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小说: erewhon 字数: 每页4000字

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unsuspected flaw; but even in such a case there will have been no
spontaneity; the action will have had its true parental causes:
spontaneity is only a term for man's ignorance of the gods。

〃Is there; then; no spontaneity on the part of those who drive the

Here followed an obscure argument upon this subject; which I have
thought it best to omit。  The writer resumes:… 〃After all then it
comes to this; that the difference between the life of a man and
that of a machine is one rather of degree than of kind; though
differences in kind are not wanting。  An animal has more provision
for emergency than a machine。  The machine is less versatile; its
range of action is narrow; its strength and accuracy in its own
sphere are superhuman; but it shows badly in a dilemma; sometimes
when its normal action is disturbed; it will lose its head; and go
from bad to worse like a lunatic in a raging frenzy:  but here;
again; we are met by the same consideration as before; namely; that
the machines are still in their infancy; they are mere skeletons
without muscles and flesh。

〃For how many emergencies is an oyster adapted?  For as many as are
likely to happen to it; and no more。  So are the machines; and so
is man himself。  The list of casualties that daily occur to man
through his want of adaptability is probably as great as that
occurring to the machines; and every day gives them some greater
provision for the unforeseen。  Let any one examine the wonderful
self…regulating and self…adjusting contrivances which are now
incorporated with the vapour…engine; let him watch the way in which
it supplies itself with oil; in which it indicates its wants to
those who tend it; in which; by the governor; it regulates its
application of its own strength; let him look at that store…house
of inertia and momentum the fly…wheel; or at the buffers on a
railway carriage; let him see how those improvements are being
selected for perpetuity which contain provision against the
emergencies that may arise to harass the machines; and then let him
think of a hundred thousand years; and the accumulated progress
which they will bring unless man can be awakened to a sense of his
situation; and of the doom which he is preparing for himself。 {6}

〃The misery is that man has been blind so long already。  In his
reliance upon the use of steam he has been betrayed into increasing
and multiplying。  To withdraw steam power suddenly will not have
the effect of reducing us to the state in which we were before its
introduction; there will be a general break…up and time of anarchy
such as has never been known; it will be as though our population
were suddenly doubled; with no additional means of feeding the
increased number。  The air we breathe is hardly more necessary for
our animal life than the use of any machine; on the strength of
which we have increased our numbers; is to our civilisation; it is
the machines which act upon man and make him man; as much as man
who has acted upon and made the machines; but we must choose
between the alternative of undergoing much present suffering; or
seeing ourselves gradually superseded by our own creatures; till we
rank no higher in comparison with them; than the beasts of the
field with ourselves。

〃Herein lies our danger。  For many seem inclined to acquiesce in so
dishonourable a future。  They say that although man should become
to the machines what the horse and dog are to us; yet that he will
continue to exist; and will probably be better off in a state of
domestication under the beneficent rule of the machines than in his
present wild condition。  We treat our domestic animals with much
kindness。  We give them whatever we believe to be the best for
them; and there can be no doubt that our use of meat has increased
their happiness rather than detracted from it。  In like manner
there is reason to hope that the machines will use us kindly; for
their existence will be in a great measure dependent upon ours;
they will rule us with a rod of iron; but they will not eat us;
they will not only require our services in the reproduction and
education of their young; but also in waiting upon them as
servants; in gathering food for them; and feeding them; in
restoring them to health when they are sick; and in either burying
their dead or working up their deceased members into new forms of
mechanical existence。

〃The very nature of the motive power which works the advancement of
the machines precludes the possibility of man's life being rendered
miserable as well as enslaved。  Slaves are tolerably happy if they
have good masters; and the revolution will not occur in our time;
nor hardly in ten thousand years; or ten times that。  Is it wise to
be uneasy about a contingency which is so remote?  Man is not a
sentimental animal where his material interests are concerned; and
though here and there some ardent soul may look upon himself and
curse his fate that he was not born a vapour…engine; yet the mass
of mankind will acquiesce in any arrangement which gives them
better food and clothing at a cheaper rate; and will refrain from
yielding to unreasonable jealousy merely because there are other
destinies more glorious than their own。

〃The power of custom is enormous; and so gradual will be the
change; that man's sense of what is due to himself will be at no
time rudely shocked; our bondage will steal upon us noiselessly and
by imperceptible approaches; nor will there ever be such a clashing
of desires between man and the machines as will lead to an
encounter between them。  Among themselves the machines will war
eternally; but they will still require man as the being through
whose agency the struggle will be principally conducted。  In point
of fact there is no occasion for anxiety about the future happiness
of man so long as he continues to be in any way profitable to the
machines; he may become the inferior race; but he will be
infinitely better off than he is now。  Is it not then both absurd
and unreasonable to be envious of our benefactors?  And should we
not be guilty of consummate folly if we were to reject advantages
which we cannot obtain otherwise; merely because they involve a
greater gain to others than to ourselves?

〃With those who can argue in this way I have nothing in common。  I
shrink with as much horror from believing that my race can ever be
superseded or surpassed; as I should do from believing that even at
the remotest period my ancestors were other than human beings。
Could I believe that ten hundred thousand years ago a single one of
my ancestors was another kind of being to myself; I should lose all
self…respect; and take no further pleasure or interest in life。  I
have the same feeling with regard to my descendants; and believe it
to be one that will be felt so generally that the country will
resolve upon putting an immediate stop to all further mechanical
progress; and upon destroying all improvements that have been made
for the last three hundred years。  I would not urge more than this。
We may trust ourselves to deal with those that remain; and though I
should prefer to have seen the destruction include another two
hundred years; I am aware of the necessity for compromising; and
would so far sacrifice my own individual convictions as to be
content with three hundred。  Less than this will be insufficient。〃

This was the conclusion of the attack which led to the destruction
of machinery throughout Erewhon。  There was only one serious
attempt to answer it。  Its author said that machines were to be
regarded as a part of man's own physical nature; being really
nothing but extra…corporeal limbs。  Man; he said; was a machinate
mammal。  The lower animals keep all their limbs at home in their
own bodies; but many of man's are loose; and lie about detached;
now here and now there; in various parts of the worldsome being
kept always handy for contingent use; and others being occasionally
hundreds of miles away。  A machine is merely a supplementary limb;
this is the be all and end all of machinery。  We do not use our own
limbs other than as machines; and a leg is only a much better
wooden leg than any one can man

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