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rolf in the woods-第48章

小说: rolf in the woods 字数: 每页4000字

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and they hastened to the huge; helpless creature in the field。

Poor Buck seemed worse than ever。 He was flat on his side; with

his spine humped up; moaning and straining at intervals。 But now

relief was in sight  so thought the men。 With a tin dipper they

tried to pour some relief into the open mouth of the sufferer;

who had so little appreciation that he simply taxed his remaining

strength to blow it out in their faces。 Several attempts ended

the same way。 Then the brute; in what looked like temper; swung

his muzzle and dashed the whole dipper away。 Next they tried the

usual method; mixing it with a bran mash; considered a delicacy

in the bovine world; but Buck again took notice; under pressure

only; to dash it away and waste it all。

It occurred to them they might force it down his throat if they

could raise his head。 So they used a hand lever and a prop to

elevate the muzzle; and were about to try another inpour; when

Buck leaped to his feet; and behaving like one who has been

shamming; made at full gallop for the stable; nor stopped till

safely in his stall; where at once he dropped in all the evident

agony of a new spasm。

It is a common thing for oxen to sham sick; but this was the real

thing; and it seemed they were going to lose the ox; which meant

also lose a large part of the harvest。

In the stable; now; they had a better chance; they tied him; then

raised his head with a lever till his snout was high above his

shoulders。 Now it seemed easy to pour the medicine down that

long; sloping passage。 But his mouth was tightly closed; any that

entered his nostrils was blown afar; and the suffering beast

strained at the rope till he seemed likely to strangle。

Both men and ox were worn out with the struggle; the brute was no

better; but rather worse。

〃Wall;〃 said Rolf; 〃I've seen a good many ornery steers; but

that's the orneriest I ever did handle; an' I reckon we'll lose

him if he don't get that poison into him pretty soon。〃

Oxen never were studied as much as horses; for they were

considered a temporary shift; and every farmer looked forward to

replacing them with the latter。 Oxen were enormously strong; and

they could flourish without grain when the grass was good; they

never lost their head in a swamp hole; and ploughed steadily

among all kinds of roots and stumps; but they were exasperatingly

slow and eternally tricky。  Bright; being the trickier of the

two; was made the nigh ox; to be more under control。  Ordinarily

Rolf could manage Buck easily; but the present situation seemed

hopeless。 In his memory he harked back to Redding days; and he

recalled old Eli Gooch; the ox expert; and wondered what he would

have done。  Then; as he sat; he caught sight of the sick ox

reaching out its head and deftly licking up a few drops of bran

mash that had fallen from his yoke fellow's portion。 A smile

spread over Rolf's face。 〃Just like you; you think nothing's good

except it's stolen。 All right; we'll see。〃 He mixed a big dose of

medicine; with bran; as before。  Then he tied Bright's head so

that he could not reach the ground; and set the bucket of mash

half way between the two oxen。 〃Here ye are; Bright;〃 he said; as

a matter of form; and walked out of the stable; but; from a

crack; he watched。 Buck saw a chance to steal Bright's bran; he

looked around; Oh; joy! his driver was away。 He reached out

cautiously; sniffed; his long tongue shot forth for a first

taste; when Rolf gave a shout and ran in。 〃Hi; you old robber!

Let that alone; that's for Bright。〃

The sick ox was very much in his own stall now; and stayed there

for some time after Rolf went to resume his place at the

peephole。 But encouraged by a few minutes of silence; he again

reached out; and hastily gulped down a mouthful of the mixture

before Rolf shouted and rushed in armed with a switch to punish

the thief。 Poor Bright; by his efforts to reach the tempting

mash; was unwittingly playing the game; for this was proof

positive of its desirableness。

After giving Buck a few cuts with the switch; Rolf retired; as

before。 Again the sick ox waited for silence; and reaching out

with greedy haste; he gulped down the rest and emptied the

bucket; seeing which; Rolf ran in and gave the rogue a final

trouncing for the sake of consistency。

Any one who knows what slippery elm; peppermint; soda; sulphur;

colic; and ox do when thoroughly interincorporated will not be

surprised to learn that in the morning the stable needed special

treatment; and of all the mixture the ox was the only ingredient

left on the active list。 He was all right again; very thirsty;

and not quite up to his usual standard; but; as Van said; after a

careful look; 〃Ah; tell you vot; dot you vas a veil ox again; an'

I t'ink I know not vot if you all tricky vas like Bright。〃

Chapter 57。 Rolf and Skookum at Albany

The Red Moon (August) follows the Thunder Moon; and in the early

part of its second week Rolf and Van; hauling in the barley and

discussing the fitness of the oats; were startled by a most

outrageous clatter among the hens。  Horrid murder evidently was

stalking abroad; and; hastening to the rescue; Rolf heard loud;

angry barks; then a savage beast with a defunct 〃cackle party〃

appeared; but dropped the victim to bark and bound upon the

〃relief party〃 with ecstatic expressions of joy; in spite of

Rolf's  〃Skookum! you little brute!〃

Yes! Quonab was back; that is; he was at the lake shore; and

Skookum had made haste to plunge into the joys and gayeties of

this social centre; without awaiting the formalities of greeting

or even of dry…shod landing。

The next scene was  a big; high post; a long; strong chain and

a small; sad dog。

〃Ho; Quonab; you found your people?  You had a good time?〃

〃Ugh;〃 was the answer; the whole of it; and all the light Rolf

got for many a day on the old man's trip to the North。 The

prospect of going to Albany for Van Cortlandt was much more

attractive to Quonab than that of the harvest field; so a

compromise was agreed on。  Callan's barley was in the stock; if

all three helped Callan for three days; Callan would owe them for

nine; and so it was arranged。

Again 〃good…bye;〃 and Rolf; Quonab; and little dog Skookum went

sailing down the Schroon toward the junction; where they left a

cache of their supplies; and down the broadening Hudson toward


Rolf had been over the road twice; Quonab never before; yet his

nose for water was so good and the sense of rapid and portage was

so strong in the red man; that many times he was the pilot。 〃This

is the way; because it must be〃; 〃there it is deep because so

narrow〃; 〃that rapid is dangerous; because there is such a

well…beaten portage trail〃; 〃that we can run; because I see it;〃

or; 〃because there is no portage trail;〃 etc。  The eighty miles

were covered in three sleeps; and in the mid…moon days of the Red

Moon they landed at the dock in front of Peter Vandam's。  If

Quonab had any especial emotions for the occasion; he cloaked

them perfectly under a calm and copper…coloured exterior of

absolute immobility。

Their Albany experiences included a meeting with the governor and

an encounter with a broad and burly river pirate; who; seeing a

lone and peaceable…looking red man; went out of his way to insult

him; and when Quonab's knife flashed out at last; it was only his

recently established relations with the governor's son that saved

him from some very sad results; for there were many loafers

about。  But burly Vandam appeared in the nick of time to halt the

small mob with the warning: 〃Don't you know that's Mr。 Van

Cortlandt's guide?〃  With the governor and Vandam to back him;

Quonab soon had the mob on his side; and the dock loafer's own

friends pelted him with mud as he escaped。 But not a little

credit is due to Skookum; for at the critical moment he had

sprung on the ruffian's bare and abu

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