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  • 大小:42K
  • 热度: 36
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2017-03-20


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the birthday of the infanta 上传者:怀疑一切

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THE BIRTHDAY OF THE INFANTA[TO MRS. WILLIAM H. GRENFELL OF TAPLOW COURT - LADY DESBOROUGH]It was the birthday of the Infanta. She was just twelve years ofage, and the sun was shining brightly in the gardens of the palace.Although she was a real Princess and the Infanta of Spain, she hadonly one birthday every year, just like the children of quite poorpeople, so it was naturally a matter of great importance to thewhole country that she should have a really fine day for theoccasion. And a really fine day it certainly was. The tallstriped tulips stood straight up upon their stalks, like long rowsof soldiers, and looked defiantly across the grass at the roses,...


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