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alarmed by Mr。 Armadale coming out into the conservatory to pick
some flowers。 He did not come as far; fortunately; as the place
where I was hidden; and he went in again into the drawing…room;
and there was more talking (I suspect at close quarters); which
to my great regret I again failed to catch。 Pray forgive me for
having so little to tell you。 I can only add that; when the storm
cleared off; Miss Milroy went away with the flowers in her hand;
and with Mr。 Armadale escorting her from the house。 My own humble
opinion is that he had a powerful friend at court; all through
the interview; in the young lady's own liking for him。

〃This is all I can say at present; with the exception of one
other thing I heard; which I blush to mention。 But your word is
law; and you have ordered me to have no concealments from you。

〃Their talk turned once; dear madam; on yourself。 I think I heard
the word 'creature' from Miss Milroy; and I am certain that Mr。
Armadale; while acknowledging that he had once admired you; added
that circumstances had since satisfied him of 'his folly。' I
quote his own expression; it made me quite tremble with
indignation。 If I may be permitted to say so; the man who admires
Miss Gwilt lives in Paradise。 Respect; if nothing else; ought to
have closed Mr。 Armadale's lips。 He is my employer; I know; but
after his calling it an act of folly to admire you (though I _am_
his deputy…steward); I utterly despise him。

〃Trusting that I may have been so happy as to give you
satisfaction thus far; and earnestly desirous to deserve the
honor of your continued confidence in me; I remain; dear madam;

〃Your grateful and devoted servant;


2。 _From Mrs。 Oldershaw to Miss Gwilt。_

〃Diana Street; Monday; July 21st。

〃MY DEAR LYDIAI trouble you with a few lines。 They are written
under a sense of the duty which I owe to myself; in our present
position toward each other。

〃I am not at all satisfied with the tone of your last two
letters; and I am still less pleased at your leaving me this
morning without any letter at alland this when we had arranged;
in the doubtful state of our prospects; that I was to hear from
you every day。 I can only interpret your conduct in one way。 I
can only infer that matters at Thorpe Ambrose; having been all
mismanaged; are all going wrong。

〃It is not my present object to reproach you; for why should I
waste time; language; and paper? I merely wish to recall to your
memory certain considerations which you appear to be disposed to
overlook。 Shall I put them in the plainest English? Yes; for;
with all my faults; I am frankness personified。

〃In the first place; then; I have an interest in your becoming
Mrs。 Armadale of Thorpe Ambrose as well as you。 Secondly; I have
provided you (to say nothing of good advice) with all the money
needed to accomplish our object。 Thirdly; I hold your notes of
hand; at short dates; for every farthing so advanced。 Fourthly
and lastly; though I am indulgent to a fault in the capacity of a
friendin the capacity of a woman of business; my dear; I am not
to be trifled with。 That is all; Lydia; at least for the present。

〃Pray don't suppose I write in anger; I am only sorry and
disheartened。 My state of mind resembles David's。 If I had the
wings of a dove; I would flee away and be at rest。

〃Affectionately yours; MARIA OLDERSHAW。〃

3。 _From Mr。 Bashwood to Miss Gwilt。_

〃Thorpe Ambrose; July 21st。

〃DEAR MADAMYou will probably receive these lines a few hours
after my yesterday's communication reaches you。 I posted my first
letter last night; and I shall post this before noon to…day。

〃My present object in writing is to give you some more news from
this house。 I have the inexpressible happiness of announcing that
Mr。 Armadale's disgraceful intrusion on your privacy is at an
end。 The watch set on your actions is to be withdrawn this day。 I
write; dear madam; with the tears in my eyestears of joy;
caused by feelings which I ventured to express in my previous
letter (see first paragraph toward the end)。 Pardon me this
personal reference。 I can speak to you (I don't know why) so much
more readily with my pen than with my tongue。

〃Let me try to compose myself; and proceed with my narrative。

〃I had just arrived at the steward's office this morning; when
Mr。 Pedgift the elder followed me to the great house to see Mr。
Armadale by special appointment。 It is needless to say that I at
once suspended any little business there was to do; feeling that
your interests might possibly be concerned。 It is also most
gratifying to add that this time circumstances favored me。 I was
able to stand under the open window and to hear the whole

〃Mr。 Armadale explained himself at once in the plainest terms。 He
gave orders that the person who had been hired to watch you
should be instantly dismissed。 On being asked to explain this
sudden change of purpose; he did not conceal that it was owing to
the effect produced on his mind by what had passed between Mr。
Midwinter and himself on the previous day。 Mr。 Midwinter's
language; cruelly unjust as it was; had nevertheless convinced
him that no necessity whatever could excuse any proceeding so
essentially base in itself as the employment of a spy; and on
that conviction he was now determined to act。

〃But for your own positive directions to me to conceal nothing
that passes here in which your name is concerned; I should really
be ashamed to report what Mr。 Pedgift said on his side。 He has
behaved kindly to me; I know。 But if he was my own brother; I
could never forgive him the tone in which he spoke of you; and
the obstinacy with which he tried to make Mr。 Armadale change his

〃He began by attacking Mr。 Midwinter。 He declared that Mr。
Midwinter's opinion was the very worst opinion that could be
taken; for it was quite plain that you; dear madam; had twisted
him round your finger。 Producing no effect by this coarse
suggestion (which nobody who knows you could for a moment
believe); Mr。 Pedgift next referred to Miss Milroy; and asked Mr。
Armadale if he had given up all idea of protecting her。 What this
meant I cannot imagine。 I can only report it for your private
consideration。 Mr。 Armadale briefly answered that he had his own
plan for protecting Miss Milroy; and that the circumstances were
altered in that quarter; or words to a similar effect。 Still Mr。
Pedgift persisted。 He went on (I blush to mention) from bad to
worse。 He tried to persuade Mr。 Armadale next to bring an action
at law against one or other of the persons who had been most
strongly condemning his conduct in the neighborhood; for the
purposeI really hardly know how to write itof getting you
into the witness…box。 And worse yet: when Mr。 Armadale still said
No; Mr。 Pedgift; after having; as I suspected by the sound of his
voice; been on the point of leaving the room; artfully came back;
and proposed sending for a detective officer from London; simply
to look at you。 'The whole of this mystery about Miss Gwilt's
true character;' he said; 'may turn on a question of identity。 It
won't cost much to have a man down from London; and it's worth
trying whether her face is or is not known at headquarters to the
police。' I again and again assure you; dearest lady; that I only
repeat those abominable words from a sense of duty toward
yourself。 I shookI declare I shook from head to foot when I
heard them。

〃To resume; for there is more to tell you。

〃Mr。 Armadale (to his creditI don't deny it; though I don't
like him) still said No。 He appeared to be getting irritated
under Mr。 Pedgift's persistence; and he spoke in a somewhat hasty
way。 'You persuaded me on the last occasion when we talked about
this;' he said; 'to do something that I have been since heartily
ashamed of。 You won't succeed in persuading me; Mr。 Pedgift; a
second time。' Those were his words。 Mr。 Pedgift took him up
short; Mr。 Pedgift seemed to be nettled on his side。

〃 'If that is the light in which you see my advice; sir;' he
said; 'the less you have of it for the future; the better。 Your
character and position are publicly involved in this matter
between yoursel

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