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小说: armadale 字数: 每页4000字

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down again; and put the question for the second time。

〃Do I think;〃 said Mr。 Bashwood; repeating the sense; but not the
words of the question; 〃that Mr。 Armadale might be parted from
Miss Gwilt; if she could be shown to him as she really is? Yes;
sir ! And do I wish to be the man who does it? Yes; sir! yes;
sir! ! yes; sir! ! !〃

〃It's rather strange;〃 remarked the lawyer; looking at him more
and more distrustfully; 〃that you should be so violently
agitated; simply because my question happens to have hit the

The question happened to have hit a mark which Pedgift little
dreamed of。 It had released Mr。 Bashwood's mind in an instant
from the dead pressure of his one dominant idea of revenge; and
had shown him a purpose to be achieved by the discovery of Miss
Gwilt's secrets which had never occurred to him till that moment。
The marriage which he had blindly regarded as inevitable was a
marriage that might be stoppednot in Allan's interests; but in
his ownand the woman whom he believed that he had lost might
yet; in spite of circumstances; be a woman won! His brain whirled
as he thought of it。 His own roused resolution almost daunted
him; by its terrible incongruity with all the familiar habits of
his mind; and all the customary proceedings of his life。

Finding his last remark unanswered; Pedgift Senior considered a
little before he said anything more。

〃One thing is clear;〃 reasoned the lawyer with himself。 〃His true
motive in this matter is a motive which he is afraid to avow。 My
question evidently offered him a chance of misleading me; and he
has accepted it on the spot。 That's enough for _me。_ If I was Mr。
Armadale's lawyer; the mystery might be worth investigating。 As
things are; it's no interest of mine to hunt Mr。 Bashwood from
one lie to another till I run him to earth at last。 I have
nothing whatever to do with it; and I shall leave him free to
follow his own roundabout courses; in his own roundabout way。〃
Having arrived at that conclusion; Pedgift Senior pushed back his
chair; and rose briskly to terminate the interview。

〃Don't be alarmed; Bashwood;〃 he began。 〃The subject of our
conversation is a subject exhausted; so far as I am concerned。 I
have only a few last words to say; and it's a habit of mine; as
you know; to say my last words on my legs。 Whatever else I may be
in the dark about; I have made one discovery; at any rate。 I have
found out what you really want with meat last! You want me to
help you。〃

〃If you would be so very; very kind; sir!〃 stammered Mr。
Bashwood。 〃If you would only give me the great advantage of your
opinion and advice。〃

〃Wait a bit; Bashwood We will separate those two things; if you
please。 A lawyer may offer an opinion like any other man; but
when a lawyer gives his adviceby the Lord Harry; sir; it's
Professional! You're welcome to my opinion in this matter; I have
disguised it from nobody。 I believe there have been events in
Miss Gwilt's career which (if they could be discovered) would
even make Mr。 Armadale; infatuated as he is; afraid to marry
hersupposing; of course; that he really _is_ going to marry
her; for; though the appearances are in favor of it so far; it is
only an assumption; after all。 As to the mode of proceeding by
which the blots on this woman's character might or might not be
brought to light in timeshe may be married by license in a
fortnight if she likes_that_ is a branch of the question on
which I positively decline to enter。 It implies speaking in my
character as a lawyer; and giving you; what I decline positively
to give you; my professional advice。〃

〃Oh; sir; don't say that!〃 pleaded Mr。 Bashwood。 〃Don't deny me
the great favor; the inestimable advantage of your advice! I have
such a poor head; Mr。 Pedgift! I am so old and so slow; sir; and
I get so sadly startled and worried when I'm thrown out of my
ordinary ways。 It's quite natural you should be a little
impatient with me for taking up your timeI know that time is
money; to a clever man like you。 Would you excuse me would you
please excuse me; if I venture to say that I have saved a little
something; a few pounds; sir; and being quite lonely; with nobody
dependent on me; I'm sure I may spend my savings as I please?〃
Blind to every consideration but the one consideration of
propitiating Mr。 Pedgift; he took out a dingy; ragged old
pocket…book; and tried; with trembling fingers; to open it on the
lawyer's table。

〃Put your pocket…book back directly;〃 said Pedgift Senior。
〃Richer men than you have tried that argument with me; and have
found that there is such a thing (off the stage) as a lawyer who
is not to be bribed。 I will have nothing to do with the case;
under existing circumstances。 If you want to know why; I beg to
inform you that Miss Gwilt ceased to be professionally
interesting to me on the day when I ceased to be Mr。 Armadale's
lawyer。 I may have other reasons besides; which I don't think it
necessary to mention。 The reason already given is explicit
enough。 Go your own way; and take your responsibility on your own
shoulders。 You _may_ venture within reach of Miss Gwilt's claws
and come out again without being scratched。 Time will show。 In
the meanwhile; I wish you good…morningand I own; to my shame;
that I never knew till today what a hero you were。〃

This time; Mr。 Bashwood felt the sting。 Without another word of
expostulation or entreaty; without even saying 〃Good…morning〃 on
his side; he walked to the door; opened it; softly; and left the

The parting look in his face; and the sudden silence that had
fallen on him; were not lost on Pedgift Senior。 〃Bashwood will
end badly;〃 said the lawyer; shuffling his papers; and returning
impenetrably to his interrupted work。

The change in Mr。 Bashwood's face and manner to something dogged
and self…contained was so startlingly uncharacteristic of him;
that it even forced itself on the notice of Pedgift Junior and
the clerks as he passed through the outer office。 Accustomed to
make the old man their butt; they took a boisterously comic view
of the marked alteration in him。 Deaf to the merciless raillery
with which he was assailed on all sides; he stopped opposite
young Pedgift; and; looking him attentively in the face; said; in
a quiet; absent manner; like a man thinking aloud; 〃I wonder
whether _you_ would help me?〃

〃Open an account instantly;〃 said Pedgift Junior to the clerks;
〃in the name of Mr。 Bashwood。 Place a chair for Mr。 Bashwood;
with a footstool close by; in case he wants it。 Supply me with a
quire of extra double…wove satin paper; and a gross of picked
quills; to take notes of Mr。 Bashwood's case; and inform my
father instantly that I am going to leave him and set up in
business for myself; on the strength of Mr。 Bashwood's patronage。
Take a seat; sir; pray take a seat; and express your feelings

Still impenetrably deaf to the raillery of which he was the
object; Mr。 Bashwood waited until Pedgift Junior had exhausted
himself; and then turned quietly away。

〃I ought to have known better;〃 he said; in the same absent
manner as before。 〃He is his father's son all overhe would make
game of me on my death…bed。〃 He paused a moment at the door;
mechanically brushing his hat with his hand; and went out into
the street。

The bright sunshine dazzled his eyes; the passing vehicles and
foot…passengers startled and bewildered him。 He shrank into a
by…street; and put his hand over his eyes。 〃I'd better go home;〃
he thought; 〃and shut myself up; and think about it in my own

His lodging was in a small house; in the poor quarter of the
town。 He let himself in with his key; and stole softly upstairs
The one little room he possessed met him cruelly; look round it
where he might; with silent memorials of Miss Gwilt。 On the
chimney…piece were the flowers she had given him at various
times; all withered long since; and all preserved on a little
china pedestal; protected by a glass shade。 On the wall hung a
wretched colored print of a woman; which he had caused to be
nicely framed and glazed; because there was a look in it that
reminded him of her face。 In his clumsy old mahogany writing…desk

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