贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > to the last man >


to the last man-第67章

小说: to the last man 字数: 每页4000字

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arms back close…pressed to him。  〃I knownow;〃 he faltered on。  〃I found
out to…day what I believed。  An' I swear to Godby the memory of my
dead motherdown in my heart I never; never; never believed what 
theywhat y'u tried to make me believe。  NEVER! 〃

〃JeanI love y'ulove y'ulove y'u!〃 she breathed with exquisite;
passionate sweetness。  Her dark eyes burned up into his。

〃Ellen; I can't lift you up;〃 he said; in trembling eagerness; signifiying
his crippled arm。  〃But I can kneel with you! 。 。 。〃


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