贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > dream days >


dream days-第14章

小说: dream days 字数: 每页4000字

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not going to waste any time in reading。  A clue; a sign…board; a

finger…post was all I required。  To my dismay and disgust it was

all in a stupid foreign language!  Really; the perversity of some

people made one at times almost despair of the whole race。 

However; the pictures remained; pictures never lied; never

shuffled nor evaded; and as for the story; I could invent it


Over the page I went; shifting the bit of coal to a new position;

and; as the scheme of the picture disengaged itself from out the

medley of colour that met my delighted eyes; first there was a

warm sense of familiarity; then a dawning recognition; and then

O then! along with blissful certainty came the imperious need to

clasp my stomach with both hands; in order to repress the shout

of rapture that struggled to escapeit was my own little city!

I knew it well enough; I recognized it at once; though I had

never been quite so near it before。  Here was the familiar

gateway; to the left that strange; slender tower with its grim;

square head shot far above the walls; to the right; outside the

town; the hillas of oldbroke steeply down to the sea。 

But to…day everything was bigger and fresher and clearer; the

walls seemed newly hewn; gay carpets were hung out over them;

fair ladies and long…haired children peeped and crowded on the

battlements。  Better still; the portcullis was upI could even

catch a glimpse of the sunlit square withinand a dainty company

was trooping through the gate on horseback; two and two。  Their

horses; in trappings that swept the ground; were gay as

themselves; and THEY were the gayest crew; for dress and

bearing; I had ever yet beheld。  It could mean nothing else but a

wedding; I thought; this holiday attire; this festal and solemn

entry; and; wedding or whatever it was; I meant to be there。 

This time I would not be balked by any grim portcullis; this time

I would slip in with the rest of the crowd; find out just what my

little town was like; within those exasperating walls that

had so long confronted me; and; moreover; have my share of the

fun that was evidently going on inside。  Confident; yet

breathless with expectation; I turned the page。

Joy!  At last I was in it; at last I was on the right side of

those provoking walls; and; needless to say; I looked about me

with much curiosity。  A public place; clearly; though not such as

I was used to。  The houses at the back stood on a sort of

colonnade; beneath which the people jostled and crowded。  The

upper stories were all painted with wonderful pictures。  Above

the straight line of the roofs the deep blue of a cloudless sky

stretched from side to side。  Lords and ladies thronged the

foreground; while on a dais in the centre a gallant gentleman;

just alighted off his horse; stooped to the fingers of a girl as

bravely dressed out as Selina's lady between the saints; and

round about stood venerable personages; robed in the most

variegated clothing。  There were boys; too; in plenty; with tiny

red caps on their thick hair; and their shirts had bunched up and

worked out at the waist; just as my own did so often; after

chasing anybody; and each boy of them wore an odd pair of

stockings; one blue and the other red。  This system of attire

went straight to my heart。  I had tried the same thing so often;

and had met with so much discouragement; and here; at last; was

my justification; painted deliberately in a grown…up book!  I

looked about for my saint…friendsthe armour man and the other

fellowbut they were not to be seen。  Evidently they were unable

to get off duty; even for a wedding; and still stood on guard in

that green meadow down below。  I was disappointed; too; that not

an angel was visible。  One or two of them; surely; could easily

have been spared for an hour; to run up and see the show;

and they would have been thoroughly at home here; in the midst of

all the colour and the movement and the fun。

But it was time to get on; for clearly the interest was only just

beginning。  Over went the next page; and there we were; the whole

crowd of us; assembled in a noble church。  It was not easy to

make out exactly what was going on; but in the throng I was

delighted to recognize my angels at last; happy and very much at

home。  They had managed to get leave off; evidently; and must

have run up the hill and scampered breathlessly through the gate;

and perhaps they cried a little when they found the square empty;

and thought the fun must be all over。  Two of them had got hold

of a great wax candle apiece; as much as they could stagger

under; and were tittering sideways at each other as the

grease ran bountifully over their clothes。  A third had strolled

in among the company; and was chatting to a young gentleman; with

whom she appeared to be on the best of terms。  Decidedly; this

was the right breed of angel for us。  None of your sick…bed or

night nursery business for them!

Well; no doubt they were now being married; He and She; just as

always happened。  And then; of course; they were going to live

happily ever after; and THAT was the part I wanted to get to。 

Story…books were so stupid; always stopping at the point where

they became really nice; but this picture…story was only in its

first chapters; and at last I was to have a chance of knowing

HOW people lived happily ever after。  We would all go home

together; He and She; and the angels; and I; and the armour…man

would be invited to come and stay。  And then the story would

really begin; at the point where those other ones always

left off。  I turned the page; and found myself free of the dim

and splendid church and once more in the open country。

This was all right; this was just as it should be。  The sky was a

fleckless blue; the flags danced in the breeze; and our merry

bridal party; with jest and laughter; jogged down to the water…

side。  I was through the town by this time; and out on the other

side of the hill; where I had always wanted to be; and; sure

enough; there was the harbour; all thick with curly ships。  Most

of them were piled high with wedding…presentsbales of silk; and

gold and silver plate; and comfortable…looking bags suggesting

bullion; and the gayest ship of all lay close up to the carpeted

landing…stage。  Already the bride was stepping daintily down the

gangway; her ladies following primly; one by one; a few minutes

more and we should all be aboard; the hawsers would splash

in the water; the sails would fill and strain。  From the deck I

should see the little walled town recede and sink and grow dim;

while every plunge of our bows brought us nearer to the happy

islandit was an island we were bound for; I knew well!  Already

I could see the island…people waving hands on the crowded quay;

whence the little houses ran up the hill to the castle; crowning

all with its towers and battlements。  Once more we should ride

together; a merry procession; clattering up the steep street and

through the grim gateway; and then we should have arrived; then

we should all dine together; then we should have reached home! 

And then


Bitter it is to stumble out of an opalescent dream into the cold

daylight; cruel to lose in a second a sea…voyage; an island; and

a castle that was to be practically your own; but cruellest

and bitterest of all to know; in addition to your loss; that the

fingers of an angry aunt have you tight by the scruff of your

neck。  My beautiful book was gone tooravished from my grasp by

the dressy lady; who joined in the outburst of denunciation as

heartily as if she had been a relativeand naught was left me

but to blubber dismally; awakened of a sudden to the harshness of

real things and the unnumbered hostilities of the actual world。 

I cared little for their reproaches; their abuse; but I sorrowed

heartily for my lost ship; my vanished island; my uneaten dinner;

and for the knowledge that; if I wanted any angels t

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