贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > rolf in the woods >


rolf in the woods-第46章

小说: rolf in the woods 字数: 每页4000字

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hez tapped the finest bar'l in years。〃

〃No; I tell ye; I'm not drinking  now。〃

〃Wall; all right; ye know yer own business。 I thought maybe ye'd

be glad to see us。〃

〃Well; ain't I?〃

〃Hello; Bill;〃 and Bill's fat brother…in…law came up。 Thus does

me good; an' yer sister is spilin' to see ye。 We'll hev one on


〃No; Sam; I ain't drinkin'; I've got biz to tend。〃

〃Wall; hev just one to clear yer head。 Then settle yer business

and come back to us。〃

So Bill went to have one to clear his head。 〃I'll be back in two

minutes; Rolf;〃 but Rolf saw him no more for many days。

〃You better come along; cub;〃 called out a red…nosed member of

the group。 But Rolf shook his head。

〃Here; I'll help you git them ashore;〃 volunteered an effusive

stranger; with one eye。

〃I don't want help。〃

〃How are ye gain' to handle 'em alone?〃

〃Well; there's one thing I'd be glad to have ye do; that is; go

up there and bring Peter Vandam。〃

〃I'll watch yer stuff while you go。〃

〃No; I can't leave。〃  〃Then go to blazes; d'yte take me for yer

errand boy?〃 And Rolf was left alone。

He was green at the business; but already he was realizing the

power of that word fur and the importance of the peltry trade。

Fur was the one valued product of the wilderness that only the

hunter could bring。 The merchants of the world were as greedy for

fur as for gold; and far more so than for precious stones。

It was a commodity so light that; even in those days; a hundred

weight of fur might range in value from one hundred to five

thousand dollars; so that a man with a pack of fine furs was a

capitalist。 The profits of the business were good for trapper;

very large for the trader; who doubled his first gain by paying

in trade; but they were huge for the Albany middleman; and

colossal for the New Yorker who shipped to London。

With such allurements; it was small wonder that more country was

explored and opened for fur than for settlement or even for gold;

and there were more serious crimes and high…handed robberies over

the right to trade a few furs than over any other legitimate

business。 These things were new to Rolf within the year; but he

was learn… ing the lesson; and Warren's remarks about fur stuck

in his memory with growing value。 Every incident since the trip

began had given them new points。

The morning passed without sign of Bill; so; when in the

afternoon; some bare…legged boys came along; Rolf said to them:

〃Do any of ye know where Peter Vandam's house is?〃

〃Yeh; that's it right there;〃 and they pointed to a large log

house less than a hundred yards away。

〃Do ye know him?〃

〃Yeh; he's my paw;〃 said a sun…bleached freckle…face。

〃If you bring him here right away; I'll give you a dime。 Tell him

I'm from Warren's with a cargo。〃

The dusty stampede that followed was like that of a mustang herd;

for a dime was a dime in those days。 And very soon; a tall;ruddy

man appeared at the dock。 He was a Dutchman in name only。  At

first sight he was much like the other loafers; but was bigger;

and had a more business…like air when observed near at hand。

〃Are you from Warren's?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Alone? 〃

〃No; sir。 I came with Bill Bymus。 But he went off early this

morning; I haven't seen him since。 I'm afraid he's in trouble。〃

〃Where'd ho go?〃

〃In there with some friends。〃

〃Ha; just like him; he's in trouble all right。 He'll be no good

for a week。 Last time he came near losing all our stuff。 Now

let's see what ye've got。〃

〃Are you Mr。 Peter Vandam? 〃

〃Of course I am。〃

Still Rolf looked doubtful。 There was a small group around; and

Rolf heard several voices; 〃Yes; this is Peter; ye needn't

a…worry。〃  But Rolf knew none of the speakers。 His look of

puzzlement at first annoyed then tickled the Dutchman; who

exploded into a hearty guffaw。

〃Wall; wall; you sure think ill of us。  Here; now look at that;〃

and he drew out a bundle of letters addressed to Master Peter

Vandam。  Then he displayed a gold watch inscribed on the back

〃Peter Vandam〃; next he showed a fob seal with a scroll and an

inscription; 〃Petrus Vandamus〃; then he turned to a youngster and

said; 〃Run; there is the Reverend Dr。 Powellus; he may help us〃;

so the black…garbed; knee…breached; shovel…hatted clergyman came

and pompously said: 〃Yes; my young friend; without doubt you may

rest assured that this is our very estimable parishioner; Master

Peter Vandam; a man well accounted in the world of trade。〃

〃And now;〃 said Peter; 〃with the help of my birth… register and

marriage…certificate; which will be placed at your service with

all possible haste; I hope I may win your recognition。〃  The

situation; at first tense; had become more and more funny; and

the bystanders laughed aloud。 Rolf rose to it; and smiling said

slowly; 〃I am inclined to think that you must be Master Peter

Vandam; of

Albany。 If that's so; this letter is for you; also this cargo。〃

And so the delivery was made。

Bill Bymus has not delivered the other letter to this day。

Presumably he went to stay with his sister; but she saw little of

him; for his stay at Albany was; as usual; one long spree。 It was

clear that; but for Rolf; there might have been serious loss of

fur; and Vandam showed his appreciation by taking the lad to his

own home; where the story of the difficult identification

furnished ground for gusty laughter and primitive jest on many an

after day。

The return cargo for Warren consisted of stores that the Vandam

warehouse had in stock; and some stuff that took a day or more to

collect in town。

As Rolf was sorting and packing next day; a tall; thin; well…dressed

young man walked in with the air of one much at home。

〃Good morrow; Peter。〃

〃Good day to ye; sir;〃 and they talked of crops and politics。

Presently Vandam said; 〃Rolf; come over here。〃

He came and was presented to the tall man; who was indeed very

thin; and looked little better than an invalid。 〃This;〃 said

Peter; 〃is Master Henry van Cortlandt the son of his honour; the

governor; and a very learned barrister。  He wants to go on a long

hunting trip for his health。 I tell him that likely you are the

man he needs。〃

This was so unexpected that Rolf turned red and gazed on the

ground。 Van Cortlandt at once began to clear things by

interjecting: 〃You see; I'm not strong。 I want to live outdoors

for three months; where I can have some hunting and be beyond

reach of business。  I'll pay you a hundred dollars for the three

months; to cover board and guidance。 And providing I'm well

pleased and have good hunting; I'll give you fifty dollars more

when I get back to Albany。〃

〃I'd like much to be your guide;〃 said Rolf; 〃but I have a

partner。 I must find out if he's willing。〃

〃Ye don't mean…that drunken Bill Bymus?〃

〃No! my hunting partner; he's an Indian。〃 Then; after a pause; he

added; 〃 You wouldn't go in fly…time; would you?〃

〃No; I want to be in peace。 But any time after the first of August。〃

〃I am bound to help Van Trumper with his harvest; that will take

most of August。〃

As he talked; the young lawyer sized him up and said to himself;

〃This is my man。〃

And before they parted it was agreed that Rolf should come to

Albany with Quonab as soon as he could return in August; to form

the camping party for the governor's son。

Chapter 55。 The Rescue of Bill

Bales were ready and the canoe newly gummed three days after

their arrival; but still no sign of Bill。  A messengers sent to

the brother…in…law's home reported that he had not been seen for

two days。 In spite of the fact that Albany numbered nearly 〃six

thousand living human souls;〃 a brief search by the docksharps

soon revealed the sinner's retreat。 His worst enemy would have

pitied him; a red…eyed wreck; a starved; sick and trembling


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