贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > to the last man >


to the last man-第30章

小说: to the last man 字数: 每页4000字

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mind and soul。  Motionless she leaned there; meeting the piercing fire
of Isbel's eyes; seeing in them a righteous and terrible scorn。  In one
flash the naked truth seemed blazed at her。  The faith she had fostered
died a sudden death。  A thousand perplexing problems were solved in a
second of whirling; revealing thought。

〃Ellen Jorth; you know your father's in with this Hash Knife Gang
of rustlers;〃 thundered Isbel。

〃Shore;〃 she replied; with the cool; easy; careless defiance of a Texan。

〃You know he's got this Daggs to lead his faction against the Isbels?〃


You know this talk of sheepmen buckin' the cattlemen is all a blind?〃

〃Shore;〃 reiterated Ellen。

Isbel gazed darkly down upon her。  With his anger spent for the moment;
he appeared ready to end the interview。  But he seemed fascinated by
the strange look of her; by the incomprehensible something she emanated。
Havoc gleamed in his pale; set face。  He shook his dark head and his
broad hand went to his breast。

〃To think I fell in love with such as you!〃 he exclaimed; and his
other hand swept out in a tragic gesture of helpless pathos and impotence。

The hell Isbel had hinted at now possessed Ellenbody; mind; and soul。
Disgraced; scorned by an Isbel!  Yet loved by him!  In that divination
there flamed up a wild; fierce passion to hurt; to rend; to flay; to
fling back upon him a stinging agony。  Her thought flew upon her like
whips。  Pride of the Jorths!  Pride of the old Texan blue blood!  It
lay dead at her feet; killed by the scornful words of the last of that
family to whom she owed her degradation。  Daughter of a horse thief
and rustler!  Dark and evil and grim set the forces within her;
accepting her fate; damning her enemies; true to the blood of the
Jorths。  The sins of the father must be visited upon the daughter。

〃Shore y'u might have had methat day on the Rimif y'u hadn't
told your name;〃 she said; mockingly; and she gazed into his eyes
with all the mystery of a woman's nature。

Isbel's powerful frame shook as with an ague。  〃Girl; what do you mean?〃

〃Shore; I'd have been plumb fond of havin' y'u make up to me;〃 she
drawled。  It possessed her now with irresistible power; this fact of
the love he could not help。  Some fiendish woman's satisfaction dwelt
in her consciousness of her power to kill the noble; the faithful;
the good in him。

〃Ellen Jorth; you lie!〃 he burst out; hoarsely。

〃Jean; shore I'd been a toy and a rag for these rustlers long enough。
I was tired of them。 。 。 。 I wanted a new lover。 。 。 。 And if y'u
hadn't give yourself away〃

Isbel moved so swiftly that she did not realize his intention until
his hard hand smote her mouth。  Instantly she tasted the hot; salty
blood from a cut lip。

〃Shut up; you hussy!〃 he ordered; roughly。  〃Have you no shame? 。 。 。
My sister Ann spoke well of you。  She made excusesshe pitied you。〃

That for Ellen seemed the culminating blow under which she almost sank。
But one moment longer could she maintain this unnatural and terrible poise。

〃Jean Isbelgo along with y'u;〃 she said; impatiently。  〃I'm waiting
heah for Simm Bruce!〃

At last it was as if she struck his heart。  Because of doubt of himself
and a stubborn faith in her; his passion and jealousy were not proof
against this last stab。  Instinctive subtlety inherent in Ellen had
prompted the speech that tortured Isbel。  How the shock to him rebounded
on her!  She gasped as he lunged for her; too swift for her to move a
hand。  One arm crushed round her like a steel band; the other; hard
across her breast and neck; forced her head back。  Then she tried to
wrestle away。  But she was utterly powerless。  His dark face bent down
closer and closer。  Suddenly Ellen ceased trying to struggle。  She was
like a stricken creature paralyzed by the piercing; hypnotic eyes of a
snake。  Yet in spite of her terror; if he meant death by her; she
welcomed it。

〃Ellen Jorth; I'm thinkin' yetyou lie!〃 he said; low and tense
between his teeth。

