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poor and proud-第32章

小说: poor and proud 字数: 每页4000字

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 the following weekwhat silks; what laces what muslins; and what jewels she was to wear。 I can only say that she was dressed very plainly; and that her garments were exceedingly becoming; and that she had steadily resisted the solicitations of sundry French milliners and dressmakers to exceed her usual simplicity at the partyand I cordially command her example to all young ladies。

While Miss Redburn sat at the window; the doorbell rang with great violence; and Michael yes; Michaelhe is still there; a veteran in the service of Mrs。 Gordon; and fully believing that Katy is an angelMichael hastened to admit Grace。 She is a little older than when we saw her last; but she is the same Grace。 She enters the room; kisses Katy with as much zeal as though she had not seen her for months; though they had met the day before。 She had scarcely saluted her cousin before a little fat man of six came tumbling into the room; for he had not been able to keep up with his mother。

〃Come; aunty;〃 said little Tommy; who persisted in calling her by this title; as he rolled up to Miss Redburn; who gave him a hearty kiss〃come; aunty; I want you to come right down into the kitchen; and make me a lot of molatheth candy。〃

〃Not now; Tommy〃would you believe it; reader? that little boy's name is Thomas Howard Parker〃not now; Tommy。 I came to tell you; Katy; that the King of the Billows has been telegraphed。〃

〃Has she?〃 exclaimed Katy; a deep blush suffusing her cheek。

〃Yes; and you must go right down to the wharf; or we shall not be in season to see Captain Howard; who is coming up in a pilot boat。〃

Miss Redburn hastened to put on her things; and she and Mrs。 Parker seated themselves in the carriage that waited them。

Of course; you know Captain Howard; reader? He has followed the sea only eleven years; and though but twenty…five years old; he is the commander of a fine clipper; and sails in the Liverpool line。 He is frequently quoted as an example of what patient perseverance will accomplish; for; with very little aid from friends; he has worked his way from the forecastle into the cabin。 He is a self…educated man; and has the reputation of being a thorough sailor and a perfect gentleman。

Pursuant to a little arrangement made between Captain Howard and Miss Redburn; just as he departed on this voyage; they were both seen in church on the following Thursday afternoon; and when they came out; people addressed Katy as Mrs。 Howard。 But to pass on to the occasions which she had chosen to call a birthday party; though it was not exactly that; and as it came immediately after the church service; some called it a levee。

There are a great many persons in the Gordon mansion; as many as two hundred; I should think。 Of course; I cannot stop to introduce all of them; but there are a few who deserve this favor。

〃Mr。 Sneed; I am delighted to see you;〃 said Mrs。 Howard; as a very tall and very slim gentleman; elegantly dressed; approached。

〃You do me honor; madam。 It is the superlative felicity of my sublunary existence to congratulate you on this auspicious occasion;〃 replied Mr。 Sneed; as he gently pressed the gloved hand of the lady。

That sounds just like Master Simon Sneed; only very much intensified。 Simon is a salesman still in a large establishmenthas never risen above that position and probably never will; for; born to be a gentleman; he feels as much above his business as his business really is above him。

Simon's father and mother say a pleasant word to the bride; and pass on。 And here comes a great fat woman; whose tongue flies like the shuttle in a loom。 Well; it is the captain's mother。 Since her son has been prosperous; she has had an easy time of it; and has grown very corpulent。

〃Who do you think has come; Katy?〃 puffed Mrs。 Howard。

〃I don't know。 Who?〃

〃Mrs。 Colvin; that was! Mrs。 McCarty; that is。〃

Some of the very good…natured people laughed; and some of the very fastidious ones turned up their noses; when they saw Mrs。 McCarty so warmly received by the bride; but she did not care who laughed or who sneered; she was not too proud to welcome; in the hour of prosperity and happiness; those who had been her friends in adversity。

〃Mrs。 Howard; I congratulate you;〃 said a fat man; who was puffing and blowing at the heat of the room。

It was an ex…mayor and after he had said a few pleasant words; he passed on to make room for a hundred more who were waiting to speak to the bride。

That was a very pleasant party; but as we are opposed to crowded rooms and late hours; we may as well retire。

The next day the happy couple started upon a bridal tour; and on their return; Captain Howard sailed for Liverpool; in his fine ship; with Mrs。 Howard as a passenger。

And now my young friend; adieu。 If you are poor; don't be too proud to work at any honest occupation; but be too proud to do wrongtoo proud to degrade yourself in your own eyes; by doing a mean act; and in this sense you may truly be 〃Poor and Proud。〃


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