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the gathering of brother hilarius(希拉里兄的收集)-第16章

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shouldst thou need a home for her; bring her to us; my old grandam is in 

the other waggon and she will care for her。〃 

     Hilarius ran across the fields; full of sorrow for his sin; and yet greatly 

glad because of the wonderful goodness of God。 

     When he got back his little maid sat alone by the fire。             He hastened to 

make   food   ready;   but   the   child   was   far   spent   and   would   scarcely   eat。 

Then he went out to find the woman。 

     He saw her standing in the doorway of an empty hovel; and she cried 

to him to keep back。 

     〃My babe is dead; and I feel the sickness on me。              I went to the houses 

seeking   meal;   even   to   Gammer   Harden's;   and   I   must   die。    As   for   thee; 

thou shalt not come near me; but bide with the child; so maybe God will 

spare the innocent。〃 

     Hilarius besought her long that she would at least suffer him to bring 

her food; but she would not。 

     〃Nay; I could not eat; the fever burns in my bones; let me alone that I 

may die the sooner。〃 

     Hilarius went back with a heavy heart; and lay that night with the little 

maid   in   his   arms   on   the   settle   by   the   hearth。 Despite   his   fear   he   slept 

heavily and late:      when he rose the sun was high and the child awake。 

     He fed her; and; bidding her bide within; went out to gain tidings of 

the   poor   mother。    He   called;   but   no   one   answered;   and   the   door   of   the 

hovel in which she had taken shelter stood wide。                 Then; as he searched 

the   fields;  fearing the   fever   had driven   her   abroad;  he saw  the   flutter   of 

garments in a ditch; and lo! there lay the woman; dead; with her dead babe 

on her breast。      She had lain down to die alone with God in the silence; 

that haply the living might escape; and on her face was peace。 

     Later; Hilarius laid green boughs tenderly over mother and babe; and 

covered them with earth; saying many prayers。               Then he went back to his 

fatherless; motherless maid。 

     She ailed naught that he could see; and there was food and to spare; 

but each day saw her paler and thinner; until at last she could not even sit; 


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                         THE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUS 

but lay white and silent in Hilarius' tender arms; and he fought with death 

for his little maid。 

     Then   on   a   day   she   would   take   no   food;   and   when   Hilarius   put   tiny 

morsels   in   her   mouth   she   could   not   swallow;   and   so   he   sat   through   the 

long   hours;   his   little   maid   in   his   arms;   with   no   thought   beside。     The 

darkness came; and he waited wide…eyed; praying for the dawn。                           When 

the new day broke and the east was pale with light he carried the child out 

that he might see her; for a dreadful fear possessed him。                   And it came to 

pass that when the light kissed her little white face she opened her eyes 

and smiled at Hilarius; and so smiling; died。 

     The dancer; true to her promise; scanned the road as the waggon drew 

near   the   place   of   Hilarius'   first   and   last   theft: he   was   standing   by   the 

wayside   alone。       The   waggon   passed   on   carrying   him   with   it;   and   the 

dancer looked but once on his face and asked no question。 


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     THE Monastery by the forest pursued an even existence; with no great 

event   to   trouble   its   serenity;   for   it   lay  too   far   west   for   the   Plague   to   be 

more than a terrible name。 

     True;   there   had   been   dissension   when   Prior   Stephen;   summoned   to 

Cluny by the Abbat; had perforce left the dominion to the Sub… Prior。                  For 

lo!   the   Sub…Prior;   a   mild   and   most   amiable   man   in   his   own   estate;   had 

proved harsh and overbearing in government。                 Ay; and in an irate mood 

he had fallen upon Brother William; the Sacrist; in the Frater; plucked out 

his    hair  and    beaten    him    sore;   whereat    the   Convent     was    no   little 

scandalized;   and   counselled       Brother   William   to   resign    his   office。 He 

flouted the   Chamberlain also;   and   Brother Roger   the Hospitaller;  and so 

affronted   the   Brethren   that   when   he   began   to   sing   the   Verba   mea   on 

leaving the chapter; the Convent … yea; even the novices … were silent; to 

show their displeasure。 

     When Prior Stephen returned he was exceeding wroth; but said little; 

only he took from the Sub…Prior his office; and all that appertained thereto; 

and made him as one of the other monks; and Brother William; who was a 

gentle and devout servant of God; he made Sub…Prior in his stead; and the 

Convent was at peace。 

     Brother Ambrose; he to whom the vision was vouchsafed; had slipped 

through   the   grey   veil   which   once   hid   Jerusalem   from   his   longing   gaze; 

Brother Richard was now in the land where the blind receive their sight; 

and Brother Thomas   the   Cellarer   … but   of   him  let   us say  little   and   think 

with charity; for 'tis to be feared that he greatly abused his office and is 

come to judgment。 

     Two of the older monks; Brother Anselm and Brother Paul; who had 

spent    fifty  years   in  the   sheltered    peace   of   the  Monastery      walls;   sat 

warming       their  tired  old   limbs   in  the   south   cloister;  for   the  summer 

sunshine was very pleasant to them。 


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                        THE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUS 

     〃Since Brother Thomas died … 〃 began Brother Paul。 

     〃The Lord have mercy on his soul!〃 ejaculated Brother Anselm。 

     〃Since     Brother    Thomas      died;〃   said  Brother     Paul   again   …  a  little 

impatiently;   though   he   crossed   himself   piously   enough   …   〃methinks   the 

provisions have oft been scanty and far from tempting; Brother。〃 

     〃Ay;   and   the   wine;〃   said   Brother   Anselm。     〃Methinks   our   Cellarer 

draws the half of it from the Convent's well。〃 

     They shook their heads sadly。 

     〃No doubt;〃 said Brother Anselm after a short silence; 〃our Cellarer is 

most   worthy;   strict;   and   honest   in   the   performance   of   his   office   …   while 

Brother Thomas; alack … 〃 

     〃Methinks   Brother   Edmund   is   somewhat   remiss   also   in   his   duties;〃 

said    Brother    Paul。   〃The     Prior;  holy   man;   perceives     nothing   of   these 

things。    On Sunday's feast one served him with a most unsavoury mess in 

the refectory; the dish thereof being black and broken; yet he ate the meat 

in great content; and seemingly with appetite。〃 

     〃He is but young; he is but young … sixty come Michaelmas … sixty; and 

twenty…two years Prior … 'tis a long term;〃 and Brother Anselm nodded his 


     〃Ay; he is still young; and of sound teeth;〃 said Brother Paul; 〃whereas 

thou and I; Brother; are as babes needing pap…meat。 Brother Thomas … God 

rest his soul! … was wont to give savoury mess easy of eating to the elder 


     〃Ay;   he   was   a   kind   man   with   all   his   faults;〃   said   Brother   Anselm; 

fingering his toothless gums。          〃Think you 'twould be well to speak of this 

matter to the Prior?〃 

     〃Nay; nay;〃 said the other; 〃he is ever against any store being set on the 

things of this world …  ''

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