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disordered with thought and overwatching; that he spoke much worse

than usual。 And so now; on quitting his litter to commence the cause

of Milo; at the sight of Pompey; posted as it were; and encamped

with his troops above; and seeing arms shining round about the

Forum; he was so confounded that he could hardly begin his speech

for the trembling of his body and hesitance of his tongue; whereas

Milo; meantime; was bold and intrepid in his demeanour; disdaining

either to let his hair grow or to put on the mourning habit。 And this;

indeed; seems to have been one principal cause of his condemnation。

Cicero; however; was thought not so much to have shown timidity for

himself; as anxiety about his friend。

  He was made one of the priests; whom the Romans call Augurs; in

the room of Crassus the younger; dead in Parthia。 Then he was

appointed by lot to the province of Cilicia; and set sail thither with

twelve thousand foot and two thousand six hundred horse。 He had orders

to bring back Cappadocia to its allegiance to Ariobarzanes; its

king; which settlement he effected very completely without recourse to

arms。 And perceiving the Cilicians; by the great loss the Romans had

suffered in Parthia; and the commotions in Syria; to have become

disposed to attempt a revolt; by a gentle course of government he

soothed them back into fidelity。 He would accept none of the

presents that were offered him by the kings; he remitted the charge of

public entertainments; but daily at his own house received the

ingenious and accomplished persons of the province; not sumptuously;

but liberally。 His house had no porter; nor was he ever found in bed

by any man; but early in the morning; standing or walking before his

door; he received those who came to offer their salutations。 He is

said never once to have ordered any of those under his command to be

beaten with rods; or to have their garments rent。 He never gave

contumelious language in his anger; nor inflicted punishment with

reproach。 He detected an embezzlement; to a large amount; in the

public money; and thus relieved the cities from their burdens; at

the same time that he allowed those who made restitution to retain

without further punishment their rights as citizens。 He engaged too;

in war; so far as to give a defeat to the banditti who infested

Mount Amanus; for which he was saluted by his army Imperator。 To

Caecilius; the orator; who asked him to send him some panthers from

Cilicia; to be exhibited on the theatre at Rome; he wrote; in

commendation of his own actions; that there were no panthers in

Cilicia; for they were all fled to Caria; in anger that in so

general a peace they had become the sole objects of attack。 On leaving

his province; he touched at Rhodes; and tarried for some length of

time at Athens; longing much to renew his old studies。 He visited

the eminent men of learning; and saw his former friends and

companions; and after receiving in Greece the honours that were due to

him; returned to the city; where everything was now just as it were in

a flame; breaking out into a civil war。

  When the senate would have decreed him a triumph; he told them he

had rather; so differences were accommodated; follow the triumphal

chariot of Caesar。 In private; he gave advice to both; writing many

letters to Caesar; and personally entreating Pompey; doing his best to

soothe and bring to reason both the one and the other。 But when

matters became incurable; and Caesar was approaching Rome; and

Pompey durst not abide it; but; with many honest citizens; left the

city; Cicero as yet did not join in the flight; and was reputed to

adhere to Caesar。 And it is very evident he was in his thoughts much

divided; and wavered painfully between both; for he writes in his

epistles; 〃To which side should I turn? Pompey has the fair and

honourable plea for war; and Caesar; on the other hand; has managed

his affairs better; and is more able to secure himself and his

friends。 So that I know whom I should fly; not whom I should fly

to。〃 But when Trebatius; one of Caesar's friends; by letter

signified to him that Caesar thought it was his most desirable

course to join his party; and partake his hopes; but if he

considered himself too old a man for this; then he should retire

into Greece; and stay quietly there; out of the way of either party;

Cicero; wondering that Caesar had not written himself; gave an angry

reply; that he should not do anything unbecoming his past life。 Such

is the account to be collected from his letters。

  But as soon as Caesar was marched into Spain; he immediately

sailed away to join Pompey。 And he was welcomed by all but Cato;

who; taking him privately; chid him for coming to Pompey。 As for

himself; he said; it had been indecent to forsake that part in the

commonwealth which he had chosen from the beginning; but Cicero

might have been more useful to his country and friends; if;

remaining neuter; he had attended and used his influence to moderate

the result; instead of coming hither to make himself; without reason

or necessity; an enemy to Caesar; and a partner in such great dangers。

  By this language; partly; Cicero's feelings were altered; and

partly; also; because Pompey made no great use of him。 Although;

indeed; he was himself the cause of it; by his not denying that he was

sorry he had come; by his depreciating Pompey's resources; finding

fault underhand with his counsels; and continually indulging in

jests and sarcastic remarks on his fellow…soldiers。 Though he went

about in the camp with a gloomy and melancholy face himself; he was

always trying to raise a laugh in others; whether they wished it or

not。 It may not be amiss to mention a few instances。 To Domitius; on

his preferring to a command one who was no soldier; and saying; in his

defence; that he was a modest and prudent person; he replied; 〃Why did

not you keep him for a tutor for or your children?〃 On hearing

Theophanes; the Lesbian; who was master of the engineers in the

army; praised for the admirable way in which he had consoled the

Rhodians for the loss of their fleet; 〃What a thing it is;〃 he said;

〃to have a Greek in command!〃 When Caesar had been acting

successfully; and in a manner blockading Pompey; Lentulus was saying

it was reported that Caesar's friends were out of heart; 〃Because;〃

said Cicero; 〃they do not wish Caesar well。〃 To one Marcius; who had

just come from Italy; and told them that there was a strong report

at Rome that Pompey was blocked up; he said; 〃And you sailed hither to

see it with your own eyes。〃 To Nonius; encouraging them after a defeat

to be of good hope; because there were seven eagles still left in

Pompey's camp; 〃Good reason for encouragement;〃 said Cicero; 〃if we

were going to fight with jackdaws。〃 Labienus insisted on some

prophecies to the effect that Pompey would gain the victory; 〃Yes;〃

said Cicero; 〃and the first step in the campaign has been losing our


  After the battle of Pharsalia was over; at which he was not

present for want of health; and Pompey was fled; Cato; having

considerable forces and a great fleet at Dyrrachium; would have had

Cicero commander…in…chief; according to law and the precedence of

his consular dignity。 And on his refusing the command; and wholly

declining to take part in their plans for continuing the war; he was

in the greatest danger of being killed; young Pompey and his friends

calling him traitor; and drawing their swords upon him; only that Cato

interposed; and hardly rescued and brought him out of the camp。

  Afterwards; arriving at Brundusium; he tarried there some time in

expectation of Caesar; who was delayed by his affairs in Asia and

Egypt。 And when it was told him that he was arr

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