贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the trees of pride >


the trees of pride-第10章

小说: the trees of pride 字数: 每页4000字

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ts bore fruit at last; if anything so hard and meager and forlorn can be called a fruit。 It weighed loosely in the net as it was lifted; and rolled out on the grassy edge of the well; it was a bone。

Ashe picked it up and stood with it in his hand; frowning。

〃We want Doctor Brown here;〃 he said。  〃This may be the bone of some animal。  Any dog or sheep might fall into a hidden well。〃 Then he broke off; for his companion was already detaching a second bone from the net。

After another half hour's effort Paynter had occasion to remark; 〃It must have been rather a large dog。〃  There were already a heap of such white fragments at his feet。

〃I have seen nothing yet;〃 said Ashe; speaking more plainly。 〃That is certainly a human bone。〃  〃I fancy this must be a human bone;〃 said the American。

And he turned away a little as he handed the other a skull。

There was no doubt of what sort of skull; there was the one unique curve that holds the mystery of reason; and underneath it the two black holes that had held human eyes。 But just above that on the left was another and smaller black hole; which was not an eye。

Then the lawyer said; with something like an effort: 〃We may admit it is a man without admitting it isany particular man。 There may be something; after all; in that yarn about the drunkard; he may have tumbled into the well。  Under certain conditions; after certain natural processes; I fancy; the bones might be stripped in this way; even without the skill of any assassin。 We want the doctor again。〃

Then he added suddenly; and the very sound of his voice suggested that he hardly believed his own words。

〃Haven't you got poor Vane's hat there?〃

He took it from the silent American's hand; and with a sort of hurry fitted it on the bony head。

〃Don't!〃 said the other involuntarily。

The lawyer had put his finger; as the doctor had done; through the hole in the hat; and it lay exactly over the hole in the skull。

〃I have the better right to shrink;〃 he said steadily; but in a vibrant voice。  〃I think I am the older friend。〃

Paynter nodded without speech; accepting the final identification。 The last doubt; or hope; had departed; and he turned to the dragging apparatus; and did not speak till he had made his last find。

The singing of the birds seemed to grow louder about them; and the dance of the green summer leaves was repeated beyond in the dance of the green summer sea。  Only the great roots of the mysterious trees could be seen; the rest being far aloft; and all round it was a wood of little; lively and happy things。 They might have been two innocent naturalists; or even two children fishing for eels or tittlebats on that summer holiday when Paynter pulled up something that weighed in the net more heavily than any bone。 it nearly broke the meshes; and fell against a mossy stone with a clang。

〃Truth lies at the bottom of a well;〃 cried the American; with lift in his voice。  〃The woodman's ax。〃

It lay; indeed; flat and gleaming in the grasses by the well in the wood; just as it had lain in the thicket where the woodman threw it in the beginning of all these things。 But on one corner of the bright blade was a dull brown stain。

〃I see;〃 said Ashe; 〃the woodman's ax; and therefore the Woodman。  Your deductions are rapid。〃

〃My deductions are reasonable;〃 said Paynter; 〃Look here; Mr。 Ashe; I know what you're thinking。  I know you distrust Treherne; but I'm sure you will be just for all that。  To begin with; surely the first assumption is that the woodman's ax is used by the Woodman。  What have you to say to it?〃

〃I say 'No' to it;〃 replied the lawyer。  〃The last weapon a woodman would use would be a woodman's ax; that is if he is a sane man。〃

〃He isn't;〃 said Paynter quietly; 〃you said you wanted the doctor's opinion just now。  The doctor's opinion on this point is the same as my own。  We both found him meandering about outside there; it's obvious this business has gone to his head; at any rate。 If the murderer were a man of business like yourself; what you say might be sound。  But this murderer is a mystic。 He was driven by some fanatical fad about the trees。 It's quite likely he thought there was something solemn and sacrificial about the ax; and would have liked to cut off Vane's head before a crowd; like Charles I's。 He's looking for the ax still; and probably thinks it a holy relic。〃

〃For which reason;〃 said Ashe; smiling; 〃he instantly chucked it down a well。〃

Paynter laughed。

〃You have me there certainly;〃 he said。  〃But I think you have something else in your mind。  You'll say; I suppose; that we were all watching the wood; but were we?  Frankly; I could almost fancy the peacock trees did strike me with a sort of sickness a sleeping sickness。〃

〃Well;〃 admitted Ashe; 〃you have me there too。  I'm afraid I couldn't swear I was awake all the time; but I don't put it down to magic treesonly to a private hobby of going to bed at night。 But look here; Mr。 Paynter; there's another and better argument against any outsider from the village or countryside having committed the crime。  Granted he might have slipped past us somehow; and gone for the Squire。  But why should he go for him in the wood? How did he know he was in the wood?  You remember how suddenly the poor old boy bolted into it; on what a momentary impulse。 'It's the last place where one would normally look for such a man; in the middle of the night。  No; it's an ugly thing to say; but we; the group round that garden table; were the only people who knew。 Which brings me back to the one point in your remarks which I happen to think perfectly true。〃

〃What was that?〃 inquired the other。

〃That the murderer was a mystic;〃 said Ashe。  〃But a cleverer mystic than poor old Martin。〃

Paynter made a murmur of protest; and then fell silent。

〃Let us talk plainly;〃 resumed the lawyer。  〃Treherne had all those mad motives you yourself admit against the woodcutter。 He had the knowledge of Vane's whereabouts; which nobody can possibly attribute to the woodcutter。  But he had much more。 Who taunted and goaded the Squire to go into the wood at all?  Treherne。  Who practically prophesied; like an infernal quack astrologer; that something would happen to him if he did go into the wood?  Treherne。  Who was; for some reason; no matter what; obviously burning with rage and restlessness all that night; kicking his legs impatiently to and fro on the cliff; and breaking out with wild words about it being all over soon?  Treherne。  And on top of all this; when I walked closer to the wood; whom did I see slip out of it swiftly and silently like a shadow; but turning his face once to the moon? On my oath and on my honorTreherne。〃

〃It is awful;〃 said Paynter; like a man stunned。 〃What you say is simply awful。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Ashe seriously; 〃very awful; but very simple。 Treherne knew where the ax was originally thrown。  I saw him; on that day he lunched here first; watching it like a wolf; while Miss Vane was talking to him。  On that dreadful night he could easily have picked it up as he went into the wood。 He knew about the well; no doubt; who was so likely to know any old traditions about the peacock trees?  He hid the hat in the trees; where perhaps he hoped (though the point is unimportant) that nobody would dare to look。  Anyhow; he hid it; simply because it was the one thing that would not sink in the well。  Mr。 Paynter; do you think I would say this of any man in mere mean dislike? Could any man。  say it of any man unless the case was complete; as this is complete?〃

〃It is complete;〃 said Paynter; very pale。  〃I have nothing left against it but a faint; irrational feeling; a feeling that; somehow or other; if poor Vane could stand alive before us at this moment he might tell some other and even more incredible tale。〃

Ashe made a mournful gesture。

〃Can these dry bones live?〃 he said。

〃Lord Thou knowest;〃 answered the other mechanically。 〃Even these dry bones〃

And he stopped suddenly with his mouth open; a blinding light of wonder in his pale eyes。

〃See here;〃 he said hoarsely and hastily。  〃You have said the word。 What does it mean?  What can it mean?  Dry?  Why are these bones dry?〃

The lawyer started and stare

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