贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > dream days >


dream days-第5章

小说: dream days 字数: 每页4000字

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possessing distinction; marked with a character that did not

depend on lichen or on crumbling semi…effacement of moulding and

mullion。  Strangers might have been puzzled to classify it; to

me; an explorer from earliest years; the place was familiar

enough。  Most folk called it 〃The Settlement〃; others; with quite

sufficient conciseness for our neighbourhood; spoke of 〃them

there fellows up by Halliday's〃; others again; with a hint of

derision; named them the 〃monks。〃  This last title I supposed to

be intended for satire; and knew to be fatuously wrong。  I was

thoroughly acquainted with monksin booksand well knew the cut

of their long frocks; their shaven polls; and their fascinating

big dogs; with brandy…bottles round their necks; incessantly

hauling happy travellers out of the snow。  The only dog at the

settlement was an Irish terrier; and the good fellows who owned

him; and were owned by him; in common; wore clothes of the most

nondescript order; and mostly cultivated side…whiskers。  I had

wandered up there one day; searching (as usual) for something I

never found; and had been taken in by them and treated as friend

and comrade。  They had made me free of their ideal little rooms;

full of books and pictures; and clean of the antimacassar taint;

they had shown me their chapel; high; hushed; and faintly

scented; beautiful with a strange new beauty born both of what it

had and what it had notthat too familiar dowdiness of common

places of worship。  They had also fed me in their dining…hall;

where a long table stood on trestles plain to view; and all the

woodwork was natural; unpainted; healthily scrubbed; and

redolent of the forest it came from。  I brought away from that

visit; and kept by me for many days; a sense of cleanness; of the

freshness that pricks the sensesthe freshness of cool spring

water; and the large swept spaces of the rooms; the red tiles;

and the oaken settles; suggested a comfort that had no connexion

with padded upholstery。

On this particular morning I was in much too unsociable a mind

for paying friendly calls。  Still; something in the aspect of the

place harmonised with my humour; and I worked my way round to the

back; where the ground; after affording level enough for a

kitchen…garden; broke steeply away。  Both the word Gothic and the

thing itself were still unknown to me; yet doubtless the

architecture of the place; consistent throughout; accounted for

its sense of comradeship in my hour of disheartenment。  As I

mused there; with the low; grey; purposeful…looking building

before me; and thought of my pleasant friends within; and what

good times they always seemed to be having; and how they larked

with the Irish terrier; whose footing was one of a perfect

equality; I thought of a certain look in their faces; as if they

had a common purpose and a business; and were acting under orders

thoroughly recognised and understood。  I remembered; too;

something that Martha had told me; about these same fellows doing

〃a power o' good;〃 and other hints I had collected vaguely; of

renouncements; rules; self…denials; and the like。  Thereupon; out

of the depths of my morbid soul swam up a new and fascinating

idea; and at once the career of arms seemed over…acted and stale;

and piracy; as a profession; flat and unprofitable。  This; then;

or something like it; should be my vocation and my revenge。 

A severer line of business; perhaps; such as I had read of;

something that included black bread and a hair…shirt。  There

should be vows; tooirrevocable; blood curdling vows; and an

iron grating。  This iron grating was the most necessary feature

of all; for I intended that on the other side of it my relations

should range themselvesI mentally ran over the catalogue; and

saw that the whole gang was present; all in their proper places

a sad…eyed row; combined in tristful appeal。  〃We see our error

now;〃 they would say; 〃we were always dull dogs; slow to catch

especially in those akin to usthe finer qualities of soul!  We

misunderstood you; misappreciated you; and we own up to it。  And

now〃  〃Alas; my dear friends;〃 I would strike in here; waving

towards them an ascetic handone of the emaciated sort; that

lets the light shine through at the finger…tips〃Alas; you

come too late!  This conduct is fitting and meritorious on your

part; and indeed I always expected it of you; sooner or later;

but the die is cast; and you may go home again and bewail at your

leisure this too tardy repentance of yours。  For me; I am vowed

and dedicated; and my relations henceforth are austerity and holy

works。  Once a month; should you wish it; it shall be your

privilege to come and gaze at me through this very solid grating;

but〃  WHACK!

A well…aimed clod of garden soil; whizzing just past my ear;

starred on a tree…trunk behind; spattering me with dirt。  The

present came back to me in a flash; and I nimbly took cover

behind the trees; realising that the enemy was up and abroad;

with ambuscades; alarms; and thrilling sallies。  It was the

gardener's boy; I knew well enough; a red proletariat; who hated

me just because I was a gentleman。  Hastily picking up a nice

sticky clod in one hand; with the other I delicately projected my

hat beyond the shelter of the tree…trunk。  I had not fought with

Red…skins all these years for nothing。

As I had expected; another clod; of the first class for size and

stickiness; took my poor hat full in the centre。  Then; Ajax…

like; shouting terribly; I issued from shelter and discharged my

ammunition。  Woe then for the gardener's boy; who; unprepared;

skipping in premature triumph; took the clod full in his stomach!

He; the foolish one; witless on whose side the gods were fighting

that day; discharged yet other missiles; wavering and wide of the

mark; for his wind had been taken with the first clod; and he

shot wildly; as one already desperate and in flight。  I got

another clod in at short range; we clinched on the brow of the

hill; and rolled down to the bottom together。  When he had

shaken himself free and regained his legs; he trotted smartly off

in the direction of his mother's cottage; but over his shoulder

he discharged at me both imprecation and deprecation; menace

mixed up with an under…current of tears。

But as for me; I made off smartly for the road; my frame

tingling; my head high; with never a backward look at the

Settlement of suggestive aspect; or at my well…planned future

which lay in fragments around it。  Life had its jollities; then;

life was action; contest; victory!  The present was rosy once

more; surprises lurked on every side; and I was beginning to feel

villainously hungry。

Just as I gained the road a cart came rattling by; and I rushed

for it; caught the chain that hung below; and swung thrillingly

between the dizzy wheels; choked and blinded with delicious…

smelling dust; the world slipping by me like a streaky ribbon

below; till the driver licked at me with his whip; and I had to

descend to earth again。  Abandoning the beaten track; I then

struck homewards through the fields; not that the way was very

much shorter; but rather because on that route one avoided the

bridge; and had to splash through the stream and get refreshingly

wet。  Bridges were made for narrow folk; for people with aims and

vocations which compelled abandonment of many of life's highest

pleasures。  Truly wise men called on each element alike to

minister to their joy; and while the touch of sun…bathed air; the

fragrance of garden soil; the ductible qualities of mud; and the

spark…whirling rapture of playing with fire; had each their

special charm; they did not overlook the bliss of getting their

feet wet。  As I came forth on the common Harold broke out of an

adjoining copse and ran to meet me; the morning rain…clouds

all blown away from his face。  He had made a new squirrel…stick;

it seemed。  Made it all himself; melted the lead and everything! 

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