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napoleon bonaparte, v4-第15章

小说: napoleon bonaparte, v4 字数: 每页4000字

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Two days after; the Emperor Francis sought an audience of his Majesty; to
demand peace; and before the end of December a treaty was concluded; by
which; the Elector of Bavaria and the Duke of Wurtemburg; faithful allies
of the Emperor Napoleon; were made kings。  In return for this elevation;
of which he alone was the author; his Majesty demanded and obtained for
Prince Eugene; viceroy of Italy; the hand of the Princess Augusta Amelia
of Bavaria。

During his sojourn at Vienna; the Emperor had established his
headquarters at Schoenbrunn; the name of which has become celebrated by
the numerous sojourns of his Majesty there; and is to…day; by a singular
coincidence; the residence of his son。 'The Duke de Reichstadt; born
King of Rome; died July; 1832; soon after Constant wrote。'

I am not certain whether it was during this first sojourn at Schoenbrunn
that his Majesty had the extraordinary encounter that I shall now relate。
His Majesty; in the uniform of colonel of the chasseurs of the guard;
rode every day on horseback; and one morning; while on the road to
Vienna; saw approaching a clergyman; accompanied by a woman weeping
bitterly; who did not recognize him。  Napoleon approached the carriage;
and inquired the cause of her grief; and the object and end of her
journey。  〃Monsieur;〃 replied she; 〃I live at a village two leagues from
here; in a house which has been pillaged by soldiers; and my gardener has
been killed。  I am now on my way to demand a safeguard from your Emperor;
who knew my family well; and is under great obligations to them。〃〃What
is your name; Madame?〃〃De Bunny。  I am the daughter of Monsieur de
Marbeuf; former governor of Corsica。〃〃I am charmed; Madame;〃 replied
Napoleon; 〃to find an opportunity of serving you。  I am the Emperor。〃
Madame de Bunny remained speechless with astonishment; but Napoleon
reassured her; and continuing his route; requested her to go on and await
him at his headquarters。  On his return he received her; and treated her
with remarkable kindness; gave her an escort of the chasseurs of the
guard; and dismissed her happy and satisfied。

As soon as the day of Austerlitz was gained; the Emperor hastened to send
the courier Moustache to France to announce the news to the Empress; who
was then at the chateau of Saint…Cloud。  It was nine o'clock in the
evening when loud cries of joy were suddenly heard; and the galloping of
a horse at full speed; accompanied by the sound of bells; and repeated
blows of the whip which announced a courier。  The Empress; who was
awaiting with the greatest impatience news from the army; rushed to the
window; opened it hurriedly; and the words victory and Austerlitz fell on
her ears。  Eager to know the details; she ran down the steps; followed by
her ladies; and Moustache in the most excited manner related the
marvelous news; and handed her Majesty the Emperor's letter; which
Josephine read; and then drawing a handsome diamond ring from her finger;
gave it to the courier。  Poor Moustache had galloped more than fifty
leagues that day; and was so exhausted that he had to be lifted from his
horse and placed in bed; which it required four persons to accomplish。
His last horse; which he had doubtless spared less than the others; fell
dead in the court of the chateau。


The Emperor having left Stuttgard; stopped only twenty…four hours at
Carlsruhe; and forty…eight hours at Strasburg; and between that place and
Paris made only short halts; without manifesting his customary haste;
however; or requiring of the postilions the break…neck speed he usually

As we were ascending the hill of Meaux; and while the Emperor was so
engrossed in reading a book that he paid no attention to what was passing
on the road; a young girl threw herself against the door of his Majesty's
carriage; and clung there in spite of the efforts to remove her; not very
vigorous in truth; made by the cavaliers of the escort。  At last she
succeeded in opening the door; and threw herself at the Emperor's feet。
The Emperor; much surprised; exclaimed; 〃What the devil does this foolish
creature want with me?〃  Then recognizing the young lady; after having
scrutinized her features more closely; he added in very evident anger;
〃Ah; is it you again?  will you never let me alone?〃  The young girl;
without being intimidated by this rude welcome; said through her sobs
that the only favor she now came to ask for her father was that his
prison might be changed; and that he might be removed from the Chateau
d'If; the dampness of which was ruining his health; to the citadel of
Strasburg。  〃No; no;〃 cried the Emperor; 〃don't count on that。  I have
many other things to do beside receiving visits from you。  If I granted
you this demand; in eight days you would think of something else you
wished。〃  The poor girl insisted; with a firmness worthy of better
success; but the Emperor was inflexible; and on arriving at the top of
the hill he said to her; 〃I hope you will now alight and let me proceed
on my journey。  I regret it exceedingly; but what you demand of me is
impossible。〃  And he thus dismissed her; refusing to listen longer。

While this was occurring I was ascending the hill on foot; a few paces
from his Majesty's carriage; and when this disagreeable scene was over;
the young lady; being forced to leave without having obtained what she
desired; passed on before me sobbing; and I recognized Mademoiselle
Lajolais; whom I had already seen in similar circumstances; but where her
courageous devotion to her parents had met with better success。

General Lajolais had been arrested; as well as all his family; on the
18th Fructidor。  After being confined for twenty…eight months; he had
been tried at Strasburg by a council of war; held by order of the First
Consul; and acquitted unanimously。

Later; when the conspiracy of Generals Pichegru; Moreau; George Cadoudal;
and of Messieurs de Polignac; de Riviere; etc。; were discovered; General
Lajolais; who was also concerned therein; was condemned to death。  His
daughter and his wife were transferred from Strasburg to Paris by the
police; and Madame Lajolais was placed in the most rigorous close
confinement; while her daughter; now separated from her; took refuge with
friends of her family。  It was then that this young person; barely
fourteen years old; displayed a courage and strength of character unusual
at her age; and on learning that her father was condemned to death; she
set out at four o'clock in the morning; without confiding her resolution
to any one; alone; on foot; and without a guide; with no one to introduce
her; and presented herself weeping at the chateau of Saint…Cloud; where
the Emperor then was。

She succeeded in gaining an entrance into the chateau only after much
opposition; but not allowing herself to be rebuffed by any obstacle; she
finally presented herself before me; saying; 〃Monsieur; I have been
promised that you would conduct me instantly to the Emperor〃 (I do not
know who had told her this)。  〃I ask of you only this favor; do not
refuse it; I beg!〃 and moved by her confidence and her despair; I went to
inform her Majesty the Empress。

She was deeply touched by the resolution and the tears of one so young;
but did not dare; nevertheless; to promise her support at once; for fear
of awakening the anger of the Emperor; who was very much incensed against
those who were concerned in this conspiracy; and ordered me to say to the
young daughter of Lajolais that she was grieved to be able to do nothing
for her just then; but that she might return to Saint…Cloud the next day
at five o'clock in the morning; and meanwhile she and Queen Hortense
would consult together as to the best means of placing her in the
Emperor's way。  The young girl returned next day at the appointed hour;
and her Majesty the Empress had her stationed in the green saloon; and
there she awaited ten hours; the moment when the Emperor; coming out from
the council…chamber; would cross this room to enter his cabinet。

The Empress and her august daughter gave orders that breakfast; and then
dinner; should be served to her; and came in person to beg her to

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