〃No!  No!〃 she screamed; wildly。  Her nerve broke there。  She could no
longer meet those terrible black eyes。  Her passionate denial was not
only the last of her shameful deceit; it was the woman of her; repudiating
herself and him; and all this sickening; miserable situation。

Isbel took her literally。  She had convinced him。  And the instant
held blank horror for Ellen。

〃By Godthen I'll have somethin'of you anyway!〃 muttered Isbel; thickly。

Ellen saw the blood bulge in his powerful neck。  She saw his dark; hard
face; strange now; fearful to behold; come lower and lower; till it
blurred and obstructed her gaze。  She felt the swell and ripple and
stretchthen the bind of his muscles; like huge coils of elastic rope。
Then with savage rude force his mouth closed on hers。  All Ellen's
senses reeled; as if she were swooning。  She was suffocating。  The
spasm passed; and a bursting spurt of blood revived her to acute and
terrible consciousness。  For the endless period of one moment he held
her so that her breast seemed crushed。  His kisses burned and braised
her lips。  And then; shifting violently to her neck; they pressed so
hard that she choked under them。  It was as if a huge bat had fastened
upon her throat。

Suddenly the remorseless binding embracesthe hot and savage kisses
fell away from her。  Isbel had let go。  She saw him throw up his hands;
and stagger back a little; all the while with his piercing gaze on her。
His face had been dark purple: now it was white。

〃NoEllen Jorth;〃 he panted; 〃I don'twant any of youthat way。〃
And suddenly he sank on the log and covered his face with his hands。
〃What I loved in youwas what I thoughtyou were。〃

Like a wildcat Ellen sprang upon him; beating him with her fists;
tearing at his hair; scratching his face; in a blind fury。  Isbel
made no move to stop her; and her violence spent itself with her
strength。  She swayed back from him; shaking so that she could
scarcely stand。

〃Y'udamnedIsbel!〃 she gasped; with hoarse passion。  〃Y'u insulted me!〃

〃Insulted you?。 。 。〃laughed Isbel; in bitter scorn。  〃It couldn't be done。〃

〃Oh! 。 。 。 I'll KILL y'u!〃 she hissed。

Isbel stood up and wiped the red scratches on his face。  〃Go ahead。
There's my gun;〃 he said; pointing to his saddle sheath。〃  Somebody's
got to begin this Jorth…Isbel feud。  It'll be a dirty business。  I'm
sick of it already。 。 。 。 Kill me! 。 。 。 First blood for Ellen Jorth!〃

Suddenly the dark grim tide that had seemed to engulf Ellen's very soul
cooled and receded; leaving her without its false  strength。  She began
to sag。  She stared at Isbel's gun。  〃Kill him;〃 whispered the retreating
voices of her hate。  But she was as powerless as if she were still held
in Jean Isbel's giant embrace。

〃II want tokill y'u;〃 she whispered; 〃but I cain't。 。 。 。
Leave me。〃

〃You're no Jorththe same as I'm no Isbel。  We oughtn't be mixed in
this deal;〃 he said; somberly。  〃I'm sorrier for you than I am for
myself。 。 。 。 You're a girl。 。 。 。 You once had a good mothera decent
home。  And this life you've led heremean as it's beenis nothin' to
what you'll face now。  Damn the men that brought you to this!  I'm goin'
to kill some of them。〃

With that he mounted and turned away。  Ellen called out for him to take
his horse。  He did not stop nor look back。  She called again; but her
voice was fainter; and Isbel was now leaving at a trot。  Slowly she
sagged against the tree; lower and lower。  He headed into the trail
leading up the canyon。  How strange a relief Ellen felt!  She watched
him ride into the aspens and start up the slope; at last to disappear
in the pines。  It seemed at the moment that he took with him something
which had been hers。  A pain in her head dulled the thoughts that
wavered to and fro。  After he had gone she could not see so well。
Her eyes were tired。  What had happened to her?  There was blood on
her hands。  Isbel's blood!  She shuddered。  Was it an omen?  Lower
she sank against the tree and closed her eyes。

Old John Sprague did not return。  Hours dragged bydark hours for
Ellen Jorth lying prostrate beside the tree; hiding the blue sky and
golden sunlight from her eyes。  At length 

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