贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the adventure of the golden pince-nez >


the adventure of the golden pince-nez-第6章

小说: the adventure of the golden pince-nez 字数: 每页4000字

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confess it all。 It was I who killed the young man。 But you are

right… you who say it was an accident。 I did not even know that it was

a knife which I held in my hand; for in my despair I snatched anything

from the table and struck at him to make him let me go。 It is the

truth that I tell。〃

  〃Madam;〃 said Holmes; 〃I am sure that it is the truth。 I fear that

you are far from well。〃

  She had turned a dreadful colour; the more ghastly under the dark

dust…streaks upon her face。 She seated herself on the side of the bed;

then she resumed。

  〃I have only a little time here;〃 she said; 〃but I would have you to

know the whole truth。 I am this man's wife。 He is not an Englishman。

He is a Russian。 His name I will not tell。〃

  For the first time the old man stirred。 〃God bless you; Anna!〃 he

cried。 〃God bless you!〃

  She cast a look of the deepest disdain in his direction。 〃Why should

you cling so hard to that wretched life of yours; Sergius?〃 said

she。 〃It has done harm to many and good to none… not even to yourself。

However; it is not for me to cause the frail thread to be snapped

before God's time。 I have enough already upon my soul since I

crossed the threshold of this cursed house。 But I must speak or I

shall be too late。

  〃I have said; gentlemen; that I am this man's wife。 He was fifty and

I a foolish girl of twenty when we married。 It was in a city of

Russia; a university… I will not name the place。〃

  〃God bless you; Anna!〃 murmured the old man again。

  〃We were reformers… revolutionists… Nihilists; you understand。 He

and I and many more。 Then there came a time of trouble; a police

officer was killed; many were arrested; evidence was wanted; and in

order to save his own life and to earn a great reward; my husband

betrayed his own wife and his companions。 Yes; we were all arrested

upon his confession。 Some of us found our way to the gallows; and some

to Siberia。 I was among these last; but my term was not for life。 My

husband came to England with his ill…gotten gains and has lived in

quiet ever since; knowing well that if the Brotherhood knew where he

was not a week would pass before justice would be done。〃

  The old man reached out a trembling hand and helped himself to a

cigarette。 〃I am in your hands; Anna;〃 said he。 〃You were always

good to me。〃

  〃I have not yet told you the height of his villainy;〃 said she。

〃Among our comrades of the Order; there was one who was the friend

of my heart。 He was noble; unselfish; loving… all that my husband

was not。 He hated violence。 We were all guilty… if that is guilt…

but he was not。 He wrote forever dissuading us from such a course。

These letters would have saved him。 So would my diary; in which;

from day to day; I had entered both my feelings towards him and the

view which each of us had taken。 My husband found and kept both

diary and letters。 He hid them; and he tried hard to swear away the

young man's life。 In this he failed; but Alexis was sent a convict

to Siberia; where now; at this moment; he works in a salt mine。

Think of that; you villain; you villain!… now; now; at this very

moment; Alexis; a man whose name you are not worthy to speak; works

and lives like a slave; and yet I have your life in my hands; and I

let you go。〃

  〃You were always a noble woman; Anna;〃 said the old man; puffing

at his cigarette。

  She had risen; but she fell back again with a little cry of pain。

  〃I must finish;〃 she said。 〃When my term was over I set myself to

get the diary and letters which; if sent to the Russian government;

would procure my friend's release。 I knew that my husband had come

to England。 After months of searching I discovered where he was。 I

knew that he still had the diary; for when I was in Siberia I had a

letter from him once; reproaching me and quoting some passages from

its pages。 Yet I was sure that; with his revengeful nature; he would

never give it to me of his own free…will。 I must get it for myself。

With this object I engaged an agent from a private detective firm; who

entered my husband's house as a secretary… it was your second

secretary; Sergius; the one who left you so hurriedly。 He found that

papers were kept in the cupboard; and he got an impression of the key。

He would not go farther。 He furnished me with a plan of the house; and

he told me that in the forenoon the study was always empty; as the

secretary was employed up here。 So at last I took my courage in both

hands; and I came down to get the papers for myself。 I succeeded;

but at what a cost!

  〃I had just taken the paper; and was locking the cupboard; when

the young man seized me。 I had seen him already that morning。 He had

met me on the road; and I had asked him to tell me where Professor

Coram lived; not knowing that he was in his employ。〃

  〃Exactly! Exactly!〃 said Holmes。 〃The secretary came back; and

told his employer of the woman he had met。 Then; in his last breath;

he tried to send a message that it was she… the she whom he had just

discussed with him。〃

  〃You must let me speak;〃 said the woman; in an imperative voice; and

her face contracted as if in pain。 〃When he had fallen I rushed from

the room; chose the wrong door; and found myself in my husband's room。

He spoke of giving me up。 I showed him that if he did so; his life was

in my hands。 If he gave me to the law; I could give him to the

Brotherhood。 It was not that I wished to live for my own sake; but

it was that I desired to accomplish my purpose。 He knew that I would

do what I said… that his own fate was involved in mine。 For that

reason; and for no other; he shielded me。 He thrust me into that

dark hiding…place… a relic of old days; known only to himself。 He took

his meals in his own room; and so was able to give me part of his

food。 It was agreed that when the police left the house I should

slip away by night and come back no more。 But in some way you have

read our plans。〃 She tore from the bosom of her dress a small

packet。 〃These are my last words;〃 said she; 〃here is the packet which

will save Alexis。 I confide it to your honour and to your love of

justice。 Take it! You will deliver it at the Russian Embassy。 Now; I

have done my duty; and…〃

  〃Stop her!〃 cried Holmes。 He had bounded across the room and had

wrenched a small phial from her hand。

  〃Too late!〃 she said; sinking back on the bed。 〃Too late! I took the

poison before I left my hiding…place。 My head swims! I am going! I

charge you; sir; to remember the packet。〃

  〃A simple case; and yet; in some ways; an instructive one;〃 Holmes

remarked; as we travelled back to town。 〃It hinged from the outset

upon the pince…nez。 But for the fortunate chance of the dying man

having seized these; I am not sure that we could ever have reached our

solution。 It was clear to me; from the strength of the glasses; that

the wearer must have been very blind and helpless when deprived of

them。 When you asked me to believe that she walked along a narrow

strip of grass without once making a false step; I remarked; as you

may remember; that it was a noteworthy performance。 In my mind I set

it down as an impossible performance; save in the unlikely case that

she had a second pair of glasses。 I was forced; therefore; to consider

seriously the hypothesis that she had remained within the house。 On

perceiving the similarity of the two corridors; it became clear that

she might very easily have made such a mistake; and; in that case;

it was evident that she must have entered the professor's room。 I

was keenly on the alert; therefore; for whatever would bear out this

supposition; and I examined the room narrowly for anything in the

shape of a hiding…place。 The carpet seemed continuous and firmly

nailed; so I dismissed the idea of a trap…door。 There might well be

a recess behind the books。 As you are aware; such devices are common

in old libraries。 I observed that books were piled on the floor at all

other points; but that one bookcase was left clear。 This; then;

might be the door。 I could see no marks to guide me; but the carpet

was of a dun colour; which lends itself ve

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