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小说: armadale 字数: 每页4000字

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(in her husband's absence) the moment Miss Gwilt entered the

〃Not a bit of it! Of course she was anxious to make acquaintance
with her daughter's governess。〃

〃Likely enough; Mr。 Armadale。 But the major and Miss Neelie don't
see it in that light; at any rate。 I had my eye on them both when
the governess told them that Mrs。 Milroy had sent for her。 If
ever I saw a girl look thoroughly frightened; Miss Milroy was
that girl; and (if I may be allowed; in the strictest confidence;
to libel a gallant soldier) I should say that the major himself
was much in the same condition。 Take my word for it; sir; there's
something wrong upstairs in that pretty cottage of yours; and
Miss Gwilt is mixed up in it already!〃

There was a minute of silence。 When the voices were next heard by
Midwinter; they were further away from the houseAllan was
probably accompanying young Pedgift a few steps on his way back。

After a while; Allan's voice was audible once more under the
portico; making inquiries after his friend; answered by the
servant's voice giving Midwinter's message。 This brief
interruption over; the silence was not broken again till the time
came for shutting up the house。 The servants' footsteps passing
to and fro; the clang of closing doors; the barking of a
disturbed dog in the stable…yardthese sounds warned Midwinter
it was getting late。 He rose mechanically to kindle a light。 But
his head was giddy; his hand trembled; he laid aside the
match…box; and returned to his chair。 The conversation between
Allan and young Pedgift had ceased to occupy his attention the
instant he ceased to hear it; and now again; the sense that the
precious time was failing him became a lost sense as soon as the
house noises which had awakened it had passed away。 His energies
of body and mind were both alike worn out; he waited with a
stolid resignation for the trouble that was to come to him with
the coming day。

An interval passed; and the silence was once more disturbed by
voices outside; the voices of a man and a woman this time。 The
first few words exchanged between them indicated plainly enough a
meeting of the clandestine kind; and revealed the man as one of
the servants at Thorpe Ambrose; and the woman as one of the
servants at the cottage。

Here again; after the first greetings were over; the subject of
the new governess became the all…absorbing subject of

The major's servant was brimful of forebodings (inspired solely
by Miss Gwilt's good looks) which she poured out irrepressibly on
her 〃sweetheart;〃 try as he might to divert her to other topics。
Sooner or later; let him mark her words; there would be an awful
〃upset〃 at the cottage。 Her master; it might be mentioned in
confidence; led a dreadful life with her mistress。 The major was
the best of men; he hadn't a thought in his heart beyond his
daughter and his everlasting clock。 But only let a nice…looking
woman come near the place; and Mrs。 Milroy was jealous of
herraging jealous; like a woman possessed; on that miserable
sick…bed of hers。 If Miss Gwilt (who was certainly good…looking;
in spite of her hideous hair) didn't blow the fire into a flame
before many days more were over their heads; the mistress was the
mistress no longer; but somebody else。 Whatever happened; the fau
lt; this time; would lie at the door of the major's mother。 The
old lady and the mistress had had a dreadful quarrel two years
since; and the old lady had gone away in a fury; telling her son;
before all the servants; that; if he had a spark of spirit in
him; he would never submit to his wife's temper as he did。 It
would be too much; perhaps; to accuse the major's mother of
purposely picking out a handsome governess to spite the major's
wife。 But it might be safely said that the old lady was the last
person in the world to humor the mistress's jealousy; by
declining to engage a capable and respectable governess for her
granddaughter because that governess happened to be blessed with
good looks。 How it was all to end (except that it was certain to
end badly) no human creature could say。 Things were looking as
black already as things well could。 Miss Neelie was crying; after
the day's pleasure (which was one bad sign); the mistress had
found fault with nobody (which was another); the master had
wished her good…night through the door (which was a third); and
the governess had locked herself up in her room (which was the
worst sign of all; for it looked as if she distrusted the
servants)。 Thus the stream of the woman's gossip ran on; and thus
it reached Midwinter's ears through the window; till the clock in
the stable…yard struck; and stopped the talking。 When the last
vibrations of the bell had died away; the voices were not audible
again; and the silence was broken no more。

Another interval passed; and Midwinter made a new effort to rouse
himself。 This time he kindled the light without hesitation; and
took the pen in hand。

He wrote at the first trial with a sudden facility of expression;
which; surprising him as he went on; ended in rousing in him some
vague suspicion of himself。 He left the table; and bathed his
head and face in water; and came back to read what he had
written。 The language was barely intelligible; sentences were
left unfinished; words were misplaced one for the other。 every
line recorded the protest of the weary brain against the
merciless will that had forced it into action。 Midwinter tore up
the sheet of paper as he had torn up the other sheets before it;
and; sinking under the struggle at last; laid his weary head on
the pillow。 Almost on the instant; exhaustion overcame him; and
before he could put the light out he fell asleep。

He was roused by a noise at the door。 The sunlight was pouring
into the room; the candle had burned down into the socket; and
the servant was waiting outside with a letter which had come for
him by the morning's post。

〃I ventured to disturb you; sir;〃 said the man; when Midwinter
opened the door; 〃because the letter is marked 'Immediate;' and I
didn't know but it might be of some consequence。〃

Midwinter thanked him; and looked at the letter。 It _was_ of some
consequencethe handwriting was Mr。 Brock's。

He paused to collect his faculties。 The torn sheets of paper on
the floor recalled to him in a moment the position in which he
stood。 He locked the door again; in the fear that Allan might
rise earlier than usual and come in to make inquiries。
Thenfeeling strangely little interest in anything that the
rector could write to him nowhe opened Mr。 Brock's letter; and
read these lines:


〃MY DEAR MIDWINTERIt is sometimes best to tell bad news
plainly; in few words。 Let me tell mine at once; in one sentence。
My precautions have all been defeated: the woman has escaped me。

〃This misfortunefor it is nothing lesshappened yesterday
(Monday)。 Between eleven and twelve in the forenoon of that day;
the business which originally brought me to London obliged me to
go to Doctors' Commons; and to leave my servant Robert to watch
the house opposite our lodging until my return。 About an hour and
a half after my departure he observed an empty cab drawn up at
the door of the house。 Boxes and bags made their appearance
first; they were followed by the woman herself; in the dress I
had first seen her in。 Having previously secured a cab; Robert
traced her to the terminus of the North…Western Railway; saw her
pass through the ticket office; kept her in view till she reached
the platform; and there; in the crowd and confusion caused by the
starting of a large mixed train; lost her。 I must do him the
justice to say that he at once took the right course in this
emergency。 Instead of wasting time in searching for her on the
platform; he looked along the line of carriages; and he
positively declares that he failed to see her in any one of them。
He admits; at the same time; that his search (conducted between
two o'clock; when he lost sight of her; and ten minutes past;
when the train started) was; in the confusion of the moment;
necessarily an imperfect one。 But this latter circumstance; in my
opinion; matters little。 I as firmly disbel

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