet

jumped into the flour barrel in a fright

Mittens ran away to the dairy; and hid

in an empty jar on the stone shelf where

the milk pans stand。

The visitor was a neighbor; Mrs。 Ribby;

she had called to borrow some yeast。

Mrs。 Tabitha came downstairs mewing

dreadfully〃Come in; Cousin Ribby; come

in; and sit ye down! I'm in sad trouble;

Cousin Ribby;〃 said Tabitha; shedding

tears。 〃I've lost my dear son Thomas; I'm

afraid the rats have got him。〃 She wiped

her eyes with an apron。

〃He's a bad kitten; Cousin Tabitha; he

made a cat's cradle of my best bonnet last

time I came to tea。 Where have you looked

for him?〃

〃All over the house! The rats are too

many for me。 What a thing it is to have an

unruly family!〃 said Mrs。 Tabitha Twitchit。

〃I'm not afraid of rats; I will help you

to find him; and whip him too! What is

all that soot in the fender?〃

〃The chimney wants sweepingOh; dear

me; Cousin Ribbynow Moppet and Mittens

are gone!〃

〃They have both got out of the cup…


Ribby and Tabitha set to work to search

the house thoroughly again。 They poked

under the beds with Ribby's umbrella; and

they rummaged in cupboards。 They even

fetched a candle; and looked inside a clothes

chest in one of the attics。 They could not

find anything; but once they heard a door

bang and somebody scuttered downstairs。

〃Yes; it is infested with rats;〃 said

Tabitha tearfully; 〃I caught seven young

ones out of one hole in the back kitchen;

and we had them for dinner last Saturday。

And once I saw the old father ratan

enormous old rat; Cousin Ribby。 I was

just going to jump upon him; when he

showed his yellow teeth at me and whisked

down the hole。〃

〃The rats get upon my nerves; Cousin

Ribby;〃 said Tabitha。

Ribby and Tabitha searched and searched。

They both heard a curious roly…poly noise

under the attic floor。 But there was nothing

to be seen。

They returned to the kitchen。 〃Here's

one of your kittens at least;〃 sa

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