贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > dream days >


dream days-第23章

小说: dream days 字数: 每页4000字

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such a lot of bother!〃

〃My young friend; you shut up;〃 said the dragon severely。 

〃Believe me; St。 George;〃 he went on; 〃there's nobody in the

world I'd sooner oblige than you and this young gentleman here。 

But the whole thing's nonsense; and conventionality; and popular

thick…headedness。  There's absolutely nothing to fight about;

from beginning to end。  And anyhow I'm not going to; so that

settles it!〃

〃But supposing I make you?〃 said St。 George; rather nettled。

〃You can't;〃 said the dragon; triumphantly。  〃I should only go

into my cave and retire for a time down the hole I came up。 

You'd soon get heartily sick of sitting outside and waiting

for me to come out and fight you。  And as soon as you'd really

gone away; why; I'd come up again gaily; for I tell you frankly;

I like this place; and I'm going to stay here!〃

St。 George gazed for a while on the fair landscape around them。 

〃But this would be a beautiful place for a fight;〃 he began again

persuasively。  〃These great bare rolling Downs for the arena;

and me in my golden armour showing up against your big blue scaly

coils!  Think what a picture it would make!〃

〃Now you're trying to get at me through my artistic

sensibilities;〃 said the dragon。  〃But it won't work。  Not but

what it would make a very pretty picture; as you say;〃 he added;

wavering a little。

〃We seem to be getting rather nearer to BUSINESS;〃 put in the

Boy。  〃You must see; dragon; that there's got to be a fight

of some sort; 'cos you can't want to have to go down that dirty

old hole again and stop there till goodness knows when。〃

〃It might be arranged;〃 said St。 George; thoughtfully。  〃I

MUST spear you somewhere; of course; but I'm not bound to hurt

you very much。  There's such a lot of you that there must be a

few SPARE places somewhere。  Here; for instance; just behind

your foreleg。  It couldn't hurt you much; just here!〃

〃Now you're tickling; George;〃 said the dragon; coyly。  〃No; that

place won't do at all。  Even if it didn't hurt;and I'm sure it

would; awfully;it would make me laugh; and that would spoil


〃Let's try somewhere else; then;〃 said St。 George; patiently。 

〃Under your neck; for instance;all these folds of thick skin;

if I speared you here you'd never even know I'd done it!〃

〃Yes; but are you sure you can hit off the right place?〃

asked the dragon; anxiously。

〃Of course I am;〃 said St。 George; with confidence。  〃You leave

that to me!〃

〃It's just because I've GOT to leave it to you that I'm

asking;〃 replied the dragon; rather testily。  〃No doubt you would

deeply regret any error you might make in the hurry of the

moment; but you wouldn't regret it half as much as I should! 

However; I suppose we've got to trust somebody; as we go through

life; and your plan seems; on the whole; as good a one as any。〃

〃Look here; dragon;〃 interrupted the Boy; a little jealous on

behalf of his friend; who seemed to be getting all the worst of

the bargain: 〃I don't quite see where YOU come in!  There's to

be a fight; apparently; and you're to be licked; and what I want

to know is; what are YOU going to get out of it?〃

〃St。 George;〃 said the dragon; 〃Just tell him; please;what will

happen after I'm vanquished in the deadly combat?〃

〃Well; according to the rules I suppose I shall lead you in

triumph down to the market…place or whatever answers to it;〃 said

St。 George。

〃Precisely;〃 said the dragon。  〃And then〃

〃And then there'll be shoutings and speeches and things;〃

continued St。 George。  〃And I shall explain that you're

converted; and see the error of your ways; and so on。〃

〃Quite so;〃 said the dragon。  〃And then?〃

〃Oh; and then〃 said St。 George; 〃why; and then there will be

the usual banquet; I suppose。〃

〃Exactly;〃 said the dragon; 〃and that's where _I_ come in。  Look

here;〃 he continued; addressing the Boy; 〃I'm bored to death

up here; and no one really appreciates me。  I'm going into

Society; I am; through the kindly aid of our friend here; who's

taking such a lot of trouble on my account; and you'll find I've

got all the qualities to endear me to people who entertain!  So

now that's all settled; and if you don't mindI'm an old…

fashioned fellowdon't want to turn you out; but〃

〃Remember; you'll have to do your proper share of the fighting;

dragon!〃 said St。 George; as he took the hint and rose to go; 〃I

mean ramping; and breathing fire; and so on!〃

〃I can RAMP all right;〃 replied the dragon; confidently; 〃as

to breathing fire; it's surprising how easily one gets out of

practice; but I'll do the best I can。  Goodnight!〃

They had descended the hill and were almost back in the village

again; when St。 George stopped short; 〃KNEW I had

forgotten something;〃 he said。  〃There ought to be a Princess。 

Terror…stricken and chained to a rock; and all that sort of

thing。  Boy; can't you arrange a Princess?〃

The Boy was in the middle of a tremendous yawn。  〃I'm tired to

death;〃 he wailed; 〃and I CAN'T arrange a Princess; or

anything more; at this time of night。  And my mother's sitting

up; and DO stop asking me to arrange more things till


Next morning the people began streaming up to the Downs at quite

an early hour; in their Sunday clothes and carrying baskets with

bottle…necks sticking out of them; every one intent on securing

good places for the combat。  This was not exactly a simple

matter; for of course it was quite possible that the dragon might

win; and in that case even those who had put their money on

him felt they could hardly expect him to deal with his backers on

a different footing to the rest。  Places were chosen; therefore;

with circumspection and with a view to a speedy retreat in case

of emergency; and the front rank was mostly composed of boys who

had escaped from parental control and now sprawled and rolled

about on the grass; regardless of the shrill threats and warnings

discharged at them by their anxious mothers behind。

The Boy had secured a good front place; well up towards the cave;

and was feeling as anxious as a stage…manager on a first night。 

Could the dragon be depended upon?  He might change his mind and

vote the whole performance rot; or else; seeing that the affair

had been so hastily planned; without even a rehearsal; he might

be too nervous to show up。  The Boy looked narrowly at the cave;

but it showed no sign of life or occupation。  Could the

dragon have made a moon…light flitting?

The higher portions of the ground were now black with sightseers;

and presently a sound of cheering and a waving of handkerchiefs

told that something was visible to them which the Boy; far up

towards the dragon…end of the line as he was; could not yet see。 

A minute more and St。 George's red plumes topped the hill; as the

Saint rode slowly forth on the great level space which stretched

up to the grim mouth of the cave。  Very gallant and beautiful he

looked; on his tall war…horse; his golden armour glancing in the

sun; his great spear held erect; the little white pennon;

crimson…crossed; fluttering at its point。  He drew rein and

remained motionless。  The lines of spectators began to give back

a little; nervously; and even the boys in front stopped pulling

hair and cuffing each other; and leaned forward expectant。

〃Now then; dragon!〃 muttered the Boy impatiently; fidgeting where

he sat。  He need not have distressed himself; had he only known。 

The dramatic possibilities of the thing had tickled the dragon

immensely; and he had been up from an early hour; preparing for

his first public appearance with as much heartiness as if the

years had run backwards; and he had been again a little

dragonlet; playing with his sisters on the floor of their

mother's cave; at the game of saints…and…dragons; in which the

dragon was bound to win。

A low muttering; mingled with snorts; now made itself hea

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