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poor and proud-第30章

小说: poor and proud 字数: 每页4000字

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〃You are very kind; ma'am。〃

〃Did Dr。 Flynch call upon you at the first of the month?〃

〃Yes; ma'am; and we paid the rent as usual;〃 replied Katy。

〃I am sorry you did so; Katy; you should have told him you were not in a condition to pay the rent。〃

〃I couldn't tell him so; he is so cold and cruel。〃

〃I think you misjudge him; for he has a really kind heart; and would not have distressed you for all the world。 Besides; I told him he need not collect your rent any time when you did not feel ready to pay it。 I hope he gave you no trouble?〃

〃No; ma'am; I didn't give him a chance; for I paid him as soon as he demanded it; though it took nearly all the money we had。 I hope you will excuse me; ma'am; but I haven't liked him since the trouble we had a year ago; when he accused my dear mother of telling a lie。〃

〃Perhaps he was hasty。〃

〃I forgive him; ma'am; but I can't help thinking he is a very wicked man;〃 answered Katy; with considerable emphasis。

〃I hope not so bad as that; for I am sure; if you had told him it was not convenient for you to pay the rent; he would not have insisted。 But you want some assistance Katy?〃

〃Yes; ma'am; that is; I want to borrow some money;〃 replied Katy; blushing deeply。

〃That's just like you;〃 interposed Grace; laughing。 〃I suppose you will want to give your note this time。〃

〃I don't care about giving a note; but I mean to pay the money back again; every cent of it。〃

〃And the interest too; I suppose?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Katy; though she had not a very clear idea of the value of money; as an article of merchandise。

〃Don't distress her; Grace; you forget that her mother is very sick; and she cannot feel like listening to your pleasantries;〃 said Mrs。 Gordon。

〃Forgive me; Katy;〃 replied Grace; tenderly。

Katy burst into tears; though she could not exactly tell why。 She was overcome with emotion as the beautiful young lady took her hand; and looked so sorrowfully in her face。 She was not used to so much kindness; so much sympathy; so much love; for it seemed as though both Grace and her mother loved herthat their hearts beat with hers。

〃Don t cry; Katy; I am sorry I said a word;〃 pleaded Grace。 〃I would not have hurt your feelings for all the world。〃

〃You did not hurt my feelings; you are so kind to me that I could not help crying。 I suppose I am very silly。〃

〃No; you are not; Katy; now dry up your tears; and tell us all about it;〃 added Mrs。 Gordon; in soothing tones。 〃How long has your mother been sick?〃

〃Almost two weeks。〃

〃What ails her?〃

〃She has got a fever; but she is much better to…day。 The doctor says she hasn't got it very bad; but she has been very sick; I think。〃

〃Who takes care of her?〃

〃I do; ma'am。〃

〃You! She must need a great deal of attention。 But who takes care of her at night?〃

〃I do; ma'am。 I have been up a great deal every night。〃

〃Poor child! It is enough to wear you out。〃

〃I wouldn't mind it at all; if I had nothing else to trouble me。〃

〃What other troubles have you?〃

〃I can't make any candy now; and haven't made any for nearly a fortnight; so that we have no money coming in。 We spent nearly all we had in buying our winter clothing and fuel。 It worries me very much; for we had plenty of money before mother was taken sick。〃

〃I hope you haven't wanted for anything。〃

〃No; ma'am; for when my purse was empty; I came up here; only yesterday; to borrow some of you; if you would please to lend it me。〃

〃Certainly; I will; my child。 I am very glad you came。〃

〃Michael would make me tell what I wanted; and then he let me have three dollars; and offered to let me have as much as I wanted。 I didn't know as you would like it if I borrowed money of your servant。〃

〃You did just right: and I am glad that Michael has a kind heart。 Now; how much money do you want?〃

〃I thought I would ask you to lend me twenty dollars; and just as soon; after mother gets well; as I can gather the money together; I will pay youand the interest;〃 she added; glancing at Grace。

