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the old bachelor-第5章

小说: the old bachelor 字数: 每页4000字

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a; ha; ha!

SHARP。  How!  'Angrily。'

SIR JO。  Stay; stay; sir; let me recollecthe's a damned angry fellowI believe I had better remember him; until I can get out of his sight; but out of sight out of mind; agad。  'Aside。'

SHARP。  Methought the service I did you last night; sir; in preserving you from those ruffians; might have taken better root in your shallow memory。

SIR JO。  Gads…daggers…belts…blades and scabbards; this is the very gentleman!  How shall I make him a return suitable to the greatness of his merit?  I had a pretty thing to that purpose; if he ha'n't frighted it out of my memory。  Hem! hem! sir; I most submissively implore your pardon for my transgression of ingratitude and omission; having my entire dependence; sir; upon the superfluity of your goodness; which; like an inundation; will; I hope; totally immerge the recollection of my error; and leave me floating; in your sight; upon the full…blown bladders of repentanceby the help of which; I shall once more hope to swim into your favour。  'Bows。'

SHARP。  So…h; oh; sir; I am easily pacified; the acknowledgment of a gentleman …

SIR JO。  Acknowledgment!  Sir; I am all over acknowledgment; and will not stick to show it in the greatest extremity by night or by day; in sickness or in health; winter or summer; all seasons and occasions shall testify the reality and gratitude of your superabundant humble servant; Sir Joseph Wittoll; knight。  Hem! hem!

SHARP。  Sir Joseph Wittoll?

SIR JO。  The same; sir; of Wittoll Hall in COMITATU Bucks。

SHARP。  Is it possible!  Then I am happy to have obliged the mirror of knighthood and pink of courtesie in the age。  Let me embrace you。

SIR JO。  O Lord; sir!

SHARP。  My loss I esteem as a trifle repaid with interest; since it has purchased me the friendship and acquaintance of the person in the world whose character I admire。

SIR JO。  You are only pleased to say so; sir。  But; pray; if I may be so bold; what is that loss you mention?

SHARP。  Oh; term it no longer so; sir。  In the scuffle last night I only dropt a bill of a hundred pound; which; I confess; I came half despairing to recover; but; thanks to my better fortune …

SIR JO。  You have found it; sir; then; it seems; I profess I'm heartily glad …

SHARP。  Sir; your humble servant。  I don't question but you are; that you have so cheap an opportunity of expressing your gratitude and generosity; since the paying so trivial a sum will wholly acquit you and doubly engage me。

SIR JO。  What a dickens does he mean by a trivial sum?  'Aside。' But ha'n't you found it; sir!

SHARP。  No otherwise; I vow to Gad; but in my hopes in you; sir。

SIR JO。  Humh。

SHARP。  But that's sufficient。  'Twere injustice to doubt the honour of Sir Joseph Wittoll。

SIR JO。  O Lord; sir。

SHARP。  You are above; I'm sure; a thought so low; to suffer me to lose what was ventured in your service; nay; 'twas in a manner paid down for your deliverance; 'twas so much lent you。  And you scorn; I'll say that for you …

SIR JO。  Nay; I'll say that for myself; with your leave; sir; I do scorn a dirty thing。  But; agad; I'm a little out of pocket at present。

SHARP。  Pshaw; you can't want a hundred pound。  Your word is sufficient anywhere。  'Tis but borrowing so much dirt。  You have large acres; and can soon repay it。  Money is but dirt; Sir Joseph… …mere dirt。

SIR JO。  But; I profess; 'tis a dirt I have washed my hands of at present; I have laid it all out upon my Back。

SHARP。  Are you so extravagant in clothes; Sir Joseph?

