贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the adventure of the golden pince-nez >


the adventure of the golden pince-nez-第2章

小说: the adventure of the golden pince-nez 字数: 每页4000字

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in the forenoon; between eleven and twelve。 She was engaged at the

moment in hanging some curtains in the upstairs front bedroom。

Professor Coram was still in bed; for when the weather is bad he

seldom rises before midday。 The housekeeper was busied with some

work in the back of the house。 Willoughby Smith had been in his

bedroom; which he uses as a sitting…room; but the maid heard him at

that moment pass along the passage and descend to the study

immediately below her。 She did not see him; but she says that she

could not be mistaken in his quick; firm tread。 She did not hear the

study door close; but a minute or so later there was a dreadful cry in

the room below。 It was a wild; hoarse scream; so strange and unnatural

that it might have come either from a man or a woman。 At the same

instant there was a heavy thud; which shook the old house; and then

all was silence。 The maid stood petrified for a moment; and then;

recovering her courage; she ran downstairs。 The study door was shut

and she opened it。 Inside; young Mr。 Willoughby Smith was stretched

upon the floor。 At first she could see no injury; but as she tried

to raise him she saw that blood was pouring from the underside of

his neck。 It was pierced by a very small but very deep wound; which

had divided the carotid artery。 The instrument with which the injury

had been inflicted lay upon the carpet beside him。 It was one of those

small sealing…wax knives to be found on old…fashioned writing

tables; with an ivory handle and a stiff blade。 It was part of the

fittings of the professor's own desk。

  〃At first the maid thought that young Smith was already dead; but on

pouring some water from the carafe over his forehead he opened his

eyes for an instant。 'The professor;' he murmured… 'it was she。' The

maid is prepared to swear that those were the exact words。 He tried

desperately to say something else; and he held his right hand up in

the air。 Then he fell back dead。

  〃In the meantime the housekeeper had also arrived upon the scene;

but she was just too late to catch the young man's dying words。

Leaving Susan with the body; she hurried to the professors room。 He

was sitting up in bed; horribly agitated; for he had heard enough to

convince him that something terrible had occurred。 Mrs。 Marker is

prepared to swear that the professor was still in his night…clothes;

and indeed it was impossible for him to dress without the help of

Mortimer; whose orders were to come at twelve o'clock。 The professor

declares that he heard the distant cry; but that he knows nothing

more。 He can give no explanation of the young man's last words; 'The

professor… it was she;' but imagines that they were the outcome of

delirium。 He believes that Willoughby Smith had not an enemy in the

world; and can give no reason for the crime。 His first action was to

send Mortimer; the gardener; for the local police。 A little later

the chief constable sent for me。 Nothing was moved before I got there;

and strict orders were given that no one should walk upon the paths

leading to the house。 It was a splendid chance of putting your

theories into practice; Mr。 Sherlock Holmes。 There was really

nothing wanting。〃

  〃Except Mr。 Sherlock Holmes;〃 said my companion; with a somewhat

bitter smile。 〃Well; let us hear about it。 What sort of a job did

you make of it?〃

  〃I must ask you first; Mr。 Holmes; to glance at this rough plan;

which will give you a general idea of the position of the

professor's study and the various points of the case。 It will help you

in my investigation。〃

  He unfolded the rough chart; which I here reproduce; and he laid

it across Holmes's knee。 I rose and; standing behind Holmes; studied

it over his shoulder。 (See illustration。)

  〃It is very rough; of course; and it only deals with the points

which seem to me to be essential。 All the rest you will see later

for yourself。 Now; first of all; presuming that the assassin entered

the house; how did he or she come in? Undoubtedly by the garden path

and the back door; from which there is direct access to the study。 Any

other way would have been exceedingly complicated。 The escape must

have also been made along that line; for of the two other exits from

the room one was blocked by Susan as she ran downstairs and the

other leads straight to the professor's bedroom。 I therefore

directed my attention at once to the garden path; which was

saturated with recent rain; and would certainly show any footmarks。

  〃My examination showed me that I was dealing with a cautious and

expert criminal。 No footmarks were to be found on the path。 There

could be no question; however; that someone had passed along the grass

border which lines the path; and that he had done so in order to avoid

leaving a track。 I could not find anything in the nature of a distinct

impression; but the grass was trodden down; and someone had

undoubtedly passed。 It could only have been the murderer; since

neither the gardener nor anyone else had been there that morning;

and the rain had only begun during the night。〃

  〃One moment;〃 said Holmes。 〃Where does this path lead to?〃

  〃To the road。〃

  〃How long is it?〃

  〃A hundred yards or so。〃

  〃At the point where the path passes through the gate; you could

surely pick up the tracks?〃

  〃Unfortunately; the path was tiled at that point。〃

  〃Well; on the road itself?〃

  〃No; it was all trodden into mire。〃

  〃Tut…tut! Well; then; these tracks upon the grass; were they

coming or going?〃

  〃It was impossible to say。 There was never any outline。〃

  〃A large foot or a small?〃

  〃You could not distinguish。〃

  Holmes gave an ejaculation of impatience。

  〃It has been pouring rain and blowing a hurricane ever since;〃

said be。 〃It will be harder to read now than that palimpsest。 Well;

well; it can't be helped。 What did you do; Hopkins; after you had made

certain that you had made certain of nothing?〃

  〃I think I made certain of a good deal; Mr。 Holmes。 I knew that

someone had entered the house cautiously from without。 I next examined

the corridor。 It is lined with cocoanut matting and had taken no

impression of any kind。 This brought me into the study itself。 It is a

scantily furnished room。 The main article is a large writing…table

with a fixed bureau。 This bureau consists of a double column of

drawers; with a central small cupboard between them。 The drawers

were open; the cupboard locked。 The drawers; it seems; were always

open; and nothing of value was kept in them。 There were some papers of

importance in the cupboard; but there were no signs that this had been

tampered with; and the professor assures me that nothing was

missing。 It is certain that no robbery has been committed。

  〃I come now to the body of the young man。 It was found near the

bureau; and just to the left of it; as marked upon that chart。 The

stab was on the right side of the neck and from behind forward; so

that it is almost impossible that it could have been self…inflicted。〃

  〃Unless he fell upon the knife;〃 said Holmes。

  〃Exactly。 The idea crossed my mind。 But we found the knife some feet

away from the body; so that seems impossible。 Then; of course; there

are the man's own dying words。 And; finally; there was this very

important piece of evidence which was found clasped in the dead

man's right hand。〃

  From his pocket Stanley Hopkins drew a small paper packet。 He

unfolded it and disclosed a golden pince…nez; with two broken ends

of black silk cord dangling from the end of it。 〃Willoughby Smith

had excellent sight;〃 he added。 〃There can be no question that this

was snatched from the face or the person of the assassin。〃

  Sherlock Holmes took the glasses into his hand; and examined them

with the utmost attention and interest。 He held them on his nose;

endeavoured to read through them; went to the window and stared up the

street with them; looked at them most minutely in the full light of

the lamp; and finally; with a chuckle; seated himself at the table and

wrote a few lines upon a sheet of paper; which he tossed across to

Stanley Hopkins。


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