贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > dream days >


dream days-第21章

小说: dream days 字数: 每页4000字

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situation properly。  When the other people find you out; they'll

come after you with spears and swords and all sorts of things。 

You'll have to be exterminated; according to their way of

looking at it!  You're a scourge; and a pest; and a baneful


〃Not a word of truth in it;〃 said the dragon; wagging his head

solemnly。  〃Character'll bear the strictest investigation。  And

now; there's a little sonnet…thing I was working on when you

appeared on the scene〃

〃Oh; if you WON'T be sensible;〃 cried the Boy; getting up;

〃I'm going off home。  No; I can't stop for sonnets; my mother's

sitting up。  I'll look you up to…morrow; sometime or other; and

do for goodness' sake try and realize that you're a pestilential

scourge; or you'll find yourself in a most awful fix。  Good…


The Boy found it an easy matter to set the mind of his parents'

at ease about his new friend。  They had always left that branch

to him; and they took his word without a murmur。  The shepherd

was formally introduced and many compliments and kind

inquiries were exchanged。  His wife; however; though expressing

her willingness to do anything she couldto mend things; or set

the cave to rights; or cook a little something when the dragon

had been poring over sonnets and forgotten his meals; as male

things WILL do; could not be brought to recognize him

formally。  The fact that he was a dragon and 〃they didn't know

who he was〃 seemed to count for everything with her。  She made no

objection; however; to her little son spending his evenings with

the dragon quietly; so long as he was home by nine o'clock: and

many a pleasant night they had; sitting on the sward; while the

dragon told stories of old; old times; when dragons were quite

plentiful and the world was a livelier place than it is now; and

life was full of thrills and jumps and surprises。

What the Boy had feared; however; soon came to pass。  The most

modest and retiring dragon in the world; if he's as big

as four cart…horses and covered with blue scales; cannot keep

altogether out of the public view。  And so in the village tavern

of nights the fact that a real live dragon sat brooding in the

cave on the Downs was naturally a subject for talk。  Though the

villagers were extremely frightened; they were rather proud as

well。  It was a distinction to have a dragon of your own; and it

was felt to be a feather in the cap of the village。  Still; all

were agreed that this sort of thing couldn't be allowed to go on。

The dreadful beast must be exterminated; the country…side must be

freed from this pest; this terror; this destroying scourge。  The

fact that not even a hen roost was the worse for the dragon's

arrival wasn't allowed to have anything to do with it。  He was a

dragon; and he couldn't deny it; and if he didn't choose to

behave as such that was his own lookout。  But in spite of

much valiant talk no hero was found willing to take sword and

spear and free the suffering village and win deathless fame; and

each night's heated discussion always ended in nothing。 

Meanwhile the dragon; a happy Bohemian; lolled on the turf;

enjoyed the sunsets; told antediluvian anecdotes to the Boy; and

polished his old verses while meditating on fresh ones。

One day the Boy; on walking in to the village; found everything

wearing a festal appearance which was not to be accounted for in

the calendar。  Carpets and gay…coloured stuffs were hung out of

the windows; the church…bells clamoured noisily; the little

street was flower…strewn; and the whole population jostled each

other along either side of it; chattering; shoving; and ordering

each other to stand back。  The Boy saw a friend of his own age in

the crowd and hailed him。

〃What's up?〃 he cried。  〃Is it the players; or bears; or a

circus; or what?〃

〃It's all right;〃 his friend hailed back。  〃He's a…coming。〃

〃WHO'S a…coming?〃 demanded the Boy; thrusting into the throng。

〃Why; St。 George; of course;〃 replied his friend。  〃He's heard

tell of our dragon; and he's comin' on purpose to slay the deadly

beast; and free us from his horrid yoke。  O my! won't there be a

jolly fight!〃

Here was news indeed!  The Boy felt that he ought to make quite

sure for himself; and he wriggled himself in between the legs of

his good…natured elders; abusing them all the time for their

unmannerly habit of shoving。  Once in the front rank; he

breathlessly awaited the arrival。

Presently from the far…away end of the line came the sound of

cheering。  Next; the measured tramp of a great war…horse

made his heart beat quicker; and then he found himself cheering

with the rest; as; amidst welcoming shouts; shrill cries of

women; uplifting of babies and waving of handkerchiefs; St。

George paced slowly up the street。  The Boy's heart stood still

and he breathed with sobs; the beauty and the grace of the hero

were so far beyond anything he had yet seen。  His fluted armour

was inlaid with gold; his plumed helmet hung at his saddle…bow;

and his thick fair hair framed a face gracious and gentle beyond

expression till you caught the sternness in his eyes。  He drew

rein in front of the little inn; and the villagers crowded round

with greetings and thanks and voluble statements of their wrongs

and grievances and oppressions。  The Boy heard the grave gentle

voice of the Saint; assuring them that all would be well

now; and that he would stand by them and see them righted

and free them from their foe; then he dismounted and passed

through the doorway and the crowd poured in after him。  But the

Boy made off up the hill as fast as he could lay his legs to the


〃It's all up; dragon!〃 he shouted as soon as he was within sight

of the beast。  〃He's coming!  He's here now!  You'll have to pull

yourself together and DO something at last!〃

The dragon was licking his scales and rubbing them with a bit of

house…flannel the Boy's mother had lent him; till he shone like a

great turquoise。

〃Don't be VIOLENT; Boy;〃 he said without looking round。  〃Sit

down and get your breath; and try and remember that the noun

governs the verb; and then perhaps you'll be good enough to tell

me WHO'S coming?〃

〃That's right; take it coolly;〃 said the Boy。  〃Hope you'll be

half as cool when I've got through with my news。  It's only St。

George who's coming; that's all; he rode into the village half…

an…hour ago。  Of course you can lick hima great big fellow like

you!  But I thought I'd warn you; 'cos he's sure to be round

early; and he's got the longest; wickedest…looking spear you ever

did see!〃  And the Boy got up and began to jump round in sheer

delight at the prospect of the battle。

〃O deary; deary me;〃 moaned the dragon; 〃this is too awful。  I

won't see him; and that's flat。  I don't want to know the fellow

at all。  I'm sure he's not nice。  You must tell him to go away at

once; please。  Say he can write if he likes; but I can't give him

an interview。  I'm not seeing anybody at present。〃

〃Now dragon; dragon;〃 said the Boy imploringly; 〃don't be

perverse and wrongheaded。  You've GOT to fight him some time

or other; you know; 'cos he's St。 George and you're the dragon。 

Better get it over; and then we can go on with the sonnets。  And

you ought to consider other people a little; too。  If it's been

dull up here for you; think how dull it's been for me!〃

〃My dear little man;〃 said the dragon solemnly; 〃just understand;

once for all; that I can't fight and I won't fight。  I've never

fought in my life; and I'm not going to begin now; just to give

you a Roman holiday。  In old days I always let the other

fellowsthe EARNEST fellowsdo all the fighting; and no

doubt that's why I have the pleasure of being here now。〃

〃But if you don't fight he'll cut your head off!〃 gasped the Boy;

miserable at the prospect of losing both his fight and his


〃Oh; I think not;〃 said the dragon in his lazy way

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