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the old bachelor-第1章

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The Old Bachelor

by William Congreve

Quem tulit ad scenam ventoso Gloria curru; Exanimat lentus spectator; sedulus inflat: Sic leve; sic parvum est; animum quod laudis avarum Subruit; and reficit。

HORAT。  Epist。 I。 lib。 ii。

To the Right Honourable Charles; Lord Clifford of Lanesborough; etc。

My Lord;It is with a great deal of pleasure that I lay hold on this first occasion which the accidents of my life have given me of writing to your lordship:  for since at the same time I write to all the world; it will be a means of publishing (what I would have everybody know) the respect and duty which I owe and pay to you。  I have so much inclination to be yours that I need no other engagement。  But the particular ties by which I am bound to your lordship and family have put it out of my power to make you any compliment; since all offers of myself will amount to no more than an honest acknowledgment; and only shew a willingness in me to be grateful。

I am very near wishing that it were not so much my interest to be your lordship's servant; that it might be more my merit; not that I would avoid being obliged to you; but I would have my own choice to run me into the debt:  that I might have it to boast; I had distinguished a man to whom I would be glad to be obliged; even without the hopes of having it in my power ever to make him a return。

It is impossible for me to come near your lordship in any kind and not to receive some favour; and while in appearance I am only making an acknowledgment (with the usual underhand dealing of the world) I am at the same time insinuating my own interest。  I cannot give your lordship your due; without tacking a bill of my own privileges。  'Tis true; if a man never committed a folly; he would never stand in need of a protection。  But then power would have nothing to do; and good nature no occasion to show itself; and where those qualities are; 'tis pity they should want objects to shine upon。  I must confess this is no reason why a man should do an idle thing; nor indeed any good excuse for it when done; yet it reconciles the uses of such authority and goodness to the necessities of our follies; and is a sort of poetical logic; which at this time I would make use of; to argue your lordship into a protection of this play。  It is the first offence I have committed in this kind; or indeed; in any kind of poetry; though not the first made public; and therefore I hope will the more easily be pardoned。  But had it been acted; when it was first written; more might have been said in its behalf:  ignorance of the town and stage would then have been excuses in a young writer; which now almost four years' experience will scarce allow of。  Yet I must declare myself sensible of the good nature of the town; in receiving this play so kindly; with all its faults; which I must own were; for the most part; very industriously covered by the care of the players; for I think scarce a character but received all the advantage it would admit of from the justness of the action。

As for the critics; my lord; I have nothing to say to; or against; any of them of any kind:  from those who make just exceptions; to those who find fault in the wrong place。  I will only make this general answer in behalf of my play (an answer which Epictetus advises every man to make for himself to his censurers); viz。: 'That if they who find some faults in it; were as intimate with it as I am; they would find a great many more。'  This is a confession; which I needed not to have made; but however; I can draw this use from it to my own advantage:  that I think there are no faults in it but what I do know; which; as I take it; is the first step to an amendment。

Thus I may live in hopes (sometime or other) of making the town amends; but you; my lord; I never can; though I am ever your lordship's most obedient and most humble servant;


To Mr。 Congreve。

When virtue in pursuit of fame appears; And forward shoots the growth beyond the years。 We timely court the rising hero's cause; And on his side the poet wisely draws; Bespeaking him hereafter by applause。 The days will come; when we shall all receive Returning interest from what now we give; Instructed and supported by that praise And reputation which we strive to raise。 Nature so coy; so hardly to be wooed; Flies; like a mistress; but to be pursued。 O Congreve! boldly follow on the chase: She looks behind and wants thy strong embrace: She yields; she yields; surrenders all her charms; Do you but force her gently to your arms: Such nerves; such graces; in your lines appear; As you were made to be her ravisher。 Dryden has long extended his command; By right divine; quite through the muses' land; Absolute lord; and holding now from none; But great Apollo; his undoubted crown。 That empire settled; and grown old in power Can wish for nothing but a successor: Not to enlarge his limits; but maintain Those provinces; which he alone could gain。 His eldest Wycherly; in wise retreat; Thought it not worth his quiet to be great。 Loose; wand'ring Etherege; in wild pleasures tost; And foreign int'rests; to his hopes long lost: Poor Lee and Otway dead!  Congreve appears; The darling; and last comfort of his years。 May'st thou live long in thy great master's smiles; And growing under him; adorn these isles。 But whenwhen part of him (be that but late) His body yielding must submit to fate; Leaving his deathless works and thee behind (The natural successor of his mind); Then may'st thou finish what he has begun: Heir to his merit; be in fame his son。 What thou hast done; shews all is in thy pow'r; And to write better; only must write more。 'Tis something to be willing to commend; But my best praise is; that I am your friend;


To Mr。 Congreve。

The danger's great in these censorious days; When critics are so rife to venture praise: When the infectious and ill…natured brood Behold; and damn the work; because 'tis good; And with a proud; ungenerous spirit; try To pass an ostracism on poetry。 But you; my friend; your worth does safely bear Above their spleen; you have no cause for fear; Like a well…mettled hawk; you took your flight Quite out of reach; and almost out of sight。 As the strong sun; in a fair summer's day; You rise; and drive the mists and clouds away; The owls and bats; and all the birds of prey。 Each line of yours; like polished steel's so hard; In beauty safe; it wants no other guard。 Nature herself's beholden to your dress; Which though still like; much fairer you express。 Some vainly striving honour to obtain; Leave to their heirs the traffic of their brain: Like China under ground; the ripening ware; In a long time; perhaps grows worth our care。 But you now reap the fame; so well you've sown; The planter tastes his fruit to ripeness grown。 As a fair orange…tree at once is seen Big with what's ripe; yet springing still with green; So at one time; my worthy friend appears; With all the sap of youth; and weight of years。 Accept my pious love; as forward zeal; Which though it ruins me I can't conceal: Exposed to censure for my weak applause; I'm pleased to suffer in so just a cause; And though my offering may unworthy prove; Take; as a friend; the wishes of my love。


To Mr。 Congreve; on his play called The Old Bachelor。

Wit; like true gold; refined from all allay; Immortal is; and never can decay: 'Tis in all times and languages the same; Nor can an ill translation quench the flame: For; though the form and fashion don't remain; The intrinsic value still it will retain。 Then let each studied scene be writ with art; And judgment sweat to form the laboured part。 Each character be just; and nature seem: Without th' ingredient; wit; 'tis all but phlegm: For that's the soul; which all the mass must move; And wake our passions into grief or love。 But you; too bounteous; sow your wit so thick; We are surprised; and know not where to pick; And while with clapping we are just to you; Ourselves we injure; and lose something new。 What mayn't we then; great youth; of thee presage; Whose art and wit so much transcend thy age? How wilt thou shine at thy meridian height; Who; at thy rising; giv'st so vast a light?

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