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小说: armadale 字数: 每页4000字

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outstretched hand。 Bashwood the son took a little key out of his
waistcoat pocket; winked; shook his head; and put the key back

〃I haven't done breakfast yet;〃 he said。 〃Gently does it; my dear
sirgently does it。〃

〃I can't wait!〃 cried the old man; struggling vainly to preserve
his self…control。 〃It's past nine! It's a fortnight to…day since
she went to London with Mr。 Armadale! She may be married to him
in a fortnight! She may be married to him this morning! I can't
wait! I can't wait!〃

〃There's no knowing what you can do till you try;〃 rejoined
Bashwood the younger。 〃Try; and you'll find you can wait。 What
has become of your curiosity?〃 he went on; feeding the fire
ingeniously with a stick at a time。 〃Why don't you ask me what I
mean by calling Miss Gwilt a public character? Why don't you
wonder how I came to lay my hand on the story of her life; in
black and white? If you'll sit down again; I'll tell you。 If you
won't; I shall confine myself to my breakfast。〃

Mr。 Bashwood sighed heavily; and went back to his chair。

〃I wish you were not so fond of your joke; Jemmy;〃 he said。 〃I
wish; my dear; you were not quite so fond of your joke。〃

〃Joke?〃 repeated his son。 〃It would be serious enough in some
people's eyes; I can tell you。 Miss Gwilt has been tried for her
life; and the papers in that black bag are the lawyer's
instructions for the Defense。 Do you call that a joke?〃

The father started to his feet; and looked straight across the
table at the son with a smile of exultation that was terrible to

〃She's been tried for her life!〃 he burst out; with a deep gasp
of satisfaction。 〃She's been tried for her life!〃 He broke into a
low; prolonged laugh; and snapped his fingers exultingly。
〃Aha…ha…ha! Something to frighten Mr。 Armadale in _that!_〃

Scoundrel as he was; the son was daunted by the explosion of
pent…up passion which burst on him in those words。

〃Don't excite yourself;〃 he said; with a sullen suppression of
the mocking manner in which he had spoken thus far。

Mr。 Bashwood sat down again; and passed his handkerchief over his
forehead。 〃No;〃 he said; nodding and smiling at his son。 〃No;
nono excitement; as you sayI can wait now; Jemmy; I can wait

He waited with immovable patience。 At intervals; he nodded; and
smiled; and whispered to himself; 〃Something to frighten Mr。
Armadale in _that!_〃 But he made no further attempt; by word;
look; or action; to hurry his son。

Bashwood the younger finished his breakfast slowly; out of pure
bravado; lit a cigar with the utmost deliberation; looked at his
father; and; seeing him still as immovably patient as ever;
opened the black bag at last; and spread the papers on the table。

〃How will you have it?〃 he asked。 〃Long or short? I have got her
whole life here。 The counsel who defended her at the trial was
instructed to hammer hard at the sympathies of the jury: he went
head over ears into the miseries of her past career; and shocked
everybody in court in the most workman…like manner。 Shall I take
the same line? Do you want to know all about her; from the time
when she was in short frocks and frilled trousers? or do you
prefer getting on at once to her first appearance as a prisoner
in the dock?〃

〃I want to know all about her;〃 said his father; eagerly。 〃The
worst; and the bestthe worst particularly。 Don't spare my
feelings; Jemmywhatever you do; don't spare my feelings! Can't
I look at the papers myself?〃

〃No; you can't。 They would be all Greek and Hebrew to you。 Thank
your stars that you have got a sharp son; who can take the pith
out of these papers; and give it a smack of the right flavor in
serving it up。 There are not ten men in England who could tell
you this woman's story as I can tell it。 It's a gift; old
gentleman; of the sort that is given to very few peopleand it
lodges here。〃

He tapped his forehead smartly; and turned to the first page of
the manuscript before him; with an unconcealed triumph at the
prospect of exhibiting his own cleverness; which was the first
expression of a genuine feeling of any sort that had escaped him

〃Miss Gwilt's story begins;〃 said Bashwood the younger; 〃in the
market…place at Thorpe Ambrose。 One day; something like a quarter
of a century ago; a traveling quack doctor; who dealt in
perfumery as well as medicines; came to the town with his cart;
and exhibited; as a living example of the excellence of his
washes and hair…oils and so on; a pretty little girl; with a
beautiful complexion and wonderful hair。 His name was Oldershaw。
He had a wife; who helped him in the perfumery part of his
business; and who carried it on by herself after his death。 She
has risen in the world of late years; and she is identical with
that sly old lady who employed me professionally a short time
since。 As for the pretty little girl; you know who she was as
well as I do。 While the quack was haranguing the mob and showing
them the child's hair; a young lady; driving through the
marketplace; stopped her carriage to hear what it was all about;
saw the little girl; and took a violent fancy to her on the spot。
The young lady was the daughter of Mr。 Blanchard; of Thorpe
Ambrose。 She went home; and interested her father in the fate of
the innocent little victim of the quack doctor。 The same evening;
the Oldershaws were sent for to the great house and were
questioned。 They declared themselves to be her uncle and aunta
lie; of course!and they were quite willing to let her attend
the village school; while they stayed at Thorpe Ambrose; when the
proposal was made to them。 The new arrangement was carried out
the next day。 And the day after that; the Oldershaws had
disappeared; and had left the little girl on the squire's hands!
She evidently hadn't answered as they expected in the capacity of
an advertisement; and that was the way they took of providing
 for her for life。 There is the first act of the play for you!
Clear enough; so far; isn't it?〃

〃Clear enough; Jemmy; to clever people。 But I'm old and slow。 I
don't understand one thing。 Whose child was she?〃

〃A very sensible question。 Sorry to inform you that nobody can
answer itMiss Gwilt herself included。 These Instructions that
I'm refering to are founded; of course; on her own statements;
sifted by her attorney。 All she could remember; on being
questioned; was that she was beaten and half starved; somewhere
in the country; by a woman who took in children at nurse。 The
woman had a card with her; stating that her name was Lydia Gwilt;
and got a yearly allowance for taking care of her (paid through a
lawyer) till she was eight years old。 At that time; the allowance
stopped; the lawyer had no explanation to offer; nobody came to
look after her; nobody wrote。 The Oldershaws saw her; and thought
she might answer to exhibit; and the woman parted with her for a
trifle to the Oldershaws; and the Oldershaws parted with her for
good and all to the Blanchards。 That's the story of her birth;
parentage; and education! She may be the daughter of a duke; or
the daughter of a costermonger。 The circumstances may be highly
romantic; or utterly commonplace。 Fancy anything you
likethere's nothing to stop you。 When you've had your fancy
out; say the word; and I'll turn over the leaves and go on。〃

〃Please to go on; Jemmyplease to go on。〃

〃The next glimpse of Miss Gwilt;〃 resumed Bashwood the younger;
turning over the papers; 〃is a glimpse at a family mystery。 The
deserted child was in luck's way at last。 She had taken the fancy
of an amiable young lady with a rich father; and she was petted
and made much of at the great house; in the character of Miss
Blanchard's last new plaything。 Not long afterward Mr。 Blanchard
and his daughter went abroad; and took the girl with them in the
capacity of Miss Blanchard's little maid。 When they came back;
the daughter had married; and become a widow; in the interval;
and the pretty little maid; instead of returning with them to
Thorpe Ambrose; turns up suddenly; all alone; as a pupil at a
school in France。 There she was; at a first…rate establishment;
with her maintenance and education secured until she married and
settled in lif

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