〃Now; Katy; that is too bad!〃 exclaimed Grace; catching her by the hand; while a tear started from her eye。 〃You know I didn't mean that。〃

〃I know you didn't; but I don't know much about such things; and thought likely it was right for us to pay interest; if we borrowed money。〃

〃I should be very glad to give you twenty dollars; Katy; if you would only let me; for I am rich; as well as mother; and I certainly should not think of taking interest。〃

〃We will say no more about that;〃 interrupted Mrs。 Gordon。 〃I will let you have the money with the greatest pleasure; for I know you will make good use of it。〃

〃I will; indeed。〃

〃And you must promise me that you will not distress yourself to pay it again;〃 continued the kind lady; as she took out her purse。

〃I will not distress myself; but I will pay it as soon as I can。〃

〃You must not be too proud。〃

〃No; ma'am; but just proud enough。〃

〃Yes; that's it;〃 replied Mrs。 Gordon; smiling。 〃Pride is a very good thing in its place。 It keeps people from being mean and wicked sometimes。〃

〃That's true pride;〃 added Katy。

〃Yes; for there is a false pride; which makes people very silly and vain; which keeps them from doing their duty very often。 You have none of this kind of pride。〃

〃I hope not。〃

〃Your friend Simon Sneed; whom the mayor spoke to me about; affords us a very good example of the folly of cherishing false pride。 Where is Simon now?〃

〃He keeps a store in Washington Street。 He is a salesman now; and I don't think he is so foolish as he was。〃

〃Perhaps the lesson he learned did him good。 But I am keeping you away from your mother; Katy。 Who stays with her while you are away?〃

〃Mrs。 SneedSimon's mother。〃

〃Then she is a good woman。〃

〃And Simon is very kind; he has done a great many things for me; and I hope I shall be able to do something for him one of these days。〃

〃That's right; Katy。 Think well of your friends; though others speak ill of them;〃 said Grace。 〃Ah; there comes the carriage。 I am going home with you; Katy; to see your mother。〃

〃You are very kind; Miss Grace。〃

〃Here is the money;〃 added Mrs。 Gordon; handing her a little roll of bills。

〃Thank you; ma'am;〃 replied Katy; as she placed the money in her porte…monnaie。 〃But〃

Here she came to a full stop; and her face was as crimson as a blush rose; but she took out the silver watch; and approached Mrs。 Gordon。

〃What were you going to say; Katy?〃

〃I brought this watch up;〃 stammered she。

〃What for?〃

〃You know I am a poor girl; my mother is a poor woman; and we didn't want you to think you were giving us the money; for we are very proud; that is; my mother is very proud; and so am I; and〃

Here Katy drew a long breath; and came to a full stop again; unable to say what she wanted to say。

〃If you want anything else; Katy; don't hesitate to mention it; for I will not do anything to mortify your pride; even if it is unreasonable;〃 said Mrs。 Gordon。 〃I understand you perfectly; the twenty dollars is not a gift; but a loan。〃

〃Yes; ma'am; but if we should never be able to pay it; then it would be a gift。〃

〃No; it wouldn't。〃

〃I think so; and so I brought this watch; which you will please to take as security for the payment of the loan;〃 said Katy; much confused; as she offered the watch to Mrs。 Gordon。

〃My dear child; I do not want any security。 Your word is just as good as your bond。〃

〃But I would rather you would take it。 My mother is prouder than I am; for she wasn't always as poor as she is now。〃

Katy suddenly clapped her hand over her mouth; when she recollected that this was a forbidden topic。

〃Some time you may tell me all about your mother; and I will call and see her to…morrow; and help you take care of her。〃

〃Please to take the watch。 ma'am。〃

〃If you very much desire it; I shall do so; though I cannot take it as security。 Is this the watch you carried to the pawnbroker?〃 said Mrs。 Gordon as she took the treasure。

〃Yes; ma'am。 It belonged to my father。〃

Mrs。 Gordon turned over the watch; and looked at it with considerable interest; as she thought of it as a memento of the dead; and how highly it must be prized by the poor woman。

〃Mercy; what's th

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