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the golden threshold-第5章

小说: the golden threshold 字数: 每页4000字

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Of the keen heart that hastens to forget

Old longings in fulfilling new desires。

And now the Soul stands in a vague; intense

Expectancy and anguish of suspense;

On the dim chamber…threshold 。 。 。 lo! he sees

Like a strange; fated bride as yet unknown;

His timid future shrinking there alone;

Beneath her marriage…veil of mysteries。


Children; ye have not lived; to you it seems

Life is a lovely stalactite of dreams;

Or carnival of careless joys that leap

About your hearts like billows on the deep

In flames of amber and of amethyst。

Children; ye have not lived; ye but exist

Till some resistless hour shall rise and move

Your hearts to wake and hunger after love;

And thirst with passionate longing for the things

That burn your brows with blood…red sufferings。

Till ye have battled with great grief and fears;

And borne the conflict of dream…shattering years;

Wounded with fierce desire and worn with strife;

Children; ye have not lived: for this is life。


In noon…tide hours; O Love; secure and strong;

   I need thee not; mad dreams are mine to bind

   The world to my desire; and hold the wind

A voiceless captive to my conquering song。

   I need thee not; I am content with these:

   Keep silence in thy soul; beyond the seas!

But in the desolate hour of midnight; when

   An ecstasy of starry silence sleeps

   On the still mountains and the soundless deeps;

And my soul hungers for thy voice; O then;

   Love; like the magic of wild melodies;

   Let thy soul answer mine across the seas。


Unwilling priestess in thy cruel fane;

Long hast thou held me; pitiless god of Pain;

Bound to thy worship by reluctant vows;

My tired breast girt with suffering; and my brows

Anointed with perpetual weariness。

Long have I borne thy service; through the stress

Of rigorous years; sad days and slumberless nights;

Performing thine inexorable rites。

For thy dark altars; balm nor milk nor rice;

But mine own soul thou'st ta'en for sacrifice:

All the rich honey of my youth's desire;

And all the sweet oils from my crushed life drawn;

And all my flower…like dreams and gem…like  fire

Of hopes up…leaping like the light of dawn。

I have no more to give; all that was mine

Is laid; a wrested tribute; at thy shrine;

Let me depart; for my whole soul is wrung;

And all my cheerless orisons are sung;

Let me depart; with faint limbs let me creep

To some dim shade and sink me down to sleep。



(From the Persian)

When from my cheek I lift my veil;

The roses turn with envy pale;

     And from their pierced hearts; rich with pain;

Send forth their fragrance like a wail。

Or if perchance one perfumed tress

Be lowered to the wind's caress;

     The honeyed hyacinths complain;

And languish in a sweet distress。

And; when I pause; still groves among;

(Such loveliness is mine) a throng

     Of nightingales awake and strain

Their souls into a quivering song。


Eyes ravished with rapture; celestially panting;

     what passionate bosoms aflaming with 


Drink deep of the hush of the hyacinth

     heavens that glimmer around them in

     fountains of light;

O wild and entrancing the strain of keen music

     that cleaveth the stars like a wail of


And beautiful dancers with houri…like faces

     bewitch the voluptuous watches of


The scents of red roses and sandalwood flutter

     and die in the maze of their gem…tangled


And smiles are entwining like magical ser…

     pents the poppies of lips that are opiate…


Their glittering garments of purple are burn…

     ing like tremulous dawns in the quiver…

     ing air;

And exquisite; subtle and slow are the tinkle

     and tread of their rhythmical; slumber…

     soft feet。

Now silent; now singing and swaying and swing…

     ing; like blossoms that bend to the

     breezes or showers;

Now wantonly winding; they flash; now they

     falter; and; lingering; languish in radiant


Their jewel…girt arms and warm; wavering; lily…

     long fingers enchant through melodious


Eyes ravished with rapture; celestially pant…

     ing; what passionate bosoms aflaming

     with fire!


Have you found me; at last; O my Dream?

     Seven aeons ago

You died and I buried you deep under forests

     of snow。

Why have you come hither? Who bade you

     awake from your sleep

And track me beyond the cerulean foam of the


Would you tear from my lintels these sacred

     green garlands of leaves?

Would you scare the white; nested; wild

     pigeons of joy from my eaves?

Would you touch and defile with dead fingers

     the robes of my priest?

Would you weave your dim moan with the

     chantings of love at my feast?

Go back to your grave; O my Dream; under

     forests of snow;

Where a heart…riven child hid you once; seven

     aeons ago。

Who bade you arise from your darkness? I

     bid you depart!

Profane not the shrines I have raised in the

     clefts of my heart。


(A fragment)

Shalt thou be conquered of a human fate

My liege; my lover; whose imperial head

Hath never bent in sorrow of defeat?

Shalt thou be vanquished; whose imperial feet

Have shattered armies and stamped empires dead?

Who shall unking thee; husband of a queen?

Wear thou thy majesty inviolate。

Earth's glories flee of human eyes unseen;

Earth's kingdoms fade to a remembered dream;

But thine henceforth shall be a power supreme;

Dazzling command and rich dominion;

The winds thy heralds and thy vassals all

The silver…belted planets and the sun。

Where'er the radiance of thy coming fall;

Shall dawn for thee her saffron footcloths spread;

Sunset her purple canopies and red;

In serried splendour; and the night unfold

Her velvet darkness wrought with starry gold

For kingly raiment; soft as cygnet…down。

My hair shall braid thy temples like a crown

Of sapphires; and my kiss upon thy brows

Like cithar…music lull thee to repose;

Till the sun yield thee homage of his light。

O king; thy kingdom who from thee can wrest?

What fate shall dare uncrown thee from this breast;

O god…born lover; whom my love doth gird

And armour with impregnable delight

Of Hope's triumphant keen flame…carven sword?


QUEEN Gulnaar sat on her ivory bed;

Around her countless treasures were spread;

Her chamber walls were richly inlaid

With agate; porphory; onyx and jade;

The tissues that veiled her delicate breast;

Glowed with the hues of a lapwing's crest;

But still she gazed in her mirror and sighed

〃O King; my heart is unsatisfied。〃

King Feroz bent from his ebony seat:

〃Is thy least desire unfulfilled; O Sweet?

〃Let thy mouth speak and my life be spent

To clear the sky of thy discontent。〃

〃I tire of my beauty; I tire of this

Empty splendour and shadowless bliss;

〃With none to envy and none gainsay;

No savour or salt hath my dream or day。〃

Queen Gulnaar sighed like a murmuring rose:

〃Give me a rival; O King Feroz。〃


King Feroz spoke to his Chief Vizier:

〃Lo! ere to…morrow's dawn be here;

〃Send forth my messengers over the sea;

To seek seven beautiful brides for me;

〃Radiant of feature and regal of mien;

Seven handmaids meet for the Persian Queen。〃

       。       。       。       。       。

Seven new moon tides at the Vesper call;

King Feroz led to Queen Gulnaar's hall

A young queen eyed like the morning star:

〃I bring thee a rival; O Queen Gulnaar。〃

But still s

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