SIR JO。  Ha; ha; ha; a very good jest; I profess; ha; ha; ha; a very good jest; and I did not know that I had said it; and that's a better jest than t'other。  'Tis a sign you and I ha'n't been long acquainted; you have lost a good jest for want of knowing meI only mean a friend of mine whom I call my Back; he sticks as close to me; and follows me through all dangershe is indeed back; breast; and head…piece; as it were; to me。  Agad; he's a brave fellow。  Pauh; I am quite another thing when I am with him:  I don't fear the devil (bless us) almost if he be by。  Ah! had he been with me last night …

SHARP。  If he had; sir; what then? he could have done no more; nor perhaps have suffered so much。  Had he a hundred pound to lose? 'Angrily'

SIR JO。  O Lord; sir; by no means; but I might have saved a hundred pound:  I meant innocently; as I hope to be saved; sir (a damned hot fellow); only; as I was saying; I let him have all my ready money to redeem his great sword from limbo。  But; sir; I have a letter of credit to Alderman Fondlewife; as far as two hundred pound; and this afternoon you shall see I am a person; such a one as you would wish to have met with …

SHARP。  That you are; I'll be sworn。  'Aside。'  Why; that's great and like yourself。



SIR JO。  Oh; here a' comesAy; my Hector of Troy; welcome; my bully; my Back; agad; my heart has gone a pit pat for thee。

BLUFF。  How now; my young knight?  Not for fear; I hope; he that knows me must be a stranger to fear。

SIR JO。  Nay; agad; I hate fear ever since I had like to have died of a fright。  But …

BLUFF。  But?  Look you here; boy; here's your antidote; here's your Jesuits' powder for a shaking fit。  But who hast thou got with thee? is he of mettle?  'Laying his hand upon his sword。'

SIR JO。  Ay; bully; a devilish smart fellow:  'a will fight like a cock。

BLUFF。  Say you so?  Then I honour him。  But has he been abroad? for every cock will fight upon his own dunghill。

SIR JO。  I don't know; but I'll present you …

BLUFF。  I'll recommend myself。  Sir; I honour you; I understand you love fighting; I reverence a man that loves fighting。  Sir; I kiss your hilts。

SHARP。  Sir; your servant; but you are misinformed; for; unless it be to serve my particular friend; as Sir Joseph here; my country; or my religion; or in some very justifiable cause; I'm not for it。

BLUFF。  O Lord; I beg your pardon; sir; I find you are not of my palate:  you can't relish a dish of fighting without sweet sauce。 Now; I think fighting for fighting sake's sufficient cause; fighting to me's religion and the laws。

SIR JO。  Ah; well said; my Hero; was not that great; sir? by the Lord Harry he says true; fighting is meat; drink; and cloth to him。 But; Back; this gentleman is one of the best friends I have in the world; and saved my life last nightyou know I told you。

BLUFF。  Ay!  Then I honour him again。  Sir; may I crave your name?

SHARP。  Ay; sir; my name's Sharper。

SIR JO。  Pray; Mr。 Sharper; embrace my Back。  Very well。  By the Lord Harry; Mr。 Sharper; he's as brave a fellow as Cannibal; are not you; Bully…Back?

SHARP。  Hannibal; I believe you mean; Sir Joseph。

BLUFF。  Undoubtedly he did; sir; faith; Hannibal was a very pretty fellowbut; Sir Joseph; comparisons are odiousHannibal was a very pretty fellow in those days; it must be grantedbut alas; sir! were he alive now; he would be nothing; nothing in the earth。

SHARP。  How; sir!  I make a doubt if there be at this day a greater general breathing。

BLUFF。  Oh; excuse me; sir!  Have you served abroad; sir?

SHARP。  Not I; really; sir。

BLUFF。  Oh; I thought so。  Why; then; you can know nothing; sir:  I am afraid you scarce know the history of the late war in Flanders; with all its particulars。

SHARP。  Not I; sir; no more than public letters or gazettes tell us。

BLUFF。  Gazette!  Why there again now。  Why; sir; there are not three words of truth the year round put into the Gazette。  I'll tell you a strange thing now as to that。  You must know; sir; I was resident in Flanders the last campaign; had a small post there; but no matter for that。  Perhaps; sir; there was scarce anything of moment done but an humble servant of yours; that shall be nameless; was an eye…witness of。  I won't say had the greatest share in't; though I might say that too; since I name nobody you know。  Well; Mr。 Sharper; would you think it?  In all this time; as I hope for a truncheon; this rascally gazette…writer never so much as once mentioned menot once; by the warstook no more notice than as if Nol。 Bluffe had not been in the land of the living。

SHARP。  Strange!

SIR JO。  Yet; by the Lord H

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