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napoleon bonaparte, v4-第21章

小说: napoleon bonaparte, v4 字数: 每页4000字

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awaking was as amiable as his manner was pleasant。  The report of an
aide…de…camp being finished; Napoleon went to sleep again as easily as if
his sleep had not been interrupted。

During the three or four hours preceding an engagement; the Emperor spent
most of the time with large maps spread out before him; the places on
which he marked with pins with heads of different colored wax。

I have already said that all the persons of the Emperor's household
emulated each other in seeking the surest and promptest means of carrying
out his wishes; and everywhere; whether in traveling or on the campaign;
his table; his coffee; his bed; or even his bath could be prepared in
five minutes。  How many times were we obliged to remove; in still less
time; corpses of men and horses; to set up his Majesty's tent。

In one of the campaigns beyond the Rhine we were delayed in a poor
village; and; in order to prepare the Emperor's lodging; were obliged to
use a peasant's hut; which had served as a field hospital; and we began
preparations by carrying away the dismembered limbs; and washing up the
stains of blood; this labor being finished; and everything almost in
order; in less than…half an hour。

The Emperor; sometimes slept a quarter or half an hour on the field of
battle when he was fatigued; or wished to await more patiently the result
of the orders he had given。

While on the road to Potsdam; we were overtaken by a violent storm; which
became so severe; and the rain so heavy; that we were obliged to stop and
take refuge in a neighboring house on the road。  Well wrapped in his gray
overcoat; and not thinking that he could be recognized; the Emperor was
much surprised to see; as he entered the house; a young woman who seemed
to tremble at his presence。  He ascertained that she was an Egyptian; who
had retained for my master the religious veneration which all the Arabs
bore him; and was the widow of an officer of the army of Egypt; whom
chance had led to the same house in Saxony where he had been welcomed。
The Emperor granted her a pension of twelve hundred francs; and took upon
himself the education of her son; the only legacy left her by her
husband。  〃This is the first time;〃 said Napoleon; that I have alighted
to avoid a storm; I had a presentiment that an opportunity of doing good
awaited me here。〃

The loss of the battle of Jena had struck the Prussians with such terror;
and the court had fled with such precipitation; that everything had been
left in the royal residences; and; consequently; on his arrival at
Potsdam; the Emperor found there the sword of the great Frederick; his
gorget; the grand cordon of his order; and his alarm…clock; and had them
carried to Paris; to be preserved at the Hotel des Invalides。  〃I prefer
these trophies;〃 said his Majesty; 〃to all the treasures of the King of
Prussia; I will send them to my old soldiers of the campaign of Hanover;
who will guard them as a trophy of the victories of the grand army; and
of the revenge that it has taken for the disaster of Rosbach。〃  The
Emperor the same day ordered the removal to his capital of the column
raised by the great Frederick to perpetuate the remembrance of the defeat
of the French at Rosbach。'At Rosbach; November; 1757; the French; under
Prince de Soubise; had been shamefully defeated by Frederick the Great'
He might have contented himself with changing the inscription。

Napoleon remained at the chateau of Charlottenburg; where he had
established his headquarters; until the regiments of the guard had
arrived from all points; and as soon as they were assembled; orders were
given to put themselves in full uniform; which was done in the little
wood before the town。  The Emperor made his entry into the capital of
Prussia between ten and eleven o'clock in the morning; surrounded by his
aides…de…camp; and the officers of his staff; all the regiments filing
before him in the most perfect order; drums and music at their head; and
the fine appearance of the troops excited the admiration of the

Having entered Berlin in the suite of the Emperor; we arrived at the town
square; in the midst of which a bust of the great Frederick had been
placed。  The name of this monarch is so popular at Berlin; and; in fact;
throughout all Prussia; that on many occasions; when any one by chance
pronounced it; either in a caf?or in any other public place; or even in
private assemblies; I have seen every one present rise; and lift his hat
with an air of the most profound respect and genuine adoration。

When the Emperor arrived in front of the bust; he described a semicircle
at a gallop; followed by his staff; and lowering the point of his sword;
while uncovering his head; was the first to salute the image of Frederick
II。  His staff followed his example; and all the general and other
officers who composed it ranged themselves in a semicircle around the
bust; with the Emperor in the center。  His Majesty gave orders that each
regiment should present arms in defiling before the bust; which maneuver
was not to the taste of some grumblers of the first regiment of the
Guard; who; with moustaches scorched; and faces still blackened with the
powder of Jena; would have better liked an order for lodgings with the
bourgeois than all this parade; and took no pains to conceal their ill…
humor。  There was one; among others; who; as he passed in front of the
bust and before the Emperor; exclaimed between his teeth; without moving
a muscle of his face; but still loud enough to be heard by his Majesty;
〃Damn the bust。〃  His Majesty pretended not to hear; but that evening he
repeated with a laugh the words of the old soldier。

His Majesty alighted at the chateau; where his lodging was prepared; and
the officers of his household had preceded him。  Having learned that the
electoral princess of Hesse…Cassel; sister of the king; was still ill at
the end of her confinement; the Emperor ascended to the apartment of this
princess; and; after quite a long visit; gave orders that she should be
treated with all the deference due to her rank and unfortunate situation